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Desert_Falcon's GM Application

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Apr 3, 2019
Steam ID:

Whats your name in game? How long do you have in game?:
My name is "NAVAL SW CR Omar"
Roughly 2+ Days in total in-game (On server), and 1890 Hours on GMOD itself.

Do you have any bans/warns?:
No (Was banned for being a "Noob" on TS for 1 second)

Age (Minimum 15):

Do you have a microphone?(Required):

Do you have TeamSpeak? If so what is your TeamSpeak name?
Yes, it's "Desert_Falcon"

Do you have Discord? If so what is your discord name and ID?
Yes; It's Desert_Falcon (Name), and the ID is "Desert_Falcon#1989"

Are you currently staff on a different server? Are you willing to leave that staff position for the one you are applying for?
No I am not staffing another server.


Experience with staffing (ULX, other servers, etc.):
I've been staffing for most of my time on GMOD. In the past I've staffed on mainly on RP servers using Nutscript or Clockwork based schemas. I've got decent (but currently limited) experience with ULX due to how long it's been since I've last used it (few months).

When it comes to servers I've staffed on;

  • Hammerfall Gaming (Up to Senior Admin, and Server Direction) on a Halo DarkRP, Star Wars (Nutscript) RP, Military RP (Nutscript), and TCW RP (Nutscript).
  • Altered RP's Halo DarkRP (Moderator, and later GM).
  • Melon Servers as an Admin for the SW RP (Can't recall the exact theme, but it was DarkRP)
  • Zephyr RP as a Developer (sometimes a Mod if needed) on the SW GCW RP
As for non GMOD games, I've done everyting from ARMA 3, SQUAD, Red Orchestra, CSGO, and a few more.

How active will you be on the server?
My time is limited due to my role as a Developer, and most of my projects to date are of larger scale. I do however make an effort to log 1-3 hours on week days and 2-4+ on weekends.

Days,Hours Of Availability:
All days of the week except Friday.

Explain why you're a better candidate than other candidates (75+ words):
Instead of focusing on the obvious such as Hours in-game, staffing hours, Lore knowledge, etc... I'd like to talk about qualities that I'm certain other applicants do not posses.

My experiences in Game Development, Project Management, and Design among large creative teams have helped me understand that behind every mechanic, animation, texture, model, and sound is a story. This story in turn requires effort from every member of the team to build which means communication is key to putting it together properly. Every piece of the game making process contributes to the overall experience, and that in-turn applies to Role Play. When engaging in RP, or setting up RP one must ensure that all the details of said RP are interlinked and contribute to a shared goal. As a GM one must also ensure that his efforts are co-ordinated with other members of staff, and that the set-up of an event follows a clearly laid out plan to make sure players are not left confused. Sometimes one must also allow some leeway to ensure players can RP freely to an extent without breaking the immersion of the RP.

I've also spent time in the Armed Forces (Mandatory service for all males), and have done everything from work as a Grunt (Infantry, and then later Armored) to now IT/Admin duties in an office environment. This experience has given me an increased insight in crafting believable/realistic roleplaying scenarios that fall within the realms of possibility.

The above two qualities in my opinion help give me a better understanding of (non)linear story telling, realism, and roleplay in a manner most simply do not posses at the start of their staffing tenure.

How do you plan to benefit the server? (50+ words):
I'll rephrase the previous question's answer.

My real world experiences in the Armed Forces help me understand how far one can push Halo's universe in RP scenarios without making it feel ridiculous or lazy. It also helps me add a layer of accuracy in using elements of Halo's military aspects with that of my own operational experiences.

The time spent in Design School, Game Dev Projects, and as a Project Manager in both previously mentioned disciplines has given me a grasp of how best to communicate, co-ordinate, and set up a story based RP scenario. Through an understanding of interconnected story telling, visual aids, etc... It helps add depth to the RP players will engage in under a GM's supervision.

