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Coyote's Devloper Application 5/2/19

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Head of Gamers, The Best Boi, #anticoyotegang
Sep 24, 2018
Edgy location xd
Name (Steam Name): [RS] Coyote

Tell us about yourself: I am 15, and I enjoy playing on the server (I don't like doing this bit, but DM me if you want to know more)

What role are you taking? (Programmer, Server Configurator, Mapper etc.): Server configurator

Please describe your experience in the field relevant to the role you're applying for: Pretty minimal, I can make basic LUA jobs and edit them cleanly. I can cleanly edit server LUA files and the values for them (like weapon values) I understand how to use ULX very well from my experience as a staff member, I can also configure all ULX based parts of add ons. I don't know how to directly change the add ons in the box too well so I'd need to practice and learn about that, but im really just applying to help fix jobs and minor add on changes and making any add ons myself.

Why do you want to become a developer for Revival? (One Paragraph Min.): I want to help the server. I have been seeing a lot of issues with recent whitelist additions to the server. I've seen a lot of issues with the server's development and I want to help improve the quality of the servers development. I think that I can bring something to the server through development.

What can you bring to the development team?:I know basic LUA, how to make whitelists and change weapon values.

Any extra information please add it here:
Heres an example of a Lua job

TEAM_E11 = DarkRP.createJob("MTF E-11 Operative", {

color = Color(25, 150, 255),

model = {"models/metalgearsolid4/prayingmantis.mdl,},

description = [[MTF Unit Epsilion 11 Operative]],

weapons = {"clone_card_lvl4", "stunstick", "weapon_cuff_scp", "weapon_sf2_awp_rt", "weapon_sf2_p90", "weapon_bf4_44rt", "radio", "weapon_empty_hands", "weapon_cuff_elastic"},

command = "mtfe11o",

max = 7,

salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary,

admin = 0,

vote = false,

hasLicense = false,

candemote = false,

category = "MTF Epsilon-11",

PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(300) ply:SetMaxHealth(300) ply:SetArmor(300) end,



Application Status: Accepted
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Also, note that this would cause errors if added to a live server
model = {"models/metalgearsolid4/prayingmantis.mdl,},
It should be model = {"models/metalgearsolid4/prayingmantis.mdl"},
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