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Kindle Staff Application for HaloRP

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Nov 16, 2018
Houston, Texas
Steam Name: [RS] WubbZii

Steam ID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/WubbZiiOfficial/

In-Game Position/Rank/Name: SoS Special Operations Commander Kindle

Are you a Donator on HaloRP?: Yes

If "yes" have you been warned by staff for Abusing your rank, or been removed from Donator Status: oof

If you have been caught minging, Fail RP or breaking server rules explain here for what you did: Other than goofing around a few times with friends in the SSR, or somewhere that doesn't intrude other players RP experience, no, I have not broken any rules.

If you are applying for Night Staff please say yes and if you are not please say no: No, I have the CST Time Zone
Age (Minimum 15): 15

Do you have a microphone(Not required)?
- Yes I do

Do you have TeamSpeak3(Required)?
- Yes
TS3 Name:
- Kindle
Do you Have a KIK(Required)?
- Yes
KIK name(if you have one):
- Kindle_1471
Timezone: CST


Any info we should know about you(Something that may effect staffing):
- Nothing out of the ordinary, I have a set schedule based on my activity.

Tell us About Your-self(60+ Words, No Less):
- I am someone that has a good mix of friendliness, and formality. I give people respect and treat them how I want to be treated, however, if I am disrespected, I have thick skin and I easily ignore it, moving about my day.
I'm open arms and love to help people with learning new things, or just helping people in general, which is why I've decided to take it upon myself to apply for staff.

How Long Have You Been On The Server?(Min 5 Days): Almost 3 years now.

Are you a minge or have been caught in acts of mingery?: No.


Are you currently staff on another server? If so, which?: No.

(Note: If you are staff on another server you will be denied)

Experience with staffing (ULX, other servers, etc.(Please Explain (What Servers etc)):
I've staffed on this server before and I have reached up to admin.
I know how to set binds, ban, and what commands do which thing

Have you ever been banned from any Revival servers? If so, why?
How will your activity be on the server?
I can give a good amount of hours whenever I am able to get on the server.
Days,Hours Of Availability(If you go inactive, for 1 weeks without LOA or letting someone know anything, you can and will be removed from staff):
DAYS: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
HOURS: Sunday // Saturday - Free
Weekdays - 4:30 - 8:00


Explain why you're a better candidate than other candidates (75+ words, No Less):
Because I provide a good working attitude and i dont complain about other members, drama, or other unimportant factors, I am better than others because I will do my job as a staff to ensure players are being provided with a rich roleplay experience as well as making sure everyone is following the rules accordingly. I'm also better because I am transparent to players and other members, if anyone has a problem with me I encourage them to take it up with me in teamspeak so I can talk with them about it proffesonally.

How do you plan to benefit the server? (60+ words, No Less): I easily plan to provide the server with a good staff member with ULX binds, a friendly staff member that is willing to help players with even little problems, I plan to give the server a dude that loves to help around and to keep the playerbase happy and satisfied with their roleplay experience. And finally, I will give the server a consistent schedule on when and where I will be available, as such I will be open within a teamspeak channel for anyone to come grab my attention for anything.

Explain why you stand out from others (50+ words, No Less):
I stand out from others because I provide a good working experience as well as a good personality, I am open to conversations, open to helping others, and when it comes to it I'm always willing to put the foot down in situations when needed, by that I mean I can get players // minges in check with a commanding voice a few ULX commands.

List (5) Ulx Commands and what they do(List something other than: ban,Kick,Warn,TP,Maul,Slay,Gag,Jail,slay(Explain What They Do.)):
1. !noclip ^ - Allows the user to fly through the map effortlessly
2. !cloak ^ - Makes the user invisible to other players (ensure pac is off)
3. !God ^ - Grant's the user invulnerability to all damage
4. !freeze @ / <Player name> - Freezes the subject targeted by this command
5. !goto // !bring - Sends the user to the target, or brings the target(s) to the user
Explain what minging is:
Minging is the act of someone breaking roleplay and purposely acting like an ass to ruin other players experience. This could be being overly sarcastic and FailRPing, etc.
Give one example of how you would deal with minging as staff(Give a situation in detail):

Explain what FailRP is in detail: FailRP is the act of someone giving their character the knowledge of something they shouldn't know how to do, or just doing something they shouldn't be doing in the first place

Give one example and how you would deal with it As Staff(Give a Situation in Detail):
A marine decides to pilot a pelican out of the station, but is not in the air force and is not certified, I get called from reports by the marines SGT and I'm explained what happened, and the marine is still flying about, I go outside to catch the pelican, freeze it with a physgun, and kick the player for FailRP, I then bring back the pelican with the physgun to its rightful owner.


