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Jacobs's GM App


Sep 8, 2020
Steam ID:

What are the current names you have in game?:
Naval Delta AI Jacob, Scholar Jakob, 82nd TRN 3C Agent Jacob

How long have you been a part of the server?:
1 month

Do you have any bans/warnings?:

-What were these bans for?:

What is your age? [Minimum 15]:

Do you have a microphone? [Required]:

Do you have TeamSpeak? [Required]:

-What is your name in TeamSpeak?:

Do you have Discord? [Required]:

-What is your discord ID?:

Are you currently staff on a different server?

Are you willing to leave that staff position for the one you are applying for?:


Experience with staffing [ULX, other servers, etc.]:
Yes. (!armor) gives said player more armor or less (playerID) amount of armor it can be (0-255)

and (!hp) gives said player more health or less (playerID) amount of health can be (1-2147483647)

and (!vote) starts a public vote

How active are you on the server?:
3-5 hours a day

When are you usually available? [Days of Week/Time/Time zone]:
3-5 days of the week, 2-5 hours, USA CST

What do you believe to be your best qualities that can contribute to being a Gamemaker?:
My attention to detail my creative ideas. I feel like I could fill in some of the blanks that I see on the Gamemaker team and I think my creativity and teamwork skills would help make me a great Gamemaker.

What do you plan to do as a Gamemaker?: [50+ Words]
I plan on making events that are equal in every opportunity so that everyone has a chance at having fun during the events. I will try to find a balance between large scale battles and optimizing frame rate. And it is my goal to encourage induvial unique play styles that allow for dynamic situations and for players to shine and have there own personal memories from Revival Servers.

What 10 Commands do you know about that are in SAM and what exactly do they do?:
!giveammo - Give player(s) ammo.
!armor - Set armor for player(s).
!setrankid - Set a player's rank by his steamid/steamid64
!cleardecals - Clear ragdolls and decals for all players.
!vote - Start a vote!
!hp - Set health for player(s).
!strip - Strip weapons from player
!exit - Force a player out of a vehicle
!endvote - End current vote.
!cloak - Cloak player(s).

What is In character and what is Out of character?:
In character means you are currently talking and acting as your person in game. Such as ‘UNSCMC Pvt Jackson’ or something along those lines.
Out of Character means you’re speaking as the person you are in the real world. Which has no effect on IC.

Do you believe you are able to work with a myriad of different people, some of which may have different opinions than yours?:

What do you believe the job of a Gamemaker entails?:
Making events for people and having a good time while doing it and building cool things


Give us a full event idea that you have. [3+ Paragraphs]:
An event idea and the way I would set it up is this way:

Storyline begin at the Debrief:
“Alright gentlemen, we have gotten information from a third party about a URF Base location, we will be heading there by ship and the tasking will be relayed there on the spot once we arrive”

PRIORITY OPS: [Objectives that are the most important during the mission]
Main Objective: Infiltrate the main base of The Pykes and retake UNSC Supplies.
Secondary Objective: Eliminate Pyke leadership. [There would be three leaders, two lieutenants and a commander, reason for it being a secondary objective is to possibly add this to future events, like a campaign.]
Secondary Objective: Hack into the URF Data banks and locate other possible base and outpost locations.

Before starting the event we would figure out what music we want at each scene, what voice lines we would want for our characters during those scenes and what combat we want seen. There has to be a balance in this. So it’s not over-used in any way. Making sure every player feels involved.

SECONDARY OPS: [Less Important but Significant objectives]
Secondary Objective: Disable URF Supply base to stop reinforcements coming to assist main objectives. Aircrafts via LFS will be deployed if the UNSC does not take out this base.
Secondary Objective: Destroy URF Comms outpost to disrupt their comms and stop distress signals for reinforcements. This group will disrupt UNSC Comms if not dealt with when they strike the PRIORITY OPS.
Secondary Objective: Deal with a large platoon returning to the main FOB in the city. This group will reinforce and protect main objectives if they return to the enemy FOB.

Event start:
- Set up an FOB for the UNSC or a Platform for the ‘Ascension’.
- Set spawn cubes. And add Ship props.
- Add a QM Station. And add an area for recruits to get trained, if there are any recruits needing that.
- Start setting up the main objectives and smaller objectives, working the way down setting up props, NPC locations, Boss locations, etc. Make sure the event looks and feels real.
- Set up objective markers.

