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Jan 29, 2017
Good evening.

This is the 700th time I have spoken to you from this website where so many decisions have been made that shaped the history of this Community . Each time I have done so to discuss with you some matter that I believe affected the server interest.

In all the decisions I have made in my public life, I have always tried to do what was best for the Server. Throughout the long and difficult period of Player drop , I have felt it was my duty to persevere, to make every possible effort to complete the term of office to which you elected me.

In the past few days, however, it has become evident to me that I no longer have a strong enough political base in the High Staff to justify continuing that effort. As long as there was such a base, I felt strongly that it was necessary to see the terms of service process through to its conclusion, that to do otherwise would be unfaithful to the spirit of that deliberately difficult process and a dangerously destabilizing precedent for the future.

I would have preferred to carry through to the finish whatever the personal agony it would have involved, and my family unanimously urged me to do so. But the interest of the Community must always come before any personal considerations.

From the discussions I have had with high staff and other directors , I have concluded that because of the revival matter I might not have the support of the High staff that I would consider necessary to back the very difficult decisions and carry out the duties of this office in the way the interests of this community would require.

I have never been a quitter. To leave office before my term is completed is abhorrent to every instinct in my body. But as Admin, I must put the interest of The community first. MRP needs a full-time Admin and a full-time Staff, particularly at this time with problems we face at home and abroad.

To continue to fight through the months ahead for my personal vindication would almost totally absorb the time and attention of both the Admin and the high staff in a period when our entire focus should be on the great issues of peace abroad and prosperity without hate.

Therefore, I shall resign the Administration effective at noon tomorrow. Admin innocent cat will be sworn in as senior admin at that hour in this office.

In passing this office to the Admin , I also do so with the profound sense of the weight of responsibility that will fall on his shoulders tomorrow and, therefore, of the understanding, the patience, the cooperation he will need from all Players.

As he assumes that responsibility, he will deserve the help and the support of all of us. As we look to the future, the first essential is to begin healing the wounds of this community , to put the bitterness and divisions of the recent past behind us, and to rediscover those shared ideals that lie at the heart of our strength and unity as a great and as a free people.

By taking this action, I hope that I will have hastened the start of that process of healing which is so desperately needed in The community .

To those who have stood with me during these past difficult months, to , my friends, to many others who joined in supporting my cause because they believed it was right, I will be eternally grateful for your support.

So, let us all now join together in affirming that common commitment and in helping our new Admin succeed for the benefit of all Players.

But the challenges ahead are equally great, and they, too, will require the support and the efforts of the High staff and the people working in cooperation with the new Administration.

There is one cause above all to which I have been devoted and to which I shall always be devoted for as long as I play.

When I first took the oath of office as Staff 5 months ago, I made this sacred commitment, to "consecrate my office, my energies, and all the wisdom I can summon to the cause of peace among community ."

This, more than anything, is what I hoped to achieve when I sought the Admin. This, more than anything, is what I hope will be my legacy to you, to our country, as I leave the Administration .

To have served in this rank is to have felt a very personal sense of kinship with each and every Player. In leaving it, I do so with this prayer: May Allah's grace be with you in all the days ahead.