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Dojo's Staff Application

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Halo RP
Senior Admin
Jul 8, 2019
Steam Name( [RS] Dojo):

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:80699907

In-Game Position/Rank/Name: Unggoy Deacon Dojo

Are you a Donator on HaloRP?: Nope

If "yes" have you been warned by staff for Abusing your rank, or been removed from Donator Status:

If you have been caught minging, Fail RP or breaking server rules explain here for what you did: I’ve been kicked for RDM

If you are applying for Night Staff please say yes and if you are not please say no:


Age (Minimum 15):17

Do you have a microphone?


Do you have TeamSpeak3(Required)?


TS3 Name:

SoS Deacon Bishop Dojo Zeek

Do you have Discord(Required)?


Discord name and numbers:

Dojomojo432 #7142




Any info we should know about you(Something that may affect staffing):

I consider myself more apt to help others in need.

Tell us About Your-self(60+ Words, No Less):

I enjoy messing around (within restraint of course) however I can be quite strict if need be. Now IRL I do have a few mental disorders, one of them being ADHD. Now I do take pride in not being like other people with ADHD in the sense that I know when to stop talking or other small things like that, I feel like I’m slowly overcoming the disability by the day. I’ve also only recently found this server however the past few weeks I’ve had a lot of fun, and I’m willing to say that I will be staying on this server for a lot longer. Lastly I will say that my common sense is lacking in comparison to others, when it comes to things that require me to use common sense most of the time I end up disappointing.

How Long Have You Been On The Server?(Min 5 Days): about 2 weeks

Are you a minge or have been caught in acts of mingery?: Nope.


Are you currently staff on another server? If so, which? : Nope, I’ve been a staff before but just got back into gmod a few weeks ago

(Note: If you are staff on another server you will be denied)

Experience with staffing (ULX, other servers, etc.(Please Explain (What Servers etc)):

The server that I have the most experience with is a small server me and a few friends have launched


Have you ever been banned from any Revival servers? If so, why? Nope

How will your activity be on the server? Pretty active, less when school is out but I will try nonetheless

Days,Hours Of Availability(If you go inactive, for 1 weeks without LOA or letting someone know anything, you can and will be removed from staff): I’m going to continue to remain active.


Explain why you're a better candidate than other candidates (75+ words, No Less): To say that I’m better than any of the fine admins we have or future admins we will have would be false, everyone is equal after all. The only advantage that I’d say that I have would be my sociopathic nature, So I feel less guilty when others make up sob stories. Since I’ve exhausted all of my skills, I’ll say what I’m least skilled in, which is my common sense.

How do you plan to benefit the server? (60+ words, No Less): I plan to benefit the server by doing my best, I’m not very good at lying so all I can say is that I will do all I can in order to make the server as good as one Unggoy Deacon can make it. Furthermore, I will do my best to respond to moderator messages as quickly as possible.

Explain why you stand out from others (50+ words, No Less):

I stand out from others due to my outward personality, and my strong determination. I’ll admit that I am a bit goofy at times however can be very professional when the time calls for it. Finally I’d consider myself exceptional when given clear cut directions, especially when they’re not vague.


List (5) Ulx Commands and what they do(List something other than: ban,Kick,Warn,TP,Maul,Slay,Gag,Jail,slay(Explain What They Do.)):

1.model- changes the model

2.noclip- makes it so that you don’t clip

3.mute- Mutes

4.Send- Sends a player target to another player

5.Return- returns you to your previous position before you tp’d


Explain what minging is: the act of purposefully making others experiences worse

Give one example of how you would deal with minging as staff(Give a situation in detail):

Depends on the situation and how severe. For example if someone was spouting racial slurs then that would be a ban, however if someone wasn’t following a higherups orders than I would radio in an MP. If no MP’s were present I would give them one more warnings then kick, if they continued to disturb the peace then it would move to a ban

Explain what FailRP is in detail:

Well a popular “fail rp” is when an enemy is cloaked and you don't know whether or not to shoot them

Give one example and how you would deal with it As Staff(Give a Situation in Detail):

  1. Kick
    OOC chatter when asked not to and it continues
    Minging at a low severity. Example - Destroying tables
    Mic Spam
    Creating false roleplay. Example - “I’m part of bush team 6”

  2. Ban
    Minging to a high severity. Example - Grabbing a pelican, claims to be a pilot, is not a pilot, crashes and kills everyone on board. (1 week ban)
    ERP - No matter what form (1 week ban)


Explain what RDM is in detail: Random Death Match, Basically killing someone without reason

Give one example and how you would deal with it As Staff(Give a Situation in Detail):

1. Kick
Accidental RDM
RDM without knowledge
2. Ban
1x RDM without any viable reason (1 day ban)
Mass RDM 2+ ( 1 week ban)


Explain what Trolling is in detail: Similar to Minging where someone is purposefully making others experiences worsen, mostly in reference to acting like a clown

Give one example and how you would deal with it As Staff(Give a Situation in Detail):

Give a warning if they refuse to listen, I would talk to an MP, if no MP’s are available then kick


Explain what OOC and IC is(Give a situation in detail):

OOC: Out of character

IC: In character

What would you do if two people were fighting in OOC matters and it turned into IC matters (Give situation in detail):

Well let’s make a scenario: Guy 1 calls guy 2 a mean word, guy 2 therefore shoots him in the back of the head. In this situation I would proceed to warn them if they continue their antics then it would be a ban


Do you understand that it is required to listen to and respect ranks higher than you?

Of course

Do you agree not to advertise your application to anyone in the community in any way?


Do you agree to treat all players fairly and respectfully?

