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GM Application for Charles

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Jul 29, 2019
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:65633689

What are the current names you have in game?:
X102 Charles, UNSCMC CM PFC Big Al, HA Belos

How long have you been a part of the server?:
In game I would estimate I started end of April early May 2019. I stepped away from the server in November for personal / work reasons, and returned May of this year.

Do you have any bans/warnings?:
-What were these bans for?:
I had my tags removed once, for a situation described below last year.

I was in a situation where my supporter tags were removed for approximately 30 minutes, due directly to refusing to perform training for New Recruits. This was due to a rule that required all NCO's to perform training regardless if they were busy or not. Nevada was involved and acted as the rules said he should. I declined to perform training and indicated that I was involved directly in RP. My donator, supporter tags were removed and the issue was escalated to be reviewed.

MGYSGT Angus, Nevada, Verax, and I all spoke in a common channel regarding the incident. Verax advised that the rule was outdated, and should be removed, which it was. My tags were returned and I think we essentially shook hands and left it there. The rule has since been changed and additional changes regarding new recruits have since been implemented.

What is your age? [Minimum 15]:

Do you have a microphone? [Required]:

Do you have TeamSpeak? [Required]:

-What is your name in TeamSpeak?:
Yes, It varies but usually it is Sepulcher / Caem / Charles when on PC and X102 Charles when I'm on my mobile client.

Do you have Discord? [Required]:
-What is your discord ID?: Yes, V3nturis#2881.

Are you currently staff on a different server? Are you willing to leave that staff position for the one you are applying for?:
N/A I am not staff on another server.


Experience with staffing [ULX, other servers, etc.]:
Yes, prior to stepping away from the server last November I was a Senior Admin for Halo Revival.

How active are you on the server?:
Realistically as active as possible. I generally am on every evening or every other evening depending on work or family events.

When are you usually available? [Days of Week/Time/Time zone]:
Mon-Sun 5-9pm ish EST.

What do you believe to be your best qualities that can contribute to being a Gamemaker?:
First way is my attitude and general overview. I enjoy speaking to most folks, and helping them as I am able. I don't hold IC grudges or differences against folks in OOC. If someone is not behaving appropriately or they are being unreasonably cross I point it out or address it.

My devotion to roleplay and RP as well. I believe that is exemplified by the contrasting characters I play on server, between Al, Charles, and Belos ICly.

What do you plan to do as a Gamemaker?: [50+ Words]

As a GM I plan on implementing Missions and RP opportunities. My goal is to ensure that the players are able to explore their characters and interact with others in viable settings that are relevant and believable within the setting on server. Everyone has different things they enjoy. I intend to implement multi mission events that allow players to be involved in multiple pieces of a story. As well as individual missions that allow players more opportunities flesh out their characters.

What 10 Commands do you know about that are in SAM and what exactly do they do?:

My presumption is that SAM is related to ULX in some way. Attempted to google SAM and couldnt quite find anythign in relation to GMOD and administrative stuff.
1. Ignite - Ignites target(s), default 300 seconds
2. Bring - Relocates the target to your position
3. Goto - Relocates your character to the target's position
4. Noclip - Makes the player or target go through walls and other entities. Can be abused to lock another player in place.
5. Return - Takes the target and transports them to their last position, before they had been brought or a goto.
6. Jailtp - Teleports, then jails target(s), default 0 seconds, 0 is forever
7. Map - Changes map and gamemode.
8. Vote - Starts a public vote.
9. Spectate - Spectate target.

Rcon - Execute command on server console.

What is In character and what is Out of character?:
OOC: Describing in .// chat or /ooc about the weather, commenting on a goofy situation in game or making an observation that a persons character would not or should not know.

IC: Any comms, chat, or actions that are what a person's character would actively do in the universe or RP.

Do you believe you are able to work with a myriad of different people, some of which may have different opinions than yours?:
Yes, with the understanding that I will voice where I differ in opinion. I generally don't hold grudges or issues.

