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[Kraken] - Developer Application - [12/2/2018]

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Lead Developer
May 19, 2018

Name (Steam Name):


Date of joining Revival:

Since the beginning, I was there when SN merged with Revival to have the HaloRP server we have today. I have not been on ever since then, but I started being active again around May of this year.

Tell us about yourself:

Well, I have already been through this a few times but here goes. Many people by now know that I am currently in College and going for my Master's degree in Atmospheric Science. I am also an Eagle Scout in the BSA. I currently have a job as an IT Technician at a company called CNI or Com-net for short. To be honest I have been back and forth for quite a while, I currently am 21 years of age and working for a living. Just like everyone else now'a days. To be honest I do development as a hobby, I hate being paid or charging money for a "Hobby" which is why I will not apply as a Freelance developer. At the moment I have several family members and 2 dogs, I don't really know of anything else that would be interesting, If you are curious you can read my introduction or read my previous application.

Do you have a microphone? (Please state clarity of this said microphone):

I have a studio microphone, it is perfectly clear. I sometimes prefer to type as I type very fast.

What role are you taking? (Programmer, Server Configurator, Mapper etc.):

Server Configurator as of right now, for HaloRP.

Are you applying with prior experience or were you trained by a Development Team member, if so. Who?:

100% Prior experience, I never learned anything from any developer here really except how NWBool is outdated from Quack and I shouldn't spend so much type using it for my server-side functions. (Thanks quack)

What is your skill level with GLua 1-10 (1-4 Being the basics of GLUA. 5-7 being Programming functions and creating custom scripts or 8-10 being you know almost everything from Configuration to Programming):

I would say definitely a solid 7 or 8, I have been doing this for a while. I don't prefer making scripts or anything like that. I picked it up along the way, so for now I will just stick to what I have been doing.

Are you currently a staff member for Revival and if so, what rank and how long?:

No, not currently.

Have you been a Developer before? If so where and how long?:

Yes, I used to be a Senior Developer and then I was the Director of Development for around 2 months. I was a normal Dev for at-least 3-4 months. You can check my other app if you are curious. That summarizes my dev positions here on revival.

Why do you want to become a developer for Revival? (One Paragraph Min.):

I'm going to get straight to the point, normally I would not have applied again however there is a slight issue. I see currently that we have a lot of new configurators coming for SCP and the new servers. However, HaloRP with its one dev currently needs a hand. I never thought I would really be coming back to help out again but, here I am. So in summary I want to be a Developer to help out HaloRP as well as ease the work load on Chaos. If you do not know already, I am a person who is very co-operative with others and I have taught several developers here. However most of them left or resigned. Chaos is still here though powering through.

What will you bring to the development team?:

I say the same thing everytime, I will bring an easier work load and my skill-set to the team.

Can you show/link us your work?(Required):

I have several things,


The first thing would be that I was the one who made revival's current HaloRP loading screen, I do have some work below however:

Here is a night-vision script I made:
Shared.lua contains:
ENT.Type = "anim"

ENT.PrintName = "Night Vision Sample"
ENT.Category = "KrakenRP"

ENT.Spawnable = true
ENT.AdminOnly = true
Init.lua contains:


function ENT:Initialize()

self:SetModel( "models/props_junk/cardboard_box003a.mdl" )

self: PhysicsInit(SOLID_PHYSICS)
self:SetSolid( SOLID_VPHYSICS )
self:SetUseType( SIMPLE_USE )


function ENT:Use(caller)

if caller:GetNWBool("cannight") then return end

caller:SetNWBool("cannight", true)

cl_init.lua contains:

function ENT: Draw()

//Actually draw the model
self.Entity: DrawModel()

local Up = Dir(self, vector_up)
local Fwd = Dir(self, vector_fwdy)
local Right = Dir(self, vector_rightx)

local Pos = self:GetPos()
Pos = Pos+Up*25
Pos = Pos+Right*0
Pos = Pos+Fwd*5

local Ang = self:GetAngles()
Ang:RotateAroundAxis( Right, 90)
Ang:RotateAroundAxis(Up, 90)

local Scale = 16
local iScale = 1/Scale

cam.Start3D2D(Pos, Ang, iScale)

surface.SetDrawColor(Color(50,50,50, 150))
surface.DrawRect(-530, -155,860,100)


(I left some things out so people cannot copy it, it will fail if you try to use it.)

Otherwise, here is an example of what I used to do for NWBool functions, I used something like this on my last application.

PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetRunSpeed(225) ply:SetWalkSpeed(225) ply:SetCrouchedWalkSpeed( 1 ) ply:SetHealth(400) ply:SetMaxHealth(400)

if not ply:GetNWBool("willfacehugger") then return end
ply:SetNWBool("isalien", false)

if ply:GetNWBool("willfacehugger") then
if #ents.FindByClass("ent_egg") == 0 then return end
local egg = table.Random(ents.FindByClass("ent_egg"))

PlayerDeath = function(ply) ply:EmitSound("alienrp/alien/son_alien2.wav") ply:SetNWBool("willfacehugger", true) end,

customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or string.match(ply:GetNWString("usergroup"), "VIP")or ply:IsAdmin() or ply:IsSuperAdmin() end,
CustomCheckFailMsg = "You are not whitelisted!",

(Something I made for an old AlienRP server, similar to my last app.)



Are you active on Teamspeak?:

Fairly Active.

Do you agree to be active on the Development Trello and Kik chat?:

I'm still in the chat on Kik, but we never use it.

Do you understand that abuse of your developer powers will result in an instant blacklist, demotion, and possible Community Ban from the Revival Development Team and platforms of Revival:

I understand, my contract I believe is still in effect.

