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Matty's GM Application

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Nov 20, 2019
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:78230351

What are the current names you have in game?: ODST T24 Candidate 05, Devil Dog Eight.

How long have you been a part of the server?: Over a year.

Do you have any bans/warnings?: No.
-What were these bans for?: N/A

What is your age? [Minimum 15]: 18

Do you have a microphone? [Required]: Yes.

Do you have TeamSpeak? [Required]: Yes.
-What is your name in TeamSpeak?: Matty. I am also Teamspeak staff.

Do you have Discord? [Required]: Yes.
-What is your discord ID?: matty#1433

Are you currently staff on a different server? Are you willing to leave that staff position for the one you are applying for?: No, I am not currently staff on a different server.


Experience with staffing [ULX, other servers, etc.]:
I was a Senior Admin, Manager, and Director for this server. Furthermore, I was an admin on Diabolic Halo RP when it was open in 2014.

How active are you on the server?: I'm on every other day, usually.

When are you usually available? [Days of Week/Time/Time zone]: Depends on work schedule, but typically around the nighttime.

What do you believe to be your best qualities that can contribute to being a Gamemaker?: When Skylar was still the Understudy HGM/aHGM, I was GM trained and ran several events, all with very high ratings. I stay very calm under extreme pressure, I can logically put together a sequence of events that is enjoyable, and I can create very unique and challenging scenarios without going over the top with NPC's and all that junk.

What do you plan to do as a Gamemaker?: [50+ Words] I plan on creating uniquely challenging events like I did before that engage all facets of the community. I believe there's more than just typing that should be done in RP. You can add various encryption and other things that make it much more unique, much more engaging, and much more rewarding when completed.

What 10 Commands do you know about that are in SAM and what exactly do they do?: As I was management when SAM was still being considered, I do know ten commands.
!hp - sets the HP of a, or multiple, users.
!setmodel - sets the model of a, or multiple, users.
!freezeprops - good in case someone is a moron and unfreezes a large dupe, as it instantly freezes all props on map.
!stopsound - stops all sounds on server. Good in case something glitches out.
!cleardecals - clears all decals on server. Good to reduce lag.
!god and !ungod - self explanatory.
!bring - brings a, or multiple, users to a location.
!goto - teleports yourself to a user.
!freeze and !unfreeze - allows you to freeze a, or multiple, users.
!cloak and !uncloak - allows you to cloak yourself.

What is In character and what is Out of character?: In Character is the Roleplay of the server. It is the personality of your character, sometimes completely different from you yourself. The ramifications of being an ass, hating a faction, or otherwise In Character are far different than the Out of Character ones. Out of Character is you, yourself, as a person.

Do you believe you are able to work with a myriad of different people, some of which may have different opinions than yours?: Yes, but I can be very brash whenever someone does something stupid. I will say it as it is.

What do you believe the job of a Gamemaker entails?: A few events a week that are engaging to the full community.

Give us a full event idea that you have. [3+ Paragraphs]:


Marines and Army will clear through four different towns filled with URF and Civilian alike. ODST's will drop in between several FOB's on cliffs and the towns after Marines and Army have fully cleared the towns and begun checking the civilian's for injuries, treating them, and further investigating the URF presence on planet, reporting their findings to Section 2. Naval will be on standby to medevac any civilians that need to be brought for more extensive medical care, as well as troopers and potential POW's.

Upon clearing the FOB's, ODST Squad Alpha-6 will establish FORECON presence and report their findings to the Office of Naval Intelligence and Spartans. Spartans and ONI SCD will then hot drop into the compound, the URF now in disarray.

Spartans and ONI SCD will clear the compound, finding various tortured locals, some dead, some barely living, and the entrance to a greater portion underground. Upon finding various keycards required to turn off the rayshields blocking them from entering, they'll explore an underground area, revealing a heavy supply of munitions, numerous server rooms, and several URF Command Staff members. They'll also find the coordinates for a launch site nearby, as well as the URF central command post on planet.

However, ONI and Spartans will be briefed on the existence of the launch site itself prior to the operation, knowing they need to search for these coordinates. They'll take an underground train to the launch site, clear it out, and launch the missiles at the URF central command post, effectively wiping out all command structure left of this sect of the URF and effectively collapsing the movement entirely. ONI S2 will use the civilians and other atrocities committed by this particular URF sect to turn the rest of this planet against the URF, further squashing the efforts of it.

Did any current Gamemaker refer you to apply?:
-Who?: Charles. Vader.

I, Matty, Agree and understand that I am not staff, and it is not my job to do staff duties, unless there is 0 staff on I will not use my commands unless needed. I also agree that I will not noclip/abuse my powers.

I, Matty, acknowledge that this application is to be filled out with complete honesty. Being accepted will hold me at a higher standard in behavior and demeanor. Not doing my job or abusing will result in a warning or a demotion.

I, Matty, Swear to uphold the server rules, and enforce them. I will make sure to stay within the limits and rights given to me by my assigned rank within GM's, as well as keep a calm head and clear judgement when dealing with staff and or players, in order to ensure fairness to all who join the server.

And that if I, Matty, am found in violation of the rules I swore to uphold, and of this contract that I can and will be removed from GM's and or staff and forever barred from Re-Applying, along with any other Consequences that are deemed Necessary.
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Director Wildcard

Helljumper at heart
Halo RP
Affairs Director
Sep 16, 2019
+1 I'm okay with matty being a GM he was a good staff member and will likely be a great GM too

Unruly 509th

Dec 21, 2019
+1 He used to assist as a side character during events and even held them when he was SA. From my position he is qualified to become his own GM


G277 CPO Ace
Nov 15, 2019
+1, he and I used to run around alot together, super bright very creative


King | | Caesar
Server Manager
Mar 2, 2019
Go get trained fatty
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