What do you believe the job of a Gamemaker entails?:

Depends on the GM. I've seen good, bad, and in between.

I believe a good GM should be knowledgeable and research the individual docs for each faction, so we are intimately aware of what RP works and doesn't work for each faction. Seeing what other GM's are doing or have done, to avoid replicating the same events. Independently going through the maps for events prior to a planned event, ensuring that what they plan on doing will function or work.

We should also work with the faction leads to see what areas that the players may be interested in. Assisting other GMs as able with their events. Creating decision trees to ensure that should players take something another route, there are a few options for how something can play out, so I'm not entirely without direction or ideas should players roll deep south on the way I thought or intended something to go.

Give us a full event idea that you have. [3+ Paragraphs]:

UNSC Forces and It's Allies will attempt to covertly insert themselves into a URF held research and archaeological site. SoS covert intelligence has discovered that the planet is going to be attacked by Covenant Forces soon. By disguising themselves as URF sympathizers scientists and it's security detail, UNSC friendly forces will insert themselves into the facility and acquire as many artifacts, information, and details as possible before the Covenant Force attacks and destroys, or captures the relics and information. Briefing / Tasking would be as Follows:

Intelligence reports have indicated that Covenant cells are preparing to attack a URF held outpost on a fringe planet. The URF are unaware of this. Thankfully due to active SoS Covert operations and intelligence gathering initiatives on their part. The planet itself was long ago forerunner held, and is the subject of a great deal of research and archaeology.

Our objective is to covertly deploy on planet and establish a FOB within the jungle to assist our covert forces. We will insert a willing and viable selection of our UNSC personnel onto a secondary archaeological dig site. I want you to take everything you can, information, artifacts, research, all of it. As covertly and quickly as possible. Time is the killer here. We want to be on site close enough to the Covenant Invasion that we can disappear in the confusion, but not stay so long that we get stuck in the muck with the URF.

SoS. Your job is quite possibly one of the most important. You're forces are to attack prior to when the main Covenant Force slipspace in. You're initial attack will provide a significant diversion to our agents within the facility, and cover for our joint operation. If all goes to plan, the URF will think that the entire relief force was lost in the flames, or fled in fear.

It goes without saying, but friendly fire is going to be difficult to manage. UNSC forces, at no time are you to engage any SoS or Covenant forces without my Authorization and PRIOR confirmation with SoS. We will coordinate with the SoS as well to ensure that all Friendly Fire is avoided. SoS will be Danger Close on all targeted attacks.

ONI has successfully coordinated the creation of fake Identification Badges and IFF's to help with the ruse. They will be distributed after we insert covertly planet side.

Marines, Chimera, <INSERT OTHER UNITS HERE AS NEEDED BASED ON SERVER POPULATION>, will identify themselves as a private security contingent and provide that for our INTEL operatives.

[INTEL would look over to the SPARTANS and FREELANCERS] Unfortunately the SPARTAN'S and FREELANCERS greatest strength is also their greatest weakness here. Those of you greater in size than our average personnel will need to remain in armor, and covert, to provide cover and intelligence, once it goes hot. For the more "average" built among you. I need you and ONI working together to assess and acquire the intelligence and artifacts.

Naval, I will need your ships ready to extract our units at a moments notice, in that time you will defend the LZ from any patrols or indigenous creatures.

Additional tasking will be given once we hit planet side. If there are no additional PTS, Briefing Dismissed.

UNSC and SoS will insert onto the planet covertly, save for the forces that are going as the "relief" scientists. Badges will be distributed and disguises implemented (Either Through Modeling or simply changing bodygroups and camo RPly). Covert forces will provide over watch while main Disguised Detail inserts and begins searching for artifacts, collecting data, and conversing with the Scientists and URF on station. Covert Forces will quietly eliminate patrols before they discover the FOB and collection of friendly Hidden Aircraft. After a either a predetermined amount of time or if the players make the actions themselves, the SoS will begin their diversion attack.

