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Denton's introduction

Dominic Denton

Auf Wiedersehen, See you in Hell.
Jul 14, 2018
in the holy land crusading
Hey guys, Denton here. Now I know no one checks these so I'm just going to make it brief. My name is Dominic Denton, I like SCP RP and WW1 RP because they are fun to play and the people who play them are awesome. I am a admin on SCP RP and a former T-Mod on the original UFN WW1 RP (I got removed since we merged with Revival). I have been on the community for about, 5 months now? and an active player for about 4 months. And I have been staff for about 3 months (Yeehaw retirement bonus whenever I do). I love SCP RP and one of my favorite SCPs is SCP-049 because he is a simple concept yet they go into a lot of depth about him and even link him to SCP-035. I have, Severe Anxiety, ADHD, and Near Nearsightedness (Jesus I sounds like the biggest fucking nerd). Anyway if you're reading this you're probably thinking I'm awesome, and you'd be right. Thanks, bye.