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Blade's GM Applicantion

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Aug 17, 2019
Whats your name in game? How long do you have in game?: Blade, About 3 months

Do you have any bans/warns?:0

Age (Minimum 15):15

Do you have a microphone?(Required):Yes

Do you have TeamSpeak? If so what is your TeamSpeak name? Yes, VA/Rains/Blade/DinosBlade

Do you have Discord? If so what is your discord name and ID? Yes,

Are you currently staff on a different server? Are you willing to leave that staff position for the one you are applying for? None


Experience with staffing (ULX, other servers, etc.): Yes Twice on ICE DarkRP

How active will you be on the server? Very

Days,Hours Of Availability: Mon-Fri 2:30 to 9 and Saturday 12am to 4pm

Explain why you're a better candidate than other candidates (75+ words): I have a lot of experience with players and what types of events they want. I would give a variety of events from attacking to defending a point of interest and will not mainly focus on one faction. Instead of having chaotic events I want to have events that almost run through as a story. I want to add a sense of mystery to my events that slowly graduate to one big event and I want to make characters that I can come back to and use for the event. I want to make a event that players would want to come back to and enjoy that lasts a long time.

How do you plan to benefit the server? (50+ words): I plan to benefit the server by giving the players something to look forward to. I want to have the number of players up all the time and let the players enjoy them selves with there friends and faction members. I want them to believe that they are actually the character that they play.

List (10) Ulx Commands and what they do(List something other than: cloak,ban,Kick,Warn,TP,Maul,Slay,Gag,): !mute Doesn't let the person type in chat. !strip Removes all weapons and items. !csay Chat pops up on your screen to inform you. !gimp Whatever you type in will say something different than what you typed. !freeze Freezes the player in one spot and doesn't allow them to shoot turn or move. status in console shows everyone in games steam ID. !vote makes a vote on something. !hp sets a persons Health. !ignite sets a person on fire. !ragdoll Makes a player limp and not moveable.

What is In character and what is Out of character? Example In IC I have no clue that spartans are kidnapped at a young age. In ooc I know this and anything oni or something like that knows.

Are you willing to work with a Game Maker Team? Yes, Of course.

What is the purpose of a Game Maker? To make the players have a good time.

Give us a full event idea you have. ( 3 Paragraphs ) So we go to a snow map because we get a distress beacon form another UNSC ship. When we get there we find the ship intact but something seems odd. We get in contact with the Captain of the ship and say's that they were attacked by URF but fought them off in the end. But no body's are to be seen and something seems odd about how the Captain is speaking. The Captain renters the ship but then opens the hanger doors.

As soon as that happens hundreds of flood start to come out but we escape in buggys back to our FOB. We get ready to hold off the flood. We hold off the flood till we can get on the ship. But what we don't know is that a single flood form got onto the ship. We get back to the base like nothing is wrong but them the flood starts to spread around the base.

Everyone on base heads up to the airfield for some sort of ceremony but when they walk back inside. There is something odd in the corner of the room there is a marine that is clearly infected. Around the corner comes more flood. Everyone has to fight off the flood then the ship that had the Flood in it slip space to us. And Broadcast the message "This Captain Gaz of the Ceremonial Fleet this will not be the last time you hear from me you will all be killed this is not a warning" and slip spaces away.

Did any current Gamemaker refer you to apply? If so who? No

I <Blade> Agree and understand that i am not staff, and it is not my job to do staff duties, unless there is 0 staff on i will not use my commands unless needed. I also agree that i will not noclip/abuse my powers.

I, <Blade>, acknowledge that this application is to be filled out with complete honesty. Being accepted will hold me at a higher standard in behavior and demeanor. Not doing my job or abusing will result in an instant demotion.

I,<Blade>, Swear to uphold the server rules, and enforce them.And to stay within the limits and rights given to me by my assigned rank within GM's.And to keep a calm head and clear judgement when dealing with staff and or players, in order to ensure fairness to all who join the server.

And that if i <Blade> am found in violation of the rules i swore to uphold, and of this contract that i can and will be removed from GM's and or staff and forever barred from Re-Applying, along with any other Consequences that are deemed Necessary
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I am Hades, either you know me. Or you dont.
Feb 4, 2018
66113 W Midnight Facility, [REDACTED] Galaxy.
+1 the event idea is not something I have been seeing recently and would love to see this done well. If you are able to improve and expand on details as to what all the server factions would do like you claim to want to do. Reach for a deeper meaning in this event, don't just make this a single mission or even 5. Drag the idea out, make it intense, make the risks of PK real, make the threat of losing real. Other than that, good luck!


Aug 17, 2019
+1 the event idea is not something I have been seeing recently and would love to see this done well. If you are able to improve and expand on details as to what all the server factions would do like you claim to want to do. Reach for a deeper meaning in this event, don't just make this a single mission or even 5. Drag the idea out, make it intense, make the risks of PK real, make the threat of losing real. Other than that, good luck!
I will this is just a start to a story event


Years of Service
Aug 4, 2017
I like that you have a lot of enthusiasm, and you are eager to give the players what they want. I would say maybe put a little more thought in your event idea, but other than that I'm excited to see what you contribute to the gamemaker team.


Dec 4, 2018
Accepted You have already received training. Goodluck and have fun while making events for the players.
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