URF will attempt to repel the attackers and both Scuttle the site or offload as many artifacts as possible. If they have gained the trust of the URF the Covert Forces may convince them to load the artifacts onto the UNSC pelicans. Or, should the situation allow it, all units go loud and they work together to destroy the URF forces. More likely than not if the covert action is abandoned many artifacts will be lost.

Once the UNSC and their allies decide to leave, a secondary event will take place on a second map. Once units are back aboard the ship they will be forced to fend off Covenant boarding forces, or URF and Covenant, who will also be fighting each other. The decision to use what forces is dependent on:

1) If the UNSC forces perform the RUSE well enough that the URF do not suspect them, and let them leave with no incident. (Covenant Only Boarding)
2) If UNSC forces leave AND were discovered to be UNSC. (URF AND Covenant)

Both forces will be attempting to recover the artifacts from the ship.

During this time the NAVAL may perform SHIP combat RP. Once repelled, the UNSC vessel and it's SoS allies may Slipspace away to safety.

Map will be selected that allows for Base Placement. Cover will be determined based on available map rotations. Would need to review the map rotation and then apply guideline structure above to the map.

Key Personnel:
Primary URF Scientist: Provides information on Artifacts currently being worked on, areas of interest, VERY EXCITED, about the recent excavation and cleaning of the "CUBE" More suspicious of group than anyone else.

Primary URF Base Security SGT: Tired, hates being on this crappy outpost. Hasn't fought the UNSC really in any way. Joined because of rebels and vandals attacking his home world, lost friends to Covenant fighting. Isn't very suspecting of any shenanigans. Goes straight Animal Mother from Full Metal Jacket whenever combat does get initiated.

Covenant Ship Commander: Mostly VOIP RP, attacks, statements, etc...

Various supporting personnel as needed and available. More details would be implemented once a map is selected, researched, and appropriate Dupes pre-created.

Condition 1) Will result if the UNSC performs it's ruse well and the URF do not detect the team as being UNSC personnel.
Condition 2) will result if UNSC does not disable patrols, the RP fails in some way, or they reveal themselves in one fashion or another to be UNSC.

Artifacts will vary. One or two throwaway items. Most important RP wise will be a CUBE. CUBE will have a starmap and encoding on it. The only way to decode the starmap will be through the use of data collected from the URF scientists and computers. On planet are several "Rossetta Stone" styled structures, they have previously been translated and documented within the database. Should players successfully acquire the items, information will play into a secondary event progression.

Did any current Gamemaker refer you to apply?:
-Who?: No

I Charles Agree and understand that I am not staff, and it is not my job to do staff duties, unless there is 0 staff on I will not use my commands unless needed. I also agree that I will not noclip/abuse my powers.

I, Charles, acknowledge that this application is to be filled out with complete honesty. Being accepted will hold me at a higher standard in behavior and demeanor. Not doing my job or abusing will result in a warning or a demotion.

I, Charles, Swear to uphold the server rules, and enforce them. I will make sure to stay within the limits and rights given to me by my assigned rank within GM's, as well as keep a calm head and clear judgement when dealing with staff and or players, in order to ensure fairness to all who join the server.

And that if I Charles am found in violation of the rules I swore to uphold, and of this contract that I can and will be removed from GM's and or staff and forever barred from Re-Applying, along with any other Consequences that are deemed Necessary.

I appreciate the opportunity to re-apply. If there are any issues or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly in discord, or TS.


Dungeon Master
Jun 30, 2020

I gotta say, I honestly thought you were already in some sort of team on the server! I looked through your application and everything's either spot on or exceeds the requirements! Your event idea is creative and extremely versatile towards planning and backups, along with plentiful tasking towards everyone in the community. I've always found you to be a great person on the server to be around and would love to see you in the GameMaker team!
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