Tasking for groups:
[It is difficult to balance so many groups but some groups do jobs others can’t. So I’ll do my best to put them towards the places I think are best.]

Frontline infantry. Task them with going for base objectives. So destroying the URF Supply lines in this event. And after they’ve completed the objective, move towards dealing with the enemy bosses. As they specialise in taking down enemies.

Based more on tactics than frontline infantry. Split Cerberus and Valk to deal with the large enemy platoon coming back to base, meanwhile Cerberus deals with the comms outpost. Then all the army groups once their tasking has been finished will move to infiltrate and take parts of the PRIORITY OPS URF FOB.

Swords of Sanghelios are good at frontline infantry and make good backup forces. They bring bulk into battle especially with their heavier units. Tasking them with dealing with hunting down URF platoons is a great option. Then send them to deal with the main facility. Have them protect the outside from incoming forces. And have the URF NPCs spawn outside. Giving them a real task that makes sense.

ONI should immediately infiltrate the comms outpost first. Then head straight for the URF Facility’s data banks. Have them have that main task. As they specialise in hacking and data/information.

Tasking them with something important is really the only option as they can get any job done. For this mission I’d assign them to immediately take out the supply outpost with the marines, and then heading straight for the Priority Ops FOB. Giving them the option of taking out the enemy leaders. Though if this were a campaign the leaders would be long gone by the time they got there.

Linking them up with the army to assist in their efforts. It’s hard to put them in an area with so many other objectives. So for this one assisting the army would be the best idea.

Amazing Infantry unit that can take down most threats, have them drop on the outskirts of the URF FOB base and secure the area after that they will wait for SoS to take over their position and cover the outskirts, once that happens they will raid the base, if the Spartans get there quick enough ODST’s will assist them in any way possible and back them up with the raid against the URF FOB.

Will be assisting any faction and can move around freely

After the tasks are done a outer URF base notices that the current attacked base isn't responding so they send over a huge wave of URF units in which the current attacked base that is being hacked begins to have a self destruct countdown timer of 900 seconds (15 minutes) where all units NEED to immediately evacuate the area to a area that is marked with “evacuation area” which is currently being overrun by URF which need to be disposed of first before any faction can evacuate. If anyone in this time fails to evacuate it will result in a NPK
which should be said in OOC by a GM so it gets the units back faster of fear of getting NPK’d.

Event End:
- Play a soundtrack that will fit the situation
- Have there be many explosions by nukes
- After the explosion are done wait till all the units regroup
- After the units are regrouped and ready change maps
- Debrief of the mission


Did any current Gamemaker refer you to apply?:

Arvo, Lucario

I <Jacob> Agree and understand that I am not staff, and it is not my job to do staff duties, unless there is 0 staff on I will not use my commands unless needed. I also agree that I will not noclip/abuse my powers.

I, <Jacob>, acknowledge that this application is to be filled out with complete honesty. Being accepted will hold me at a higher standard in behavior and demeanor. Not doing my job or abusing will result in a warning or a demotion.

I, <Jacob>, Swear to uphold the server rules, and enforce them. I will make sure to stay within the limits and rights given to me by my assigned rank within GM's, as well as keep a calm head and clear judgement when dealing with staff and or players, in order to ensure fairness to all who join the server.

And that if I <Jacob> am found in violation of the rules I swore to uphold, and of this contract that I can and will be removed from GM's and or staff and forever barred from Re-Applying, along with any other Consequences that are deemed Necessary.
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May 10, 2020
-1 I Have read your application and there are things I like but you seem to have missed a few things. now I can't guarantee my vote to change but if you get those things you missed I would gladly reconsider my vote.

+1 Good to see these changes I am greatful to change my vote
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Apr 11, 2020
+1 app looks pretty good you seem like you know what you are doin


Halo RP
Game Maker
Mar 3, 2018
+1 App seems solid looks like he can bring some fresh eyes to the game


Apr 11, 2020
changing it to a -1 you dont ask the GM director if they can look at your app or try to rush your apps process.