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Grasshand's GM Application

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Jun 13, 2017
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:85328318

What are the current names you have in game?:

Do you have any bans/warnings?:
-What were these bans for?:

Have you been on the server for one month or longer?[Post join date]:
2016/2017 (Unsure, Very very long time ago. Early days of server)

What is your age? [Minimum 15]:

Do you have a microphone? [Required]:

Do you have TeamSpeak? [Required]: Yes.
-What is your name in TeamSpeak?: UNSCMC PVT(PFC) Mercado

Do you have Discord? [Required]: Yes.
-What is your discord ID?: Grasshand#7768

Are you currently staff on a different server? Are you willing to leave that staff position for the one you are applying for?:
I am not currently staff on any other server.


Experience with staffing [ULX, other servers, etc.]:
Couple months, Used to staff for a santos rp server. (Santos RP being more serious version of Dark RP.) Little way into the past, Server closed down not long ago due to dying PB.

How active are you on the server?:
Rather Active, Atleast 8-10+ hours a week

When are you usually available? [Days of Week/Time/Time zone]:
Primarily, Monday and Thursday. About 10 AM EST-3AM EST. During other days 11 PM EST - 6 PM EST

What do you believe to be your best qualities that can contribute to being a Gamemaker?: Creative, I can think of rather interesting ways to put objectives to make them seem more appealing and interesting, rather then just being.. "Shoot this object." Calm, Even if faced to crashes and lag, I am very patient and cool-minded. I am happy to continue work and continue things and take criticism well and even encourage it. Finally, Reliable. I tend to be on the server during more 'low-pop' hours and while there is a good handful of people, There is rarely much for people to do. I'd be happy even for late at night like that, to bring some fun to the mix for those in the later hours of the day. I also tend to be online somewhat frequently.

What do you plan to do as a Gamemaker?: [50+ Words] I plan to try and ensure to do my best to provide a good story and facilitate the best roleplay I can for players, I often hear its something people wish they had more of and thus, I want to try to provide everyone a slice of that RP cake and give everyone their fair share of attention to the best of my ability. I hope to write good events with an understandable and believable story for everyone to enjoy and think about as I want revival and myself to be remembered like it was in the past for the dramatic and amazing events with intricate stories. I'll do my best to be the best gamemaker I can be with the best my creative mind can think about and create.

What 10 Commands do you know about that are in SAM and what exactly do they do?:
!armor [name](^) [value] (Gives the person battery charge/Armor points.) (example is giving yourself armor)
!hp [name](^) [value] (sets the health value of the person (ditto)
!goto (Jimmy) (sends the user to the name put in after the command, This would bring me to jimmy.)
!bring [Jimmy] (Similar to the previous but brings Jimmy to me.)
!cloak [name] (Turns usually just the user as only !cloak is put in entirely invisible usually followed by.)
!noclip [name] (grants the user 'fly mode' or noclip, Allowing them to fly and pass through walls. Does not protect from kill barriers in most cases.
!god [name] (Makes the user unable to be harmed outside of kill barriers and special commands.)
!slay [name] (Kills the user or whomever's name is imputed.
!budda [name] (Similar to god mode, You cannot die however in this mode. You can take damage all the way to 1 hp.)
!cleardecals (simply removes all server and client side decals, usually used to fix FPS issues.)

What is In character and what is Out of character?:
In character is everything in world, Feelings, Thoughts, Actions. Like a character in a book, What happens in that world is part of that world. TLDR: Anything you do in the game to an extent. Out of character is everything else, These are more like the players talking directly to eachother, Or choosing to ignore something silly having glitched for the sake of keeping things serious. Simply: In character is everything done with regard to keeping the setting and mood, Playing and acting like a solider and a person you aren't. Out of Character is outside this view, Talking via the fourth wall (OOC chat), Things that the staff or GM are doing like setting up, Similar things.

Do you believe you are able to work with a myriad of different people, some of which may have different opinions than yours?: Yes, I work easily with those who aren't likeminded or have separated opinions much like a real workplace, Not everyone is going to get along and while I may butt heads, I am happy to work with others and come to mutual conclusions.

What do you believe the job of a Gamemaker entails?: Much like a DM for Dungeons and Dragons, The goal of the GM is to help convey the world to the player. They help guide the players into stories and events and gives them a goal and a mission to follow. They give them things to fight, people to talk too and understand, Things to puzzle over and feel smart as the figure out the solution of the problem but most importantly.. They facilitate roleplay, even if not directly through the GM. They give the players the means to act as their character and role and react to situations. Doctor's tending to the wounded, Hackers breaking a firewall to open a door so that breacher units can rush in to secure the VIP. Naval reacting to ships warping in by scanning them, Similar things. Key part is giving everyone a fair slice of the roleplay cake.

