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Amped's Developer Application 07/11/17

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EX-Builder Person Thing
Halo RP
Game Maker
Jun 12, 2017
Name: AmpedGamin
Date of joining Revival: Somewhere late april or early may I believe.
Tell us about yourself:
I'm a person who has taken an interest in Gmod addons. I would like to learn how to make addons and maps. I'm sorry that I do not have much knowledge in making addons/configuring addons, but I have an amateur knowledge in mapping, I'm quite good at ULX, and I'd like to learn if I am accepted.
What role are you taking:
Dev/Trial Dev for HaloRP, or any other servers in need.
Why do you want to become a developer for Revival:
I really like the Revival community. I've taken an interest in making maps for Gmod, and would like to help out this server if I can.
What will you bring to the development team:
I will bring a friendly attitude, a willingness to learn, and a lot of ideas.
Can you show/link us your work(Must):
I'm sorry, I don't have any actual work to show. The only thing I've really done is mess around with Gmod mapping, and that's about it. I would like to be a dev to learn, and attempt to help the community. I'm sorry if that is not good enough.
Are you active on Teamspeak: I'm on TS whenever I am in-game, which is quite a bit.
Do you agree to be active on the Development Trello and Kik chat. I will be active if I am accepted.
Do you have a microphone? Yes.


Right now I don't have the time to teach you what I would need you to know. ULX doesnt need to be touched and the majority of what you would be doing is the stuff you dont know. Just watch videos on that stuff, practice, and come back to me when you know more.
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