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Fernix's GM application

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Jun 25, 2019
Steam ID: STEAM _ 0 : 1 : 75385352 (with spaces because the stupid anti-spam bot thinks this is a link and an have below 10 posts)

Whats your name in game? How long do you have in game?:
Fernix. How long what do I have what in game? Hours? 1383 as of now. more than half of that as staff.

Do you have any bans/warns?: Nope

Age (Minimum 15): 20

Do you have a microphone?(Required): yes

Do you have TeamSpeak? If so what is your TeamSpeak name?

Do you have Discord? If so what is your discord name and ID?
Fernix #5122

Are you currently staff on a different server? Are you willing to leave that staff position for the one you are applying for?
Im not a part of staff on any Gmod server.


Experience with staffing (ULX, other servers, etc.):
9 months on Cloud Gaming Dark RP (mod, admin and a senior admin), 4 months on Multiverse gaming Warhammer 40k server (GM and Mod)

How active will you be on the server?
Very, since I love doing events, and RPing for real.

Days,Hours Of Availability:
depends on when im on duty and training. but usually mon-sun 6pm-midnight CEST

Explain why you're a better candidate than other candidates (75+ words):
I am a very experianced staff, after a quick crash-course in commands (because after 7 months I don't actually remember all of them) I will be back to 100%. Also, remember that I'm putting in some real effort to be as respectful as I can in this application, but I also want you to know what are you signing up for if you accept me so I decided to add my own personal touch.

How do you plan to benefit the server? (50+ words):
By doing my job. I have done many, many events for many, many players. I like this community enough to put in some real effort and help you out, since after what I've seen, you need help with the events, this is why I'm even going through this cancerous app format. I will also complain from time to time whenever I see something that is in my opinion, stupid.

List (10) Ulx Commands and what they do(List something other than: cloak,ban,Kick,Warn,TP,Maul,Slay,Gag,):
My god, is this question for real?
!Jail - it jails player
!Unjail - unjails player
!blind - blinds a selected player
!freeze - freezes selected player
!gimp(or mute) - disables the players ability to use chat.
!ungimp(or unmute) - Check this out, it restores players ability to use chat.
!bring - brings player to you
!ragdoll - ragdolls a player
!unragdoll - unragolls a player
!hp - sets HP for the players

What is In character and what is Out of character?
In characters is when a person is RPing (in character)
OOC is for things that do not apply to the RP.

Are you willing to work with a Game Maker Team?
Competent team? Would love to

What is the purpose of a Game Maker?
To make events

Give us a full event idea you have. ( 3 Paragraphs )
I'm just gonna give you a Halo-adopted version of one of my spare event scripts (which i offered multiple times on the server, but no one seemed interested) and I've spent over an hour remaking the script to fit this server, and i had to test out all of your more interesting addons in single to make sure its balanced, so its gonna be more than 3 paragraphs because I don't do shit events.

I was just gonna give you a link to a document with the event script, but the clever anti-spam system won't let me. So here you go.

Stage 0


  1. For this event, 2 GMs and 2 event characters are required.

  2. The CO for SoS and UNSC should be in constant contact with the GMs.

  3. The event reliesheavily on people RPing, so before the event begins, all NCOs and officers have to be informed to put on their big boy slippers, behave and actually RP, not run off like ADHD kids on amfetamine.

  4. This is an event for about three hours. Yes it is kinda long, but I think people prefer a nice campaign over passive RP and bhopping around the base
  5. Spawn has to be set for the outpost once stage 3 begins

Stage 1


  1. UNSC receives a faint subspace signal, from an unknown source.

  2. Base alone is unable to locate the signal, players have to figure out how to locate it.

  3. If the players can’t figure out in-character that they are supposed to link the sensor array on New Dawn, Spartan frigate and on the base, then it has to be PMed to whoever is in charge so he/she can try to steer the discussion towards that result. Discussion should be held by engineers, forerunner monitor can also help out (and ideally, will be the one to suggest combining the sensor arrays if players dont figure it out themselv)

  4. Finally, after a lot of /me Rping, location is disclosed to the players, UNSC outpost on the planet Sunga. Barely populated planet with small UNSC presence. (BM_Valley is the map for this event)

  5. Signal still can not be decrypted and doesn’t make any sense but is definitely artificial, New Dawn (along with everyone else) is sent to investigate it.

