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Kyber's GameMaker Application

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"I Can't wait to start F**in Hammerin people"
Sep 26, 2020
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:195390891
What are the current names you have in game?: Kyber & Zak
How long have you been a part of the server?: 22 hours
Do you have any bans/warnings?: None
What is your age? [Minimum 15]: 20
Do you have a microphone? [Required]: Yes
Do you have TeamSpeak? [Required]: Yes
-What is your name in TeamSpeak?: Kyber
Do you have Discord? [Required]: Yes
-What is your discord ID?: ZAK#3099
Are you currently staff on a different server? Are you willing to leave that staff position for the one you are applying for?: I'm not staffing on any other server.
Experience with staffing [ULX, other servers, etc.] Yes Over 4 Years
4 years Of experience
(Server) (RANK)
Gaming Light Police RP : ( Highest Rank Held on sever ) - ADMIN
Gaming Light SWRP Imperial ( Highest Rank Held on sever ) - SUPER ADMIN
Gaming Light JVS ( Highest Rank Held On server )- HEAD GAME MASTER
Gaming Light SWRP Clone Wars ( Highest Rank Held on sever ) - HEAD GAME MASTER
Nexus RP WW2 WarRp ( Highest Rank Held on sever ) - ADMIN
Nexus RP SCRP ( Highest Rank Held on sever ) - ADMIN
Soul Networks Police RP ( Highest Rank Held on sever ) - HEAD ADMIN
Soul Networks 501st RP ( Highest Rank Held on sever ) - HEAD GAME MASTER
Soul Networks SWRP Clone Wars ( Highest Rank Held on sever ) -
Hell Bound Networks SWRP Clone Wars ( Highest Rank Held on sever ) - HEAD GAME MASTER

How active are you on the server?
When ever I'm not working or Working out I will usually be available

When are you usually available? [Days of Week/Time/Time zone]

Monday: 4pm-12am
Tuesday: 4pm-12am
Wednesday: 4pm-12am
Thursday: 4pm-12am
Friday: 1pm-12am
Saturday: 11am-12am
Sunday: 11am-12am

What do you believe to be your best qualities that can contribute to being a Gamemaker?

Experience is one thing I can absolutely say I have on this topic. Although I want people to look past my recorded and look at how I listen and care about a players feedback and Roleplay experience. I want players to feel like they are apart of the event not just being forced into one.
All I want is to find a community to call home so please consider me as your next Game Maker.

What do you plan to do as a Gamemaker?: [50+ Words]

I plan to really make the player feel immersed in the world I can create for them rather it is a Event or a simple training Sim, I plan to give 110% into everything I put out into the community. I am a perfectionist and when I have ideas for a event or a Sim I spend Hours planning them out and make sure everything is perfect down to the smallest detail. Being a Game Maker isn't just throwing enemy's and some props in front of the players. It's taking your time with everything planning,props,storyline and combat this is a job that can't be half assed.

What 10 Commands do you know about that are in SAM and what exactly do they do?:
-!goto: (name) This will Tp you to the player you are searching for
- !bring (name) this will bring the person to your location that your targeting
-!mute (name) target the person who you are trying to deafen. this will be voice chat and text. he will be muted to the whole server
-!god (name) This will make sure you take Zero Damage
-!slap (name) (damage) this will hit your targeted player and can adjust the damage to the slap
-!ungod (name) this will ungod you
-!jail (name) This will lock a player in a Jail cell, used when a minge is on.
-!kick (name) (Message) this will kick the player from server
-!unmute (name) this will let the player use the chat and voice chat after muting them
-!ban (name) (Length) This will ban the player for how ever long they deserve

What is In character and what is Out of character?
In Character is keeping the roleplay going and not breaking it buy meta gamming and acting as if you are actually living in the shoes of the avatar you are controlling
Out Of Character is stepping away from the perspective of the avatar you control and not acting and roleplaying within the environment of the server.

