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Ponk's File


The artist formerly known as Ponk
Dec 31, 2017
Nunya buisness
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Access: OPEN

Personal File

Name- Unknown
DoB- Null,Null,2493
PoB- Doisac
Height: 9'3
Weight: 1542lbs

Known Blood Relatives-
Savious Makranus (2415-2495)-Father

Nodomeus Makranus (2540)
Bop Makranus (2534-2550)
Phoenix Makranus (2539)
Unknown (Null-Null)
Unknown (Null-Null)

Known Backstory-
Born on the Jiralhanae Planet of Doisac. Ponk was picked up by the covenant and trained at an academy at the age of 17 in 2510. His superiors reported a well disciplined brute that had a rage problem that seemed to exceed the others. When he first entered the ranks he was promoted quickly to captain for his brutality toward the "demons". He was known for all out rushes into the enemy lines and taking no prisoners. He was also noted for his competency with a gravity hammer after he killed a unit of UNSC with one of his fallen superiors hammer.
Ponk's unit of brutes were successful in a majority of there missions with a low casualty rate. Although hot headed his minors were trained well enough to fight there way out of a majority of situations. He was noted for having an obsession with gaining power which placed him on a watch list.
Status in Covenant-|MIA|
Last recorded rank in Covenant Army-Captain
Incident- 2514, Ponk and his unit were sent to a UNSC outpost to destroy it and bring back Intel. 14 hours into the mission a report came through that the base was captured but there seemed to be a pelican coming to drop more forces off. 3 hours later one of the minors reported that the pelican was full of Spartans that had wiped out the unit. The location of Ponk remained unknown and according to the minor he was last seen "Runnin tward the demons and then he was gone". What the Covenant did not know was that Ponk was injured during the fight and lay upon the dead for several hours with concussive brain damage. Later being found by a detachment of HoJ he was brought to Warlord Taran and retrained as a member of the HoJ. It was noted that while his brain damage had left him like a child, docile and happy. It had also left him with his killing abilities, this combination made him a very subservient member of the HoJ..... and a dangerous asset.
-End of Covenant Record-

//Tales after the Covenant\\

After spending a significant amount of time in the HoJ Ponk's memory began to return to him and he suffered from extremely violent rages at times. As he climbed the ranks he underwent unknown operations in the HoJ base so better control himself. As he climbed the ranks he became friends with ONI members RESTRICTED and RESTRICTED who took a particular interest in Ponk. Shortly after achieving the rank of Field Marshall an attempt was made on his life by an Unknown assailant. He was shot twice by a sniper rifle before managing to get back to his base for emergency surgery. The Assailant escaped and was never ID'd but Ponk always suspected ONI. A year later in 2551 he was attacked by three unknown agents, he managed to kill all three of them before collapsing from the shock of his injuries. The HoJ found him and sent him away to the HoJ's capital ship for "Reconstruction". After a three month leave he returned at the Rank of Chieftain, later being appointed to the lead of Trauma.
Faction of Service- Hearts of Jiralhanae
|-Leader of Trauma unit and Chieftain-|

Date of Foundation- Null,Null,2497
Founder- Zynkylo Dedaris

Ponk died in 2552 after detonating a plasma bomb in the reactor of an enemy CSS to allow the HoJ an opportunity to retreat. Shortly after his death the Trauma unit was disbanded and its resources funneled back into the jump brute project.

Known KIA Associates-

War Chieftain Lamba (Null-2550)
Died of old age

<((Document Portion UNLOCKED))>

Administrative privileges unlocked

Trauma Unit data base open

\\The Trauma Project//

(August second, 2515)
When he was brought to me he was like a child... so curious and reliant others to tell him what to do. His behaviors could switch from quite complacency to raging blood lust in a split second... That I suppose wasn't too far from normal Jiralhanae behavior but the frequency of these switches was alarming. It seemed like every time I turned my back he would work himself into a blood boiling rage and nearly tear his room to shreds before I could calm him. Normally the Jiralhanae would only go into a rage like that if they had been injured or insulted greatly... not in his case. It has been a long day and I need rest, I will continue my research into this anomaly in the morning.
(August third, 2515)
Today was defiantly an exciting day for progress! The HoJ came in and said that they required the subject for a mission. At first I was taken aback, I though there would be more time for behavioral and speech therapy before his first combat deployment. I argued that he would not be able to communicate with the rest of the pack and that we
didn't even know if he was able to use weaponry properly yet. All my worries were cleansed with the proposition of sticking a camera to the subjects head so I may review the footage for my research. While the risks were high I agreed because of the valuable data I would gain. I am now eagerly awaiting the subject to get back from mission.

(August sixth, 2515)

The data was even more enlightening than I could have hoped for.... The level of violence that the subject displays is unnerving. On the footage the subject acted as he did in the facility. A child down to the very nature.. That quickly changed as soon as the first shot was fired. His movements became more.... controlled. He actually followed orders given to him, it spoke volumes to the progress that therapy could make. That all seemed to change when he ran out of ammunition. He began to hit the insurgents with pretty standard hits but the longer it lasted the more brutal he became. It climaxed with the subject tearing an insurgent's throat out with his teeth. While this nature is not uncommon among members of his species... its pretty unnerving to think that this childlike creature could do that to a man. The subject returns tomorrow. The footage was sent ahead of him through a data transfer.
(August seventh, 2515)

The subject returned with an HoJ escort today. He seemed more in control than he was before which I found interesting. Unfortunately I was instructed not to continue my research but instead to develop a way to control the subject when he is sent into a rage.. They also decided to call the subject "Ponk".... Apparently the persistent barking noise he has been making sounds like Ponk to them. Not my place to judge I suppose but it does seem to have an effect on him. He responds to the name when you say it so at least I have a sound way of getting his attention. Even though I have been instructed to only work on the "controller". I must admit I might continue my studies in secret. Anyway I should get back to my work, I will update the log with my progress tomorrow.
(August Ninth, 2515)

I am running a bit behind schedule because of a recent development with Ponk. It seems that the intensives I was using before to keep him in his research room... are no longer working. He no longer seems to fear the alarm that was triggered by intense pressure on the glