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Dad's GM App.

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Suddenly Cyka

Mar 1, 2018
United States of America
Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:85663932

Whats your name in game? How long do you have in game?: (Primary) Director Fracture Werth, I've been with the server for over a year, I started playing in the middle of last year.

Do you have any bans/warns?: Don't believe so.

Age (Minimum 15): 19.

Do you have a microphone?(Required): Indeed.

Do you have TeamSpeak? If so what is your TeamSpeak name? Yes, Fracture.

Do you have Discord? If so what is your discord name and ID? Yes, Call Me Dad#5583

Are you currently staff on a different server? Are you willing to leave that staff position for the one you are applying for? No, not staff.


Experience with staffing (ULX, other servers, etc.): Staff twice on SCP, former staff on Halo.

How active will you be on the server? As much as life and college allows me to be.

Days,Hours Of Availability: Anytime after 12 PM CST on most days, after 2 PM CST on Tues/Thurs.

Explain why you're a better candidate than other candidates (75+ words): I've been here for a long enough time to believe that I have personally picked up on what events people enjoy and what events people don't enjoy. I want to provide more RP scenarios and enjoyable memorable times for the players of the server. I've made connections with this community that I wish to expand by giving them an enjoyable time as a GM as well as a friend. I hope, if accepted, to provide as much assistance with the GMs as I can when I can.

How do you plan to benefit the server? (50+ words): I wish to provide a new path for players to take in RP as well as the community to take. I hope to provide better ideas from my own Events to other GMs to then of course better future events. I want to involve myself more in this community as best I can, when I can. I've not only been with HaloRP for sometime, I spent alot of time on SCPRP. I wish to give back to this community the great times you have given me.

List (10) Ulx Commands and what they do(List something other than: cloak,ban,Kick,Warn,TP,Maul,Slay,Gag,):
* !give____, depending on the word(s) after give you can give items, weapons, etc. to someone(s).

* !Freeze, dead stops a player who has been breaking rules in server to dish out their punishment.

* !Strip, removes all items from a persons inventory.

* !Set___, allows staff to set the Health-Speed-Model-ETC. of a player.

* !Slap, bit of a joke command but still a command, allows someone to "slap" someone with a specific amount of damage.

*!Model___, models the target the designated model.

*!Ragdoll___, Ragdolls self or the target.

*!Bring__, Simple, brings the target.

*!hp___, Sets the HP for self or target(s).

*!Speed___, Sets the speed of yourself, or target(s).

What is In character and what is Out of character? In character is anything spoken/done as RP for your character or another. Out of character is anything spoken/done NOT for RP of your character or another character.

Are you willing to work with a Game Maker Team? Yes.

What is the purpose of a Game Maker? To provide an enjoyable time, RP opportunities, and fun to the players of the server.

Give us a full event idea you have. ( 3 Paragraphs )
*Intro* UNSC Colony Planet, Animos-4 has send out a distress beacon to any available UNSC fleets... An unknown virus has plagued the Lower Class populous and the dense Urban communities. Animos-4 Security and Medical wings has issued a request out to a BIO-MED unit to investigate the situation and report back, however connection to the unit had gone dark forty five minutes into entrance of the urban area. This is when Animos-4 officials requested UNSC assistance, seeing as they were under equipped to handle a possible Lethal Biological Outbreak. Hazmat units (Trident, Rhino, Faust, ONI S3, etc...) and top grade security (SPARTANs, FLs, ONI S1/0.) units would be sent in to protect said Hazmats while they scanned the area, and took samples of the Biological material.
*Event* Upon entrance to Animos-4 atmosphere, scans of the planet showed very little movement even in the Upper Class zones of the planet. Attempts to contact officials they'd spoken to before failed, and the planet looked to be abandoned. The main Space Port located inside the UNSC Embassy outpost appeared to be lockdown, leaving only one option for landing... The Urban Space Port. As the UNSC personnel land detections of mass movement and life begin to reappear. With no option to speak to the Officials, the Intel and Connections (ONI S3/2 and Naval.) team must push from the landing zone to the nearest Embassy Outpost to find out what they can. While the I&C team are making their way to the Embassy, Standard security (Marines, Army, SoS, etc..) will setup safezones inside various buildings and on the streets. Hazmat and Top Security will be tasked with delving deeper into the city to locate a source of the biological outbreak.
*Outro* When all tasks are completed, an emergency evac will called. The planet should be known at this point to have a unknown strand of an extreme parasite similar to the Flood in what it does to the human body, in bedded in the planets main sources of food and water. A request to Terminate the planet will be issued to eradicate chances of the parasites spread. Intel will later show the planet had been purposely infected as an experiment by a rogue scientist group known as Generalist Medical. (The event ends here, but is left open to future continuation or the start of a Campaign.

Did any current Gamemaker refer you to apply? If so who? Yes, Arthas (Alien, Lucifer.)

I <Call Me Dad> Agree and understand that i am not staff, and it is not my job to do staff duties, unless there is 0 staff on i will not use my commands unless needed. I also agree that i will not noclip/abuse my powers.

I, <Call Me Dad>, acknowledge that this application is to be filled out with complete honesty. Being accepted will hold me at a higher standard in behavior and demeanor. Not doing my job or abusing will result in an instant demotion.

I,<Call Me Dad>, Swear to uphold the server rules, and enforce them.And to stay within the limits and rights given to me by my assigned rank within GM's.And to keep a calm head and clear judgement when dealing with staff and or players, in order to ensure fairness to all who join the server.

And that if i <Call Me Dad> am found in violation of the rules i swore to uphold, and of this contract that i can and will be removed from GM's and or staff and forever barred from Re-Applying, along with any other Consequences that are deemed Necessary.


The superior Joe
Trial Developer
Halo RP
Game Maker
Aug 25, 2019
Your moms bed
+1 big plus 1 from me, good fun guy to be around, fantastic event idea and story to it, when doing this event would recommend setting a time we’re we can get a large amount of other game makers to help you with this


Years of Service
Aug 4, 2017
Please contact me at LeeMFDagger#6567 via Discord. You will be trained by myself or any of our talented senior gamemakers, as soon as possible. Welcome to the family, and thank you for your application!


Ah heck, I'm here again
Jan 29, 2017
someone move this please
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