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Recent content by palieos

  1. P

    requesting an admin sit

    I will , so you can see that 90% of what he said was false I am not going to play on that server again , that's true. the amount of disrespect you showed being in an authoritative position is appalling and I did not look or even care about your training
  2. P

    requesting an admin sit

    they are still posted as rules , and mr popo has broken them but I agree I did mis the sign , however that did not matter to him I was not interfering with his training , I didn't even see it I was paying attention to my group in the training area from atop a wall and he just grabbed me
  3. P

    requesting an admin sit

    I was playing around with my jet pack in the training room I stood on a wall and was grabbed by an admin with the pyisgun (he was not clocked {braking rule 8You may not use your physgun unless cloaked} then he did not initiate the sit and tied me to a wall blind folded me and would not let me...