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Im Back

Kodak VAC

Rust Developer
Jan 28, 2017
For the pasr few days i have been gone, im sorry that i have been missing but I went through a painful and long surgery on my tooth, that took 6 hours. I have been under major pain meds. I see that my application got accepted. Im so happy that im now part of the Gamemakers and i hope you guys have been fine while i was gone.

What i got on my tooth: I went through a painful root canal that also had other major work done on it because i never thought that it was bad , but then the tooth started getting very painful and i should have gone to the dentist a while ago but i always forgot. They took out the nerves of my tooth and replaced them with fake ones. They also cut my gum open to do it which now leaves a purple and blue bruise around the tooth. It hurts like hell and i am trying to get back to playing.