Stage 2


  1. After arrival on the planet, (if there are enough NavalA online, all forces are moved into the pelicans so we can RP the whole landing and deployment, if there are even more NavalA online, fighter or two can be deployed) Allied forces land and secure the outpost. vehicles etc are brought down from the orbit to help with securing the area and investigating the source of the signal. (the spare GM can actually do stuff like attaching the vehicles to the underside of the pelicans or covie dropships and detaching them when they land, cuz you know, immersion)

  2. As soon as any contact outside of Allies is attempted, all long-range comms are to be jammed. (New Dawn is out of the RP for now)

  3. Engineering team and officers have to brainstorm on how to find the jammer while all forces hunker down and prepare for anything.

  4. Officers and NCOs HAVE to keep their forces in line. Whoever strays past the safe zone of the outpost will be killed by “Something in the shadows” and muted if he tries to share where and what killed him, basically a temporary PK.

  5. Finally, a plan to set up 3 receiver arrays is hatched (if they dont figure it out , just pm it to the Forerunner or the CO. Basically 3 relays to overcome the jamming)

  6. Small SoS force is sent to one location, Marine strike force to the other while everyone else stays in the outpost. (Have the rank and file go, higher ranks and elite classes should stay in the outpost for stage 3)

Stage 3


  1. GROUND convoys to both locations are ambushed by the covenant loyalists (if enough NavalA players are active[5], 2 can be recruited for covie airforce. With possible SoS aircraft in the air this should create quite a shitshow during a dogfight) the outpost is infiltrated and sabotaged (AKA, mined and IEDs are planted around it) by one or two actual hostile event chars.

  2. The same event chars that sabotaged the outpost, get Tped and fly in with covie dropships, so the GM can spawn troops underneath( yea, immersion again)

  3. Whoever dies in the convoy, joins the outpost defense. The SoS convoy will be wiped out while the Marines make it to the objective (observation platform on the top of the dam for the marines, train loading station for the SoS)

  4. To make sure people don’t just keep trickling in and air force is not overused, Outpost AI will announce that a dust storm is imminent. Basically GM will just use the fog editor to make a dust storm. (aka, change the fog to doo doo brown and limit the visibility further so flying with aircraft is risky, Gms can also spawn NPCs out of player’s sight so this gives us the option to really spam them)

  5. To encourage players to move together in groups and actually RP, the spare GM should be killing the lone players trying to reinforce the Marine convoy. Same goes for OP characters, if they are butchering NPCs faster than the GM can spam them and they are not even trying to use cover, or are simply running off like they are some fucking one-man-armies, kill them. Spartans are the only ones allowed to leave the outpost to engage the attackers, and even then the hostile event chars should be able to kill them.

  6. As the attack on the outpost is repelled and the marine convoy has a breather on the dam, reinforcements can be sent without any risk (although, players don’t know that, so they should be moving out in groups, and there might be some stragglers anyway)

  7. While point 6 is happening, spare GM can quickly set up some small covie props on the train loading station. Immersion guys.

Stage 4


  1. As the dam and the outpost are secured (and the dust storm subsides so aircraft can again operate, if still barely) COs hold a meeting in the outpost to discuss the situation.

  2. At this point, it’s up to the players, they can vote for either returning to the New Dawn and abort mission since their forces are compromised, or they can vote to continue. In any case, GM will explain this point to them.

  3. If they abort, mission over, map change and everyone heads to the DB.

  4. If they decide to stay, a strike force is put together to secure the last position so they can overcome the jammer. (train loading station on GM_valley)

  5. If a 3rd GM is present and willing, he can get started on building a small ODST drop pad for ODSTs later(Optional).

  6. While points 1-4 are happening, one of the GMs makes a covenant base in the dry river bank in front of the dam, with a small excavation area at the end of the valley. The fog has to be strong enough so it can't be seen from the dam.

  7. As the strike force moves out (not everyone, since the outpost still has to be defended for now, and it should be attacked, the dam should have a force of 5 marines with a medic tops, only small sporadic incursions there) it is continuously harassed by hostile NPCs. Hostile event chars are free to suppress the strike force as well, but shouldn’t incur more than light casualties.

  8. As the attack on the train loading station begins, one GM is handling it while the other attacks the UNSC outpost (again, fly in with a dropship and spawn NPCs underneath, for immersion)

  9. At this point, if there are hostile pilots, they have weapons free and can engage to their fullest ability at the train loading station.

