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Itz_Vakarian's Character Application

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Nov 14, 2017
Steam Name / Steam ID : Itz_Vakarian

How long have you played on the server?: Around Two and a half weeks at the most.

Characters name/nicknames: Nenius 'Ven' Venorian

Characters Race((Be aware Quarian, and Turian are application only and must have a detailed backstory in order for the character to be accepted. http://revivalservers.com/index.php?threads/the-species-list.5992/) : Turian (Picture of Nenius, Drawn by yours Truly.)


Requested position aboard the ship((http://revivalservers.com/index.php?threads/available-positions.5978/)): (Not On List) CEODO (Chief Explosive Ordinance Disposal Officer, as well as explosives handling, and Demolition.)

Specific equipment, weaponry, gear, and/or abilities:
Primary weapon: M-55 Mattock Assault Rifle

Heavy Weapon (For Demolitions, and Heavy, or grouped Targets):M-100 Grenade Launcher
Armor type: Heavy (Preferably 75-100)(Customized Standard Turian Armor, ME3)

Just in Case: Always carries a sheathed Combat knife on His Right Shoulder.

Grenades: Mark-14 High Explosive, and Mark-14 Flash-bang, as well as Smoke Grenades, and Breaching/Demolition Charges.

Characters alignments (Select one, or make one.): "Judge" (Lawful Neutral)

    • Lawful Good, "Crusader"
    • Neutral Good, "Benefactor"
    • Chaotic Good, "Rebel"
    • Lawful Neutral, "Judge"
    • Neutral, "Undecided"
    • Chaotic Neutral, "Free Spirit"
    • Lawful Evil, "Dominator"
    • Neutral Evil, "Malefactor"
    • Chaotic Evil, "Lucifer"
Characters Backstory:

In the Year 2160, Nenius Venorian, a Male Turian was Born on Palaven, along with his Twin Sister, Aronia Venorian. Nenius, was rather big, even for a Turian, and had very distinct, light blue markings to go along with his over-sized stature. He was raised, mostly by his Mother, seeing as the great majority of Turians were Military. When nenius would occasionally see his father, it would be for a week, at most, seeing as leave in any military, especially the Turian Navy, tends to be short. His father was also fairly tall for a Turian, being Seven-Foot exact. His Ritual when seeing his son, in fact, was teasing him about his size, saying he was too big, and his mother wasn’t ‘The Same’, after she gave Birth to him. Only later in Life did Nenius truly realize the meaning behind that joke.

He still Enjoyed Life, without having a dad around, though he preferred his dad being around, mainly because being the only Male in the household, wasn’t too appealing to him. He got by though, Staying satisfied with life. As a young boy, he and his friends enjoyed playing games, like soldier, and what not, Nenius always being the first to die, his friends’ excuses being he was a bigger target, and easier to hit. They were right and he knew it, and sometimes this would get his hopes down a bit, though not by much. This was a trend, until around the age of Nine, when he discovered EOD. He slowly engrossed himself into more and more Extranet articles, pretty much learning every trick of the trade.

After Four years, he went into a later school, for Pre-Military Advocates. He also met his first real ‘Bully’ Here. It was a young Turian Aristocrat by the name of Evnanius Duranian. This Turian, even though much smaller than Nenius, was much ruder, and snottier, and quiet of a prick as well. Most likely the Money getting to his head. One day, off-grounds of the Academy Complex, Evnanius and his goons caught up to Nenius, while on his way to his quarters. They started poking fun at Nenius, and then started attacking him from distance with rocks, and Evnanius eventually running up behind Nenius to kick him, though it didn’t go exactly as planned. Nenius spun around, dropping his things, grabbing Evnanius by the side of the head, and throwing him against a wall. Evnanius left him alone after that.

At the age of Fourteen, Nenius enrolled in the Turian Navy, as an EOD technician, where he excelled, due to his earlier Extra-net exploits. One such case was in a Simulation, and his squad managed to get themselves Killed, or injured. There was a major explosive that required disabling, and Nenius pulled it off, whilst getting his squad evacuated from the area. He was praised for his actions, and continued on this quite successful path, through his training, and Into his military Career. Many of his higher-ups mentioned to him, that he had more than earned his position as an EOD technician, even saying they could get him a much better position in the Navy. Each offer was rejected though, Nenius was set on being an EOD, and he planned to keep it that way.

Through the years of service, (2175-2181) Nenius was noticed by many Higher officers, captains, etc. And many considered his methods to be “Cold”,or “Brutal”, yet “Effective”. His reputation among fellow Soldiers, and Officers alike, became more well received over the years, while his position, along with his work, earned him respect among his Brothers and Sisters. Many times, Nenius had been said to put his life on the line, to protect a fellow soldier, and much of his combat history, showed not necessarily a great leader, but rather a Turian that was great at getting the job done.

In 2181, Nenius left the Turian Navy, and Became a Mercenary, Doing odd jobs, and Demolitions work, building himself a Reputation, similar to the one among the Navy. He was also considered to be a Major threat by ‘The Blue Suns’ and had a dead or alive bounty on his head for quite awhile. His reputation really caught up to him though, when he was Contacted by Cerberus, and asked to participate in a ‘Suicide Mission’, though he did not accept, because he planned to re-enter the Navy.

After Re-Enlisting in the Turian Navy, for a few months, everything was quiet for several months, until ‘The Reaper War’. Nenius served like any other Turian alive, and Involved in the war. Post-War Palaven was a mess, and so Nenius once again left the Military, settling Down, and helping his Father and Sister in Recovery efforts. Less than two weeks after returning to Palaven, his sister was killed in an accident at a munitions stockpile, along with four other Turians. He later Lost his Father to a similar incident, in which a small explosion in a crumbling building Killed two Turians, one of which was his Father. One month Later he was contacted by PTFC for peacekeeping.

(EOD Pin)

What is your character's goal aboard the ship?: Nenius, as his Rank of CEODO entitles, he his in charge of EOD operations, and/or tasks. His primary goal is to Serve Peace, No Matter the cost, as well as Teach, and Train the Next generation of EOD technicians along the Way, making sure they succeed in their goal, for their success is his own.

Why were they hired by PTFC? : After leaving the Navy a decorated EOD officer, Nenius settled down for a short while, on Palaven, helping with the planet's Reocvery, and reminiscing Fallen Brothers, Sisters, and Friends. He was, two months after leaving the Military, Hired by PTFC, a peace keeping task force, For exemplary actions in his in and out of service life. He had last Both His Sister and Father to War, and accepted the Offer made by PTFC, vowing to serve for Peace.


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Too Many Years
Staff Blacklisted
Years of Service
Networking Blacklisted
Feb 11, 2017
Seen the application, I thought it was short I talked to the lad and he said he will make it longer soon and gave him some examples of how he should do it so until then <3


Too Many Years
Staff Blacklisted
Years of Service
Networking Blacklisted
Feb 11, 2017
He fixed it + motherfucking one outstanding work.
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