List (10) Ulx Commands and what they do(List something other than: cloak,ban,Kick,Warn,TP,Maul,Slay,Gag,):
  • To remove a user from a ULX user group one may use the command !removeuser (Player Name). This is great for removing Tim from the Moderator group after he stole your juice box in Math class.
  • To add a user to a ULX user group one may use the command !adduser (Player Name) (Then the group). Great if you for example want to add your neighbour Bob to the Admin group.
  • To add armor (not HP) to a user one may use the command !armor (Player) (Amount). Please note that sometimes there's a cap on armor values at times.
  • To jail and teleport a user simultaneously one can use !jailTP (Player) (0 is perma, or a positive value to set time jailed) useful for RDMers that are out of sight.
  • To make a user/self impervious to all damage (unless slain through ULX) one can use the command !god (Player name, or leave blank to set self) the opposite !ungod also works the same
  • in order to mute a player from using chat one may use !mute (Player) so they can't use any form of chat, the opposite !unmute works the same. Useful with spam prone users.
  • in order to clip though objects and fly around quickly on can utilise the command !noclip (Player, or leave blank to use on self) repeat the command to disable the effect on the targeted users/self.
  • To strip a player of his SWEPs/Items use the command !strip (Target) this is useful for setting someone on fire in certain situations. Maybe someone RP got lit with gasoline?
  • To give a user additional ammo use the command !giveammo (Target) (Number). If in RP people get a resupply of some sort then this helps give them ammo quickly without needing to spawn in anything.
  • To remove all decals present in the live session use the command !removedecals. This is great for improving performance during intensive events, and such. (You may want to use this in conjuction with other menu options to clear ragdolls, entities ,etc... in a rapid fashion)

What is In character and what is Out of character?

In Character, or "IC"
for short is any and all actions considered part of Roleplay. Character statements, voice chat, actions ,etc... are In Character. This means that one would embody the character they are playing, and react the way the character is thought to react in roleplay. An example is if for example you are being chased by an enemy. If your character is a Soldier you may choose to engage in combat with the enemy, but if you are a helpless Civilian then you may opt to realistically run away or seek cover. Act in the manner your current character would.

Out Of Character, or "OOC" for short is any and all actions considered external to Roleplay. You screaming "Country Roads" while b-hoping accross the base late-night with the only two other marines on the server is considered OOC, and is not considered an action your character is taking part in, or a form of Roleplay.

Are you willing to work with a Game Maker Team?

What is the purpose of a Game Maker?
A game maker is quite simply an individual who organises, facilitates, and moderates all matters pertaining to RP. His main focus is to create environments, scenarios, and situations in which roleplay may occur between players. He may even direct the RP itself, get directly involved, and redact the RP of other characters if they are deemed counter productive to the RP environment. In the end his main focus as a GM is to craft an enjoyable RP environment for players to enjoy.

Give us a full event idea you have. ( 3 Paragraphs )

OP Snowball
(Ideal playerbase is 50 people max)
(all image art was an original creation of mine made specifically for this app's OP)


Picture: UNSC NAVAL Special Warfare Advisors, and Militiamen from the 2nd Militia Division, 44th Mechanized Rifles Regiment, 1st Battalion, 6th "Steel Chasers" Company

The icy world of Hiraxis has had a history of religion fuelled separatist rebellions. One of the major factions of it's colonial government are the sizeable "Hiraxian People's Party" or HPP, A hardline religious group turned political party through the sheer number of their faith's followers. Numerous investigations by ONI proving the HPP had been bankrolling, training, and arming the "Church of new Hiraxia" which is a known terror group responsible for five separate coup attempt over the course of the planet's history. This church has a near 50% following among the planet's population. Rumours are spreading of the church planning a new coup, and it's militias have already begun to strike UNSC and Colonial Militia garrisons increasingly.

Picture: The Planet Hiraxia

The Colonial Militia has had increasing trouble screening against the followers of the Church when recruiting among it's ranks. The progressive Hiraxian government has requested UNSC troops be dispatched to help keep the peace, provide advisory to Militia forces in counter-insurgency, and logistical support.

