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Cinesgius Ionarius Character Application


Too Many Years
Staff Blacklisted
Years of Service
Networking Blacklisted
Feb 11, 2017

Steam Name / Steam ID : [RS] Kai / STEAM_0:0:43987401

How long have you played on the server?: 254.78 hours = 10 Days (Last checked 10/21st) But I've been on the server for a longer than that now.

Characters name/nicknames: Cinesgius Ionarius

Characters Race:

Requested position aboard the ship: Co-Pilot/Kodiak Pilot/Sniper

Specific equipment, weaponry, gear, and/or abilities:

Repainted Blue and Black Blackwatch Armor

Characters alignments (Select one, or make one.):
Neutral Good, "Benefactor"

Characters Backstory:


Born in a small dense turian colony of planet Colious named after how cold the climate is compared to other turian colonies but also known for having the recessive trait of white tone, which Anneious and Gaivus Ionarius both had as the two would settle down in a small home nearby a favored school that the staff would come to visit the two as they were heavy volunteers to the school. They would later have a child to take care of which would rarely have a bright tint of blue for his skin tone rather than white, they were awfully mistaken thinking this made their baby a vegetable but no it was just even more of a recessive trait. Once the doctors confirmed it to the parents, Anneious would then name the child Cinesgius Ionarius, he was a smart kid he always took a fascination in space shuttles and ships. He always had gotten documents and resources on many times of ships and freighters only to find his interest in the military, he thought had been acknowledged for Capgras Syndrome and had to be removed from his parents due to it being unsafe as he thought his parents were someone else and attempted to have killed them once or twice with fire but never worked out well due to the conditions of the climate, as the child had suffered from the syndrome he had to be sent to caretakers that were strictly military and had disciplined the hell out of Cinesgius. Soon years later with mostly military education, he was sent into boot camp at the age of fifteen like any other normal turian.

[The Wheel]

Sent right into training he would immediately advance forward into aviation and ship management, as he would be repairing the interior of cockpits easily and flying small ships he had impressed and earned the respect of many other pilots. This furthered Cinesgius's interest in flying he would be extraordinaire through all barriers during many dangerous operations he had swept in a medical evacuation Kodiak and saved many lives in a fast pace which he has been honored for many times. He had some marksman training, it wouldn't be developed further until he was given a sniper rifle of a greater standard one that was being used in the current war of the Reapers. Almost instantaneously his aim with the weapon was perfection and on the spot that would be a quick skill development minute after minute of practicing on the same target range, the same target and the same sniper not one change each day until it was recorded not one time the sniper he was using was a Krysae. He has gotten many kills on the Reapers with the said weapon as it was marked on the gun's tags, he would keep up with these procedures of doing well before one day he was moved out of his position at age twenty to Blackwatch.


As a Blackwatch Squadron Pilot and sniper, he would be sweeping and be dropping off his squad and follow along sometimes. There were other times where he sat in his Kodiak waiting for the mission to be over, stress was delivered as a terrible thing for someone like Cinesgius and working under pressure is not a way to go for him but he fancies himself to be calm and elegant as his practices of being pleasant or kind, he always took that peace of being calm. In battle, he takes that calm until it affects him such as wounds or deaths, that puts him under pressure. One mission was way too much for Cinesgius as his co-pilot in the Kodiak who he had a great bond with, a great best friend his name was Tibinius and he had taken a round of chainguns into the cockpit's windows destroying his head right in front of Cinesgius as he turned the Kodiak into the ground as the people inside would stumble out but safely. Watching his best friend die in front of him that quick was way too much, he would stay in the damaged Kodiak until he was pulled away to safety. It wouldn't be soon that the end of the reaper war was approaching that a frigate needed a pilot, and Cinesgius took a step in as a pilot of the ship that would soon join fleets to end the war, his ship would advance the closest to Palaven during the final hours before the relay had happened where the destruction of Reapers had started. The ship would cheer in victory as Cinesgius lunged down into his chair screaming his victorious pride as he would know the work has been done here and after that, he would have to do no more.


Cinesgius would retire back to Colious as his years of deployment have came to an end, he would stay with his now elder family as he took care of them dearly and the school next to their home would then rename to his name "Cinesgius A. Ionarius Education" as they treated him as a hero due to him being the only veteran in the area. Cinesgius even got to volunteer work in the school for pay, as he was already built up from military currency checks but more was always good for his family. The turian at age twenty-nine was now content, having been a veteran in such a big war, a pilot of many ships and Kodiaks, a Blackwatch, and avenging the people he lost that he now cherishes every day, it wouldn't be soon until his father had passed away to illness he would be in a bit of despair struggling to keep his mother alive with the cold climate of the colony he would then decide to leave the colony to Digeris.


After moving Cinesgius would then decide to find a new place to work under, as then members of Blackwatch would suggest to him to either join a mercenary crew or a joint task force willing for his contract. At first he would try for a mercenary crew of "Althone" but ripped the application for so as they seemed to be idiots. He had then kept his eyes on the Insurgencies of Joint Task Forces and would then send his application, only to be given the assignment of The Aegis, he would get his stuff ready as he had painted his old Blackwatch armor to black and blue, while grabbing his old sniper rifle he would get that cleaned up as well getting the tags of the people he had killed and removing it as he wanted to start off new.

What is your character's goal aboard the ship?:
To take the ship into new measures he would want to reach others out of danger and get to places in and out within a snap knowing how medical evacuations and shortcuts around colonies in case of emergencies he would take that into a way of wanting to be the ship's and the crew's savior.

Why were they hired by PTFC?:
As a low number of fleet, he would be able to fill and go through the requirements with extra work and effort, as he would be able to multi-task and get the piloting jobs done easily as well as using his marksman skills on the ground.
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Too Many Years
Staff Blacklisted
Years of Service
Networking Blacklisted
Feb 11, 2017
Might have to update the backstory if it's too short xP