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Hexy's Edgy Application 2: SNAKEFIST.


A Tumor given life.
Jul 8, 2017

Steam Name/Steam ID : FlexyLexyMexyMonGon ◨_◧, STEAM_0:1:70044789

How long have you played on the server?: A Few weeks now.

Characters name/nicknames: Xavier Shannon.

Characters Race((Be aware Quarian, and Turian are application only, and must have a detailed backstory in order for the character to be accepted.)) : Species wise, he’s a human. However he’s a Caucasian-Latino mix.

Requested position aboard the ship((http://revivalservers.com/index.php?threads/available-positions-aboard-the-ship.2905/)): Engineer, Specialization in Computer and Technology.

Specific Gear, and/or abilities((Biotic abilities, Implants, and biotic abilities are application ONLY)) :

Skills: Xavier is highly skilled in technology due to training and overall experience, and if possible I’d like to start off with a Tech of 4. His CQC is Subpar, so he’s just a CQC 1 In terms of stats. His main statistic in terms of combat is his tech abilities, which would be used with the whole Tech skill.

Physical: Xavier doesn’t lift, bro. He’s a fairly tall man at about 6’2, however he’s more or less a beanpole. He’s got a pretty high pain tolerance, too. He’s not a Biotic.

Mental: Xavier is pretty sound mentally, not much is wrong here besides a bit of Pyromania and an annoying lack of ability to maintain dedication to anything he is doing over any amount of time long term.

Medium Combat Hardsuit w/ Shielding: The combat hardsuit he dons is fairly standard. Capable of halting a good few rifle rounds as well as handgun rounds, the armor itself dampening kinetic impact to the point it won’t matter too much, the shield around his person sports similar protective values. He’s got a helmet.

M-4 Shuriken: A High-RPM, Six round burst SMG with a 36 Shot clip, it’s really light and thus won’t do much in terms of actually hindering agility, and could be semi-controllably fired whilst one-handed. Frankly it’s not a bad choice for a weapon.

Military Spec Omni-Tool: A Military Spec Omni-Tool, this one of the ‘Nexus’ Variety in terms of manufacturing. Ripping off Tali’Zorah aside, the OMNI-Tool is fitted with various features to make his job easier. These shall all be listed in greater detail below. It’s capable of various misc features, such as Downloading and running Video Games, Video, audio, and holographic communication, camera functions, converting items into Omni-Gel to be used for impromptu repairs, and there’s even such thing as ‘Omni-Tattoos’.

Omni-Blade: The Omni-Blade is a flash constructed lightweight blade that’s nearly Diamond-Hard, capable of cutting through flesh as well as armor, or acting as a really nasty cauterizing tool on the field, or just cutting down objects/things. It also works for aborting children, just ask Gavius.

Overload: The Overload is simple: Your shield is overrated, and now forfeit. It’ll shut down whomever is their target’s shield, whilst helping for summary executions it’s also useful for close quarters scuffles in battles. Overload can also cause the opposing forces weapons to overheat, provided their shield was previously down.

Incinerate: A Little known fact is that Xavier has an unhealthy obsession with fire, it fires from their Omni-Tool and lights their poor target ablaze.

Combat Drone: The Combat Drone is something summoned forth from the realms of Omni, this mighty beast of technology is capable of zapping you until you stop, getting shot, and damaging your shield.

Sabotage/A.I Hacking: You ever been up against an uncomfortable amount of Loki? Want them on your side? Well if you can manage to hack it, you can! This thing allows them to make robotics capable of being hacked well, hacked. Typically they’ll side with him.

Characters alignment, IE Paragon, Renegade, Neutral: Neutral with more Paragonic tendencies, in DND terms he may fall under ‘Neutral Good’.

Characters Backstory((The longer, and more detailed the backstory, the most likely you will be accepted.)) : Oh boy, here we go.

Once upon a time, there was a motel. This motel was in a small town in a place called Maine.

Here, in the scent of beer and vodka, Xavier was created.

Xavier was born in Maine Coast memorial hospital, on June 24th 2159. Born into a family as their first and only child, his parents were named Sarah and Nolan. However, due to the fairly unstable household after his Mother had a few too many drinks and a few too many bad days, the authorities moved him to live with his Uncle, Jonathan. This didn’t really bother him much, as he never had much time to start caring about his parents too much anyway at such an age. He still stayed in touch.

Xavier’s school success was mixed, he was a relatively lanky kid, and thus anything physical was anything but his fortie. He decided to compensate for this by becoming what he called ‘the local nerd’. More or less, Xavier just beat his head off a wall whilst he read an uncomfortable amount of things, however this did help his grade go up, going from a C Average to a B-A Average.

This endless cycle of self torture V.I.A Forcing an uncomfortable amount of things into his mind (Which Xavier didn’t quite enjoy) continued until the end of high school, in which he graduated with some pretty typical majors, mostly technology and math. Once he reached college he mostly focused on Engineering and Computers, with some dabbling in Robotics here-and-now.

He attended college for about two years before dropping out, and then something hit him: He was unemployed. Ambitious about what he could do, he decided to perform a long shot.

Untrained in Military in any sense, knowing he’d probably have to suffer through a few months of basic, he signed up for New Eden. It wasn’t that he wanted to be a front-lines fighter, he just wanted to be capable of utilizing the skills he grew and learned over time. He never really figured he’d actually make an effort to see military service, moreso he planned to sit on a ship all day and do next to nothing. He never planned it to be a long-standing career anyway, he just needed the cash, 1-2 years and he planned to leave, due to fact he dying as a Soldier wasn’t how he planned to live his life.

Pointless Bonus Information, Fluff Xavier did growing up, most of it stupid:

He played Tabletops games an uncomfortable amount, typically as a Wizard.

He denounced several countries, and took up calling Quarian ‘Living Condoms‘

He tried to punch a V.I Interface in the face whilst drunk once

He successfully punched his best friend in the face whilst drunk.

He attempted to pick up chicks once, got slapped and pepper sprayed.

He attempted to pick up Turian chicks once, was hospitalized.

Attempted to pick up a Biotic chick; had his nose broken, and his shoulder dislocated.

Attempted to (literally) pick up a Turian male once, was hospitalized.

Had various interactions with Turians that ended up with him hospital, basically.

He threw up at a funeral

One good thing he did: He held a stable relationship for 3 years, before it became long distance. Lasted about a month after, person cheated on him. Sad.

He got glasses, only to constantly knock the lenses out whilst cleaning them

He did the same to his Uncle’s glasses.

What is your character's goal aboard the ship? Why were they hired by New Eden? :

Xavier’s goal on the crew is one thing: Acquire Currency. He likely would’ve been hired by New Eden due to the fact he had pretty okay grades, not to mention his general skill with technology displayed. However, due to his lacking physical prowess, he likely wasn’t overly suggested for field use.