Give us a full event idea that you have. [3+ Paragraphs]: Mission is based on a arid world designated Fyra-II-b, setting is the planet is current suffering a rough power struggle as the URF puts pressure on local governments after acquiring and later revealed to be purchasing covenant arms from Jackal black-market dealers under the name of (Jyur'a'Rak or Blade of Freedom). The Local governments put out a request for aid following an attempted siege on their main consolidated headquarters, Revival being requested to bolster the defenses and aid a counter attack against the URF forces to allow them to regain a foothold in the city.

Briefing would begin explaining much of the previously stated material with one key objective and two side objectives. Key objective being to ensure the defense of the headquarters and preventing it from being overwhelmed and taken by URF forces as this would be a striking blow to morale leading to a rapid collapse of the remaining planetary defenses surrendering or scattering. Second Objective is to attempt to ensure the life of the Consolidation leader (Event character.) This person is critical to the planet both politically and logistically. Losing them would be bad due to the lack of remaining leadership for the planetary garrison and due to them being president, This would be poor for the reputation of safety the UNSC provides even in times of great struggle. Third objective is for the identification of where the URF may have supplied their covenant weaponry, hidden through logs and various data-records held in some of the footholds by the URF.

Deployment would work with the Aviation and drop teams, sending the Main force (everyone but ODST) into the headquarters, Dropping them into the plaza and unloading them, giving them a moment to organize a defense and position themselves for the upcoming attack, ODST would drop behind the enemy foothold lines to disable enemy emplacements to allow easier defense and ensure the pushback can successfully happen, Likely securing information at the same time on the source of weapons and other information. The main assault will be squads of URF attacking the headquarters supported by snipers and a singular scorpion tank. (aswell as field battery fire if the ODST do not find/eliminate the emplacement operator/gun). After this main attack and some light skirmishes from the remaining attack force. Revival Detachment would be ordered to engage the counter attack against the various footholds in the city spearheaded by Marines and Jotunn operating armor, While the consolidated defense remains at the headquarters to defend. (Mostly just flavor, If people do remain, Possible spawning of light squads) with the swordfish if applicable (small NPC group will be used if no pilots.) to keep enemy air support busy. (Likely just 3-6 aircraft total having an air battle to add to the scene.). The footholds would be decently defended by large numbers of URF soldiers and some support from their own set of remaining technicals and armor. Once the URF footholds were defeated, The consolidation forces would claim the footholds and take proper defense of the city and with supplies provided by the UNSC, would begin their own counter attack into the more rural regions of the city. At this point, Revival detachment would return to the headquarters for exfil from the zone, Loading up and returning to the ship.

Debriefing would commence and elaborate that due to the success on Fyra-II in defending the headquarters and successfully counterattacking the capital foothold, The local governments made a significant pushback against the URF forces managing to crush and quell much of the local rebellion with efforts being made to push and cease the rebellions of other cities. They would then talk about performance of each group through the mission, condoning or condemning actions. (Friendly fire, Good defenses, Ect..) Debriefing would end and people would return to normal duties. Information gathered would be provided to ONI and other informative branches, informing them the source (being the gang named at the start) but not the location of the covenant weapons as a dead-drop method was used to avoid any possible tricks from either party, showing clear distrust between the groups but a mutual alliance as they both seem to be after some kind of hidden cache stored in the said system containing large amounts of weaponry including a record of 2 WMDs. (later used as a Mcguffin for a linked event.)

Notes: Somethings obviously up to change and interpretation as writing and /doing/ things are much different but I would try to hold to the 'script' as much as possible unless something crazy happens and even then, I am adaptable (crazy being ONI/Random Marine killing the consolidation leader for whatever reason.)
This would be a large project but I'd love to be able to do events like these but may require an extra set of hands for something like this due to all the moving parts.

Did any current Gamemaker refer you to apply?:
-Who?: Ajax

I Grasshand Agree and understand that I am not staff, and it is not my job to do staff duties, unless there is 0 staff on I will not use my commands unless needed. I also agree that I will not noclip/abuse my powers.

I, Grasshand , acknowledge that this application is to be filled out with complete honesty. Being accepted will hold me at a higher standard in behavior and demeanor. Not doing my job or abusing will result in a warning or a demotion.

I, Grasshand, Swear to uphold the server rules, and enforce them. I will make sure to stay within the limits and rights given to me by my assigned rank within GM's, as well as keep a calm head and clear judgement when dealing with staff and or players, in order to ensure fairness to all who join the server.

I, Grasshand, acknowledge that if I am caught advertising my application then my application will be automatically denied.

And that if I Grasshand am found in violation of the rules I swore to uphold, and of this contract that I can and will be removed from GM's and or staff and forever barred from Re-Applying, along with any other Consequences that are deemed Necessary.


Apr 30, 2022
+1 I have seen them on server, very good at RP, I recommend you for GM team!!!
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