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An Explanation


big boy
Jan 27, 2017
Hey guys, I am Graylox and I was very active on the Halo, eventually even becoming EL. Then I suddenly left, with no real explanation. Obviously now that I am back I am going to explain myself. About 9 months ago, my dear friend killed himself. He has been my squad mate, my First Sergeant, and even my Company Commander in JROTC through High school. Ricky had a terrible family life, he stayed over at my house a good bit. Some of the older staff have even met him, not by name but just his voice in the background saying dumb shit like "Aren't you a Major? Just order her to suck you off.". After that I had a rough time with my family saying that they are moving to TN at the end of the school year, then to top it off I got prescribed some good old Anxiety meds that really effect my mood alot of the time. I know it isn't any excuse, I probably made some enemies in the process of all of this. I'd like to apologize to Maddox and Zeus especially, leaving ODST out of no where effected the growth of ODST, and loosing an EL out of nowhere isn't the best either. Thank you guys for welcoming me back with open arms, I love all of you and look forward to making new memories.