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Michael Conway | Developer Application | 7/10/2017

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Michael Conway

Staff Blacklisted
Networking Blacklisted
Jul 10, 2017
  • Must be atleast 15
  • Must be experienced in the field you're applying for
  • Must be an active Member of the community
  • All work shown must be yours, if not you will be blacklisted from the Revival Staff Team
  • You will have to sign a contract to become a Trial Developer.

Title Your Application
[Name] - Developer Application - [Date]

Name: Michael Conway
Date of joining Revival: I do not have a specific time as it has been an on and off relationship.
Tell us about yourself: My name is Michael Conway and I am eighteen years old and I love sports and gaming. Throughout my education in which I take very serious, I always work very hard and am always eager to learn. In my future, I plan to enlist in the marines and then go into the engineering job focus when I get out. I've been coding with glua for about four years now and I work at a hosting company. I've been through many large communities (SantosRP - Project Manager ; Defcon Nations - CM : GL - Staff and Freelancer : Icefuse - Staff : DeadLight Gaming - Founder and the list goes on. Judging by the fact that I have over thirteen thousand hours and my steam account is four years old you can tell I have no life. I've made entities, gui's, and I can make sweps but I am pretty bad at it to be honest with you. I've also made a few gamemodes myself and have done extreme edits to others. I also contain a very large collection that could be very successful if you set them up correctly.

Now enough of that goody goody shat. Pardon my language on that. I have way to much free time and as I currently work at Imperium I feel like I am of no use as I am not given projects but instead am assigned to do fixes which is fine but it gets boring after awhile when no fixes can be made without authorization and you can't receive it. I am eighteen with a full life ahead of me with a lot of free time involved and I just need something to pass the time. I will not be willing to give up on Imperium nor will I do anything in means to hurt or destroy something I helped build but I will be very dedicated to both communities and hopefully that will not become a problem as that would be just very sad.

What role are you taking: Full time developer.
Why do you want to become a developer for Revival: When I first played on Vietnam, I lagged horribly. Now I have a beafy computer and great internet so that is not common. I feel I can help touch the community up and give it the cherry on top. This will allow for you to take advantage of me and allow me to make players to lag less with a better optimized server and make a server capable to run on all platforms within reasonable distance.
What will you bring to the development team: I more specialize in glua but I can also model, map, and I can do small website stuff with html, php and css. I am better at glua then anything else. Now as for the part that is lame, I can also configure darkrp really well.
Can you show/link us your work(Must):

http://steamcommunity.com/id/ELHS_Conway/myworkshopfiles/ (Some of the work is not mine)

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=917707537 (Scoreboard I worked on)

https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....929/D69FC1B21E297C33FD9D95DCC14D5898133D58D4/ (Hud I've made and yes I could do way better but it was based on another hud...I KNOW! DONT JUDGE ME YET!)

https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....693/E28DBCF1C2A9255DD1024001E23BA64C2F0560C6/( Look closely and you will see what I did...)

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=860807922 (My moonshine'in system : xD)

http://steamcommunity.com/id/ELHS_Conway/screenshots/ (I have more work in screenshots)

https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....301/5A3561E74ED9F190E068BA605C4C61981C9CD0C6/ (Something I can do but not mine)

Map I helped make: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....115/1349CA4B82B89E98359014BF610BCC40BBC0F8FE/

I have also made a few gamemodes that were uh...interesting.

Are you active on Teamspeak: Yes and I can also dedicate eighteen hours a day to the community or more.
Do you agree to be active on the Development Trello and Kik chat. I have a really bad anti social condition and I see this as a way where I can communicate and not feel embarrassed and grow a relationship / bond with people who are interested in the same online activities as myself.
Do you have a microphone? Yes I do.
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Years of Service
Jan 17, 2017
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