Picture: A rare image of the "The Church of Hiraxis Eden" belonging to the Hiraxian Church - ONI has received troubling intel reports on some of it's relics, and the Hiraxian religion.

The UNSC has dispatched the Marathon Class ship "The New Dawn" alongside it's ground assets to a temporary security & peace keeping mission at Hiraxia.

Event Structure
The event duration is set up for roughly an hour in total, and is composed of three phases;
  • Phase 1 is initial logistical setup, and riot control in which a contingent of staff & players will perform the role of protesters, and the remaining player base perform the role of the "New Dawn" task force who arrive on scene, and assist the Militia/Police in putting the protest down peacefully. The Protestors upon the sight of UNSC Troops go violent in outrage. This sets the scene for the rest of the event, and is to an extent left up to the playerbase as to who triumphs.
  • Phase 2 is advisory, and counter-insurgency. Depending on which side wins the firefight the militia & insurgency will have various strength levels (The militia is stronger if the UNSC wins, and the Insurgents are stronger if they win phase 1). The UNSC is tasked with counter terror raids on designated Insurgent locations alongside Militia troops.
  • Phase 3 is logistical support, security, and pull-out. Militia troops depending on how well the UNSC weakens the insurgency are now rallying to remove the Church from power. The UNSC is tasked with keeping critical planet infrastructure safe from Church counter-attacks. Phase 1 & 2's success will affect the overall strength, intensity, and capability of the Church's Insurgent forces in the counter attacks aswell as the Militia's ability to remove the Church's leaders from power. The Operation's end is left open to the playerbase to decide.
Did any current Gamemaker refer you to apply? If so who?

I Desert_Falcon Agree and understand that i am not staff, and it is not my job to do staff duties, unless there is 0 staff on i will not use my commands unless needed. I also agree that i will not noclip/abuse my powers.

Desert_Falcon, acknowledge that this application is to be filled out with complete honesty. Being accepted will hold me at a higher standard in behaviour and demeanour. Not doing my job or abusing will result in an instant demotion.

Desert_Falcon, Swear to uphold the server rules, and enforce them.And to stay within the limits and rights given to me by my assigned rank within GM's.And to keep a calm head and clear judgement when dealing with staff and or players, in order to ensure fairness to all who join the server.

And that if i Desert_Falcon am found in violation of the rules i swore to uphold, and of this contract that i can and will be removed from GM's and or staff and forever barred from Re-Applying, along with any other Consequences that are deemed Necessary.
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realest gamer
Forum Manager
Years of Service
Mar 24, 2018
+1 Good Application, applicant fixed answers when asked, showing ability to improve.
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A612, Third time SCP staff,Ex. TRT NCO
Feb 4, 2019
The glorious UK
Obviously creative
Already trusted

Targeted me on Warzone (jk)
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Mar 22, 2017
+1 wonderful guy, clearly very creative, I feel the gamemaker team would benefit from having you on the roster. Good luck!!

~Gamma AI Robin


Halo RP
Senior Gamemaker
Jun 13, 2018

The guy's a genius. This application is creative and pops out. Giving this a -1 would hurt me to the ends of the earth, and i would be sent to my own special hell of watching me downvote it thousands of times.



Baddest B**CH (well not really)
Years of Service
Jan 25, 2017
+1 It's a good app / Concerned about his time on the server.

Xur 'Zagum

Halo RP
Game Maker
Jul 19, 2018
+1 I feel like he'd be a good asset to the team, his unique experiences in real life can most likely assist him in creating immersive, militaristic events that people in the server could appreciate and love to take part in. I hope to see him added.


Halo RP
Game Maker
Mar 3, 2018
+1 Well thought out and effort and crave for attention is higher than average. I find no issues in the application. Im sure time on server wont be an issue once he a GM im sure he'll sky rocket if he is accepted

Blindy 4.0

Jan 1, 2018
Accepted Please contact myself or another Senior GameMaker so we can take care of your interview.
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