Last edited:


Years of Service
Jan 17, 2017
Name (Steam Name):


Date of joining Revival:

Since the beginning, I was there when SN merged with Revival to have the HaloRP server we have today. I have not been on ever since then, but I started being active again around May of this year.

Tell us about yourself:

Well, I have already been through this a few times but here goes. Many people by now know that I am currently in College and going for my Master's degree in Atmospheric Science. I am also an Eagle Scout in the BSA. I currently have a job as an IT Technician at a company called CNI or Com-net for short. To be honest I have been back and forth for quite a while, I currently am 21 years of age and working for a living. Just like everyone else now'a days. To be honest I do development as a hobby, I hate being paid or charging money for a "Hobby" which is why I will not apply as a Freelance developer. At the moment I have several family members and 2 dogs, I don't really know of anything else that would be interesting, If you are curious you can read my introduction or read my previous application.

Do you have a microphone? (Please state clarity of this said microphone):

I have a studio microphone, it is perfectly clear. I sometimes prefer to type as I type very fast.

What role are you taking? (Programmer, Server Configurator, Mapper etc.):

Server Configurator as of right now, for HaloRP.

Are you applying with prior experience or were you trained by a Development Team member, if so. Who?:

100% Prior experience, I never learned anything from any developer here really except how NWBool is outdated from Quack and I shouldn't spend so much type using it for my server-side functions. (Thanks quack)

What is your skill level with GLua 1-10 (1-4 Being the basics of GLUA. 5-7 being Programming functions and creating custom scripts or 8-10 being you know almost everything from Configuration to Programming):

I would say definitely a solid 7 or 8, I have been doing this for a while. I don't prefer making scripts or anything like that. I picked it up along the way, so for now I will just stick to what I have been doing.

Are you currently a staff member for Revival and if so, what rank and how long?:

No, not currently.

Have you been a Developer before? If so where and how long?:

Yes, I used to be a Senior Developer and then I was the Director of Development for around 2 months. I was a normal Dev for at-least 3-4 months. You can check my other app if you are curious. That summarizes my dev positions here on revival.

Why do you want to become a developer for Revival? (One Paragraph Min.):

I'm going to get straight to the point, normally I would not have applied again however there is a slight issue. I see currently that we have a lot of new configurators coming for SCP and the new servers. However, HaloRP with its one dev currently needs a hand. I never thought I would really be coming back to help out again but, here I am. So in summary I want to be a Developer to help out HaloRP as well as ease the work load on Chaos. If you do not know already, I am a person who is very co-operative with others and I have taught several developers here. However most of them left or resigned. Chaos is still here though powering through.

What will you bring to the development team?:

I say the same thing everytime, I will bring an easier work load and my skill-set to the team.

Can you show/link us your work?(Required):

I have several things,


The first thing would be that I was the one who made revival's current HaloRP loading screen, I do have some work below however:

Here is a night-vision script I made:
Shared.lua contains:
ENT.Type = "anim"

ENT.PrintName = "Night Vision Sample"
ENT.Category = "KrakenRP"

ENT.Spawnable = true
ENT.AdminOnly = true
Init.lua contains:


function ENT:Initialize()

self:SetModel( "models/props_junk/cardboard_box003a.mdl" )

self: PhysicsInit(SOLID_PHYSICS)
self:SetSolid( SOLID_VPHYSICS )
self:SetUseType( SIMPLE_USE )


function ENT:Use(caller)

if caller:GetNWBool("cannight") then return end

caller:SetNWBool("cannight", true)

cl_init.lua contains:

function ENT: Draw()

//Actually draw the model
self.Entity: DrawModel()

local Up = Dir(self, vector_up)
local Fwd = Dir(self, vector_fwdy)
local Right = Dir(self, vector_rightx)

local Pos = self:GetPos()
Pos = Pos+Up*25
Pos = Pos+Right*0
Pos = Pos+Fwd*5

local Ang = self:GetAngles()
Ang:RotateAroundAxis( Right, 90)
Ang:RotateAroundAxis(Up, 90)

local Scale = 16
local iScale = 1/Scale

cam.Start3D2D(Pos, Ang, iScale)

surface.SetDrawColor(Color(50,50,50, 150))
surface.DrawRect(-530, -155,860,100)


(I left some things out so people cannot copy it, it will fail if you try to use it.)

Otherwise, here is an example of what I used to do for NWBool functions, I used something like this on my last application.

PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetRunSpeed(225) ply:SetWalkSpeed(225) ply:SetCrouchedWalkSpeed( 1 ) ply:SetHealth(400) ply:SetMaxHealth(400)

if not ply:GetNWBool("willfacehugger") then return end
ply:SetNWBool("isalien", false)

if ply:GetNWBool("willfacehugger") then
if #ents.FindByClass("ent_egg") == 0 then return end
local egg = table.Random(ents.FindByClass("ent_egg"))

PlayerDeath = function(ply) ply:EmitSound("alienrp/alien/son_alien2.wav") ply:SetNWBool("willfacehugger", true) end,

customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or string.match(ply:GetNWString("usergroup"), "VIP")or ply:IsAdmin() or ply:IsSuperAdmin() end,
CustomCheckFailMsg = "You are not whitelisted!",

(Something I made for an old AlienRP server, similar to my last app.)



Are you active on Teamspeak?:

Fairly Active.

Do you agree to be active on the Development Trello and Kik chat?:

I'm still in the chat on Kik, but we never use it.

Do you understand that abuse of your developer powers will result in an instant blacklist, demotion, and possible Community Ban from the Revival Development Team and platforms of Revival:

I understand, my contract I believe is still in effect.

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