Explain what RDM is in detail:
Random Death Match is the act of someone killing a player without any proper reason.
Give one example and how you would deal with it As Staff(Give a Situation in Detail):
I'll go with the more drawn out situation here, a PVT decides to shoot his former squad mate in his bunks, its reported, and the PVT is immediately frozen by me, I goto him and see what happened, the squad mate explains, and I ask if it was true from the PVT, he just blankly stares into my physgun glow and then disconnects, I grab his STEAMID, and ban him for 3 days for a count of 1 RDM and a DC during sit.


Explain what Trolling is in detail:
Trolling is the act of one purposely ruining the experience of another player and trying to get a laugh out of it
Give one example and how you would deal with it As Staff(Give a Situation in Detail):
Trolling has many forms, and can be a bit vague but I'll go with this:
A PVT decides to attempt ODST tryouts, and they begin the climb swep course, but he decides it would be funny to block everyone's way and deny them the way to proceed, considering lex hasn't PKd him yet, I'm called over to deal with it, I grab the guy with my beam and set him down to ask what's going on, and the tryout host explains, the troll says hes sorry and it wont happen again, hes kicked out of the tryouts, and later I get another call, saying hes being disrespectful, I goto the person reporting and watch what's going on before acting, I see the troll disrespect red handed, and ban him for 1 day on an act of Trolling

((Keep in mind I havent looked over the handbook at the time of making this, I'll learn the appropriate punishments for everything soon))


Explain what OOC and IC is(Give a situation in detail):
OOC: Out Of Character - Speaking as yourself and not as your character you are roleplaying as
IC: In character - Speaking as your character and not as your former self

What would you do if two people were fighting in OOC matters and it turned into IC matters (Give situation in detail):
I've seen this happen multiple times
Someone accidentally crashed their pelican killing everyone on board, a PVT is particularly salty and flames the OOC channel, I tell them to take it to PMs, and they quit, only to have a few minuts later see the kill feed fill with the PVT killing the pilot, I goto him and he explains that he is a doodoo head or something, I bring the pilot after freezing the PVT and have a good sit through why you dont RDM over a OOC matter.
They both understand but I still kick the PVT for the account of one RDM.

Do you understand that it is required to listen to and respect ranks higher than you?
- I do, I respect those above me and listen to superiors.

Do you agree not to advertise your application to anyone in the community in any way?
- I understand and agree, this shall not be shared by any means.

Do you agree to treat all players fairly and respectfully?
- I do, I do not give any favoritism to even my best friends, I see everyone as equal players.

Do you understand that becoming a staff member means that you will be putting your staff duty in front of your in-game character RP?:
- I do, Life > Staff > RP

Will you abuse your powers?
No, never have, never will, I do also understand that I am not to interfere with any gamemaker events with things like spawning vehicles without permission.

(If you say "No" and you Abuse your powers, you will be removed from Staff Permanently and Barred from Re Applying.)


I, Kindle, acknowledge that this application is to be filled out with complete honesty. Being accepted will hold me at a higher standard in behavior and demeanor. Not doing my job or abusing will result in an instant demotion.

I, Kindle, have acknowledged that I have read the constitution for Revival Servers at http://revivalservers.com/constitution/ and fully understand how to abide by the rules

I, Kindle, Swear to uphold the server rules, and enforce them.And to stay within the limits and rights given to me by my assigned rank within Staff.And to keep a calm head and clear judgement when dealing with staff and or players, in order to ensure fairness to all who join the server.

And that if i, Kindle, am found in violation of the rules i swore to uphold, and of this contract that i can and will be removed from Staff and forever barred from Re-Applying, along with any other Consequences that are deemed Necessary.

And that i, Kindle, also will not under any Circumstance for whatever reason Retaliate against a player,Staff or this server, or the Community and any servers within it's domain for my own or someone else's feelings, or revenge.

I, Kindle, Acknowledge that this app may be denied or approved for a number of reasons.And that i will not retaliate if denied, and if accepted i will not flaunt it around in other's faces, that i will remain calm and cool headed.

I, Kindle, swear that if i commit any acts, such as Violating Community Standard's, Or Acts Such as Treason Towards the Server Or Community, I can and will be removed from Staff and Banned From Revival Servers, as it is a Just Punishment for the Crimes committed.

I, Kindle, Swear, my Loyalty and Full attention to the server, and my duties as Staff if Appointed to a Staff Position. For i shall Uphold and Guard The Rules Set-Forth By the Upper-Management, and enforce them as they should. And if i shall fail, in my duties repeatedly, i understand i may be removed and replaced.


Halo RP
Senior Admin
Aug 25, 2018

Great application and also previous staff memeber. Would be a great fit to the team.
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