Do you believe you are able to work with a myriad of different people, some of which may have different opinions than yours?

Absolutely I enjoy other peoples Ideas and points of views I have no issue with that even if I don't like that person at the end of the day I have a job and it's providing a safe lore friendly environment for the players to enjoy.

What do you believe the job of a Gamemaker entails?

Terraforming the world in front of their eyes providing them with fun lore friendly and challenging events and interesting storylines and making them feel immersed into the world you create for them rather that be a all out warzone or a simple patrol. You have the ability to really provide level changing things for players to enjoy by creating enriching events/sims/patrols & story's

Give us a full event idea that you have. [3+ Paragraphs]

I have more than enough ideas over the years I have pages full of event plans and Ideas that I can easily switch over from a Clone wars setting to Halo here is one of the event plans I have as a example as well as share a link to my Google Docs showing all of my Event Ideas I have made over the years allowing you all to see the inadept level of perfection I'm willing to go threw in order to make a solid Event.

Bounty Napping-Not Completed Plot/Brief: We Have Recently Intercepted Intel Of a Group Of Bounty Hunters That Have Intercepted Jedi Transport Ship That Was Carrying A Group of Jedi Younglings and Kidnap them to Nar Shadda Our Mission Is To Infiltrate Nar Shadda and Find The Younglings Then Extract The Younglings At The Extraction Requirements:
  • 3 Staff
  • Cad Bane

  1. Get required amount of 3 game makers to assist for the event and give them a heads up
  2. Prepare to pilots for later use
    1. if there are no pilots select 2 commanders to fly LAATs.
  3. Allow The Hosting Gamemaster’s to name a selected player to Grand Admiral and model The player to this: models/player/wullf/wullf.mdl
  4. Call Briefing and wait for everyone to get there
    1. Have a game maker to noclip to the “Main Hangar” and Spawn 2 laats
    2. Read the following briefing:
      1. We Have Recently Intercepted Intel Of a Group Of Bounty Hunters That Have Intercepted Jedi Transport Ship That Was Carrying A Group of Jedi Younglings and Kidnaped them to Nar Shadda Our Mission Is To Infiltrate Nar Shadda and Find The Younglings Then Extract The Younglings At The Extraction
    3. Ask for Questions on The mission and answer them accordingly
      1. Make sure everyone is aware that after map switch everyone should immediately line up in spawn.
    4. Dismiss the Briefing
  5. Have Grand Admiral open the Hangar Doors
    1. Have Grand Admiral get into the laats passenger seats
    2. Have the two preselected pilots get into the pilot positions.
      1. Same step if using commanders
    3. Have the clones follow Grand Admirals lead.
    4. Have them take off and head out of the venator
  6. Switch maps to Nar Shadda
    1. On spawn have everyone line up and block the exit from spawn.
    2. On spawn have two game makers setup NPCs along the path to the desired location.
      1. Spawn Droid NPCs
        1. Set Droids Health to 500
        2. Set Npcs Gun to E-5
    3. spawn a 39m turret facing the military base
  7. Enters Cad Bane
    1. Set The Health of Cad Bane to 1500
    2. Give Cad Bane The Cad Bane Sound Swep (Weapon path:sswep_cadbane)
    3. Give Cad Bane A De-10 and a DLT-19 (DLT-19 path: weapon_752_dlt10, De-10 Path:weapon_752_de10)
  8. Take the two pre selected players to change their names to Jedi Youngling
      1. Model 1 of the Younglings to models/jazzmcfly/jka/younglings/jka_young_male.mdl
      2. Model the other Youngling to models/jazzmcfly/jka/younglings/jka_young_shak.mdl
  9. Have Cad Bane and the two younglings hide out in The Cell Area In The Military Base Cad Will Be Protecting The Younglings While The Younglings Will be in a cell
    1. Make sure the Three Players Know What They are suppose to Do
    2. Spawn Terror troopers around Cad Bane
  10. Have Admiral Wulff read off the following script:
    1. “Ok Troops We Recently Received Intel From Our Scouts That the Younglings are held up In a Military base at the far side of the city your mission is to push your way to the Base Infiltrate it Then Find the younglings and Escort Them To The Evac Point While Our Pilots Make The Extraction We are Expecting Heavy Resistance.
      1. Dismiss the Troops and have them To Start to Run toward the Objective
  11. As the they Come into the base there will be a few terror troopers inside waiting
    1. Once the get to the prison section Cad Bane will be there with some Terror Troopers
  12. Once They Eliminate Cad Bane and Terror Troopers They will search The Cells and Find The Younglings In The Cell
  13. Then They Will Escort The Younglings To The Evac Which is at the hangar That's When Grand Admiral will Advert Good Job Troopers Now Escort Them To The Evac Back At The Hangar Be Careful I Intel Reports There are Reinforcements Coming In Large Numbers
  14. Once They Get Close To The Evac I will Spawn 2 Laats
  15. Then Uncloak and Tell Them To Load Up and Take off and Switch the map Back To the Venator
  16. Model Gamemaster again models/player/wullf/wullf.mdl
  17. Call Debriefing at the Briefing Room
  18. Say The Debrief word by word Congratulation Boys You Guys Saved The Younglings and Evaced at minimal Casualties You Guys Performed Quickly and Skillfully Now If anyone has Any questions ask now
  19. Answer Questions
  20. Ask Commanders Do you have any Promotions or Demotions Go Right To Left 1 by 1 asking each commander
  21. Dismiss Briefing and ask commanders to stay behind for event