Yes, sir

Do you understand that becoming a staff member means that you will be putting your staff duty in front of your in-game character RP?:


Will you abuse your powers?


(If you say "No" and you Abuse your powers, you will be removed from Staff Permanently and Barred from Re Applying.)


I, <Dojo>, acknowledge that this application is to be filled out with complete honesty. Being accepted will hold me at a higher standard in behavior and demeanor. Not doing my job or abusing will result in an instant demotion.

I, <Dojo>, have acknowledged that I have read the constitution for Revival Servers at http://revivalservers.com/constitution/and fully understand how to abide by the rules

I,<Dojo>, Swear to uphold the server rules, and enforce them.And to stay within the limits and rights given to me by my assigned rank within Staff.And to keep a calm head and clear judgement when dealing with staff and or players, in order to ensure fairness to all who join the server.

And that if I <Dojo> am found in violation of the rules I swore to uphold, and of this contract that I can and will be removed from Staff and forever barred from Re-Applying, along with any other Consequences that are deemed Necessary.

And that I <Dojo>also will not under any Circumstance for whatever reason Retaliate against a player,Staff or this server, or the Community and any servers within its domain for my own or someone else's feelings, or revenge.

I <Dojo> Acknowledge that this app may be denied or approved for a number of reasons.And that I will not retaliate if denied, and if accepted I will not flaunt it around in others faces, that I will remain calm and cool headed.

I <Dojo> swear that if I commit any acts, such as Violating Community Standards, Or Acts Such as Treason Towards the Server Or Community, I can and will be removed from Staff and Banned From Revival Servers, as it is a Just Punishment for the Crimes committed.

I <Dojo> Swear, my Loyalty and Full attention to the server, and my duties as Staff if Appointed to a Staff Position. For I shall Uphold and Guard The Rules Set-Forth By the Upper-Management, and enforce them as they should. And if I shall fail, in my duties repeatedly, I understand I may be removed and replaced.

Referred by: Sneak, and Ryam

(He couldnt Post it due to his Forums not Working)


Halo RP
Senior Admin
Jul 8, 2019
+1, To be honest it is a well written app and I have met him, all around a down to Earth guy. He would make a good addition.


Halo RP
Senior Admin
Jul 20, 2019
+1 Good Player and a Good Person would like to see him on the team


ONI Professor Wiseman / [Servitor AI] HS Alpha
Jun 5, 2018
Arizona, United States of America
Let's address some things in your application:

1. When you're talking about yourself I want to here some Fun things like your passions, IRL Hobbies, What you like to do and interests, More about you. Not mentally, I have ADHD, Etc. as well as many things Medically but I am not one to bring it up in topic, wither you have it or not is not something I am specifically going to inquire to you as a Staff Member, I am Looking if you Can do the Job and are Willing to the Best of your Ability. Please add some things about You...I want to know You not the mindset I can see from how you speak.

2. Minging: I'll be Honest, Everybody has minged once in a While but what is Stressed is that we Don't and we keep the Reputation of a Serious RP Server, as a Moderator if you were to become one is to understand why we stress that. I wished to bring it up as its a Topic we all skip and don't really speak about when it's literally Vital and Important.

3."The only advantage that I’d say that I have would be my sociopathic nature, So I feel less guilty when others make up sob stories. Since I’ve exhausted all of my skills, I’ll say what I’m least skilled in, which is my common sense." -Quote

--I'll be Honest and Real Chief, this Irritated me. Don't ever think you have only one Advantage, You're a Valuable person who has worth and determination. I want to See it, that's why You Applied For Staff. I Know you have the Capability, Don't Doubt Yourself!

---If You Fix this application and what I've suggested then i'd say you have Common sense.

4. "For example if someone was spouting racial slurs then that would be a ban, however if someone wasn’t following a higherups orders than I would radio in an MP. If no MP’s were present I would give them one more warnings then kick, if they continued to disturb the peace then it would move to a ban" -Quote

--You'll learn how to handle these issues later if you do become Staff, but as to note "Separate Administrative / Sperate Character" If you are dealing with a Staff Issue, it remains as such. If it's an IC Issue it's IC (Unless delt administratively After). Ex.If someone isn't following orders in game to their designated CO/NCO they would be Court Marshalled (Name PK or Full PK Depending) by Request To the MP's by the CO/NCO.

--Now if Someone isn't listening to Staff Members Lets use Training as an Example:
(Administrator Anderson goes over to the Training Room and notices there are Two Recruits that need to be trained, as He sees Quite a few NCO's online. After asking for Volunteers and nobody volunteers there appears to be only one Marine NCO Left, him being the Most Qualified Administrator Anderson brings him and says "Please Train these Recruits", as the NCO says "Negative Chief, Put me Back".

**Pause lets take a Moment, as the NCO is Dis-obeying the Staff Members Request the Administrator can take Action and Even Demote them ICly if they Wished, but Administrator Anderson believes in Negotiation so lets continue **Un-Pause**.

----- Anderson then says "That's a Staff Request, how about this I'll train one and you Train the Other", the NCO then Agrees (If Declined someway remind them of their Duty and how Action can be taken *Warnings are Important*) they both proceed to train the Recruits and Certify them as those Two Recruits make their way into their Journey on a Great Server.

******* All I am Stressing is that you Add more about Yourself, I want to Know You. Fix the Advantages of Yourself and List what You Can Provide. And Lastly remember the separation if you do become Staff. If you have Determination to become Staff Lets See It, I Know You Can Do It. Fix that and I'll change my Stance to Support. *************

"0" - Neutral


Section Yuh-Nuh
Head Admin
May 27, 2019
Accepted contact any SA for a Review!
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