  10. Again, no trickling to the objective, but moving out in groups. Only Spartans are exempt from this.

  11. If the attack fails, Allies should try again. This time the GM will not be spawning in more NPCs after he sets up the defenses again. The 2nd push will succeed.

  12. As the station is captured, RP setting up a relay, RP connecting those relays and the jamming will be gone.

Stage 5


  1. Contact with New Dawn is reestablished. At this point, ODST can move to the drop pad (if it was built)

  2. Scans indicate a covie base in the river bank, reinforcements (aka new vehicles, only now they can be replenished) can be sent down. All forces dig in and prepare for the attack.

  3. Again, any stragglers leaving the safe zones are to be shot by the GM or event chars if allies cant keep their own men in order.

  4. Officer meeting to discuss the situation. Vote for either bombing the covie base from orbit and exfil. Or they can vote to attack on ground.

  5. If vote is to exfil and nuke the covies. Mission over and partially successful.

  6. If vote is to stay and fight, it will continue.

  7. Keep in mind, the outpost crew and the dam relay fireteam should be rotated with people who were assaulting the train station before attack on the main covie base, so everyone gets a chance to rush in and die in an attack. Rp this as shuffling around the wounded and tired troops.

  8. The attack begins on the covenant base. Nothing is held back by the event chars who should receive huge boost to HP and OP weapons so they can handle elite classes. They can also have any vehicle they want.

  9. Ridges around the valley should have NPCs as well to increase difficulty. Reinforcements can be sent via aircraft.

  10. If the meat grinder is too hard. Naval can request an orbital strike. Or NavalA can use a bomber to thin out enemy forces (only if enemy fighters are present,covie pilots should heavily discourage that)

  11. As the base is captured, event chars (who can ofc bait and insult allies throughout the entire event, i mean, they can RP too) are pushed back to the excavation site. They rearm, get their HP up and with a force of spec ops hunters and elite NPCs, they have their last stand. At this point, the covie air force should be either shot down, or can only engage air targets due to too high concentration of allied forces in the area(one air strike and half the server dies basically)

  12. Once the event chars are dead, ONI can swoop in for the excavation site and secure it for themselves.

Stage 6


  1. ONI RPs inspecting the relic, everyone else splits off into small fireteam and secures the map.

  2. The relic gives of strange subspace impulses whenever submitted to electric charge (ONI has to actually RP with it before they secure it for transport)

  3. After the stragglers are dealt with, Pelicans fly in and start picking up everyone from where they are.

  4. ONI gets their own custom Pelican with a box onboard so the relic can be put inside it and welded to the box and the pelican.

  5. Everyone returns to the New Dawn. Map change.

  6. DB in the base.

  7. The end. Or is it? This is part one of the 3-part long storyline I made.

Yes, it is long, yes it will be difficult to do. But if i get a half decent GM to help me out, and maybe another one when needed. I can do it easily. Already done something similar, just different map addons and a little different scenario.

Did any current Gamemaker refer you to apply? If so who?
Nope, won't even talk to me much when I offer a prepared event script.

I Fernix. Agree and understand that i am not staff, and it is not my job to do staff duties, unless there is 0 staff on i will not use my commands unless needed. I also agree that i will not noclip/abuse my powers.

I, Fernix, acknowledge that this application is to be filled out with complete honesty. Being accepted will hold me at a higher standard in behavior and demeanor. Not doing my job or abusing will result in an instant demotion.

I, Fernix, Swear to uphold the server rules, and enforce them.And to stay within the limits and rights given to me by my assigned rank within GM's.And to keep a calm head and clear judgement when dealing with staff and or players, in order to ensure fairness to all who join the server.

And that if i Fernix am found in violation of the rules i swore to uphold, and of this contract that i can and will be removed from GM's and or staff and forever barred from Re-Applying, along with any other Consequences that are deemed Necessary.


Dec 4, 2018
I like the event idea and the application looks quite well done.

Xur 'Zagum

Halo RP
Game Maker
Jul 19, 2018
I don't recognize the mate, but his event idea is solid [if such an event could truly ever work out as planned, which sadly doesn't really ever happen due to our playerbase]. And the application is done in a correct and well made format.


Jun 25, 2019
event idea is solid [if such an event could truly ever work out as planned, which sadly doesn't really ever happen due to our playerbase

This is honestly one of the saddest things I've ever heard someone say about their community...

Blindy 4.0

Jan 1, 2018
Accepted Please contact me for your interview and Training.
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