Did any current Game maker refer you to apply?

No One

My closing statement:
I have a long list and history of being a Game Master/ Game Maker and I just want a community I can settle into and have fun and just do what I enjoy doing which is making Events and providing a fun experience
Thank You for reading and reviewing this.

With Love


I <Kyber> Agree and understand that I am not staff, and it is not my job to do staff duties, unless there is 0 staff on I will not use my commands unless needed. I also agree that I will not noclip/abuse my powers.

<Kyber>, acknowledge that this application is to be filled out with complete honesty. Being accepted will hold me at a higher standard in behavior and demeanor. Not doing my job or abusing will result in a warning or a demotion.

<Kyber>, Swear to uphold the server rules, and enforce them. I will make sure to stay within the limits and rights given to me by my assigned rank within GM's, as well as keep a calm head and clear judgement when dealing with staff and or players, in order to ensure fairness to all who join the server.

And that if I
<Kyber> am found in violation of the rules I swore to uphold, and of this contract that I can and will be removed from GM's and or staff and forever barred from Re-Applying, along with any other Consequences that are deemed Necessary.
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Lunar Chris

[Moon Lord's Servant]
Jan 5, 2020
Your app looks good, but you don't have the proper Steam ID. I'll give you some time to fix that. Here's the link to get the proper format for your Steam ID.
+1 Your app is well made and detailed; your experience would benefit greatly for the team. Although if you're actually applying for the CW GM team, you've posted in the wrong section on the forums.
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May 10, 2020
+1 Good app would love to see you on the team and four years of experience wow that's a lot. No issue I can see with you joining our team


"I Can't wait to start F**in Hammerin people"
Sep 26, 2020
Your app looks good, but you don't have the proper Steam ID. I'll give you some time to fix that. Here's the link to get the proper format for your Steam ID.
+1 Your app is well made and detailed; your experience would benefit greatly for the team. Although if you're actually applying for the CW GM team, you've posted in the wrong section on the forums.
No I'm applying for Hola Rp GM, I was using my SWRP events as a example.


Apr 11, 2020
+1 great app also good to see another boi from gaminglight! anyways goood app prob a decent addition to the team


Oct 6, 2020
1+ Don't play Halo Rp much but when I was on he was chill and helpful and it looks like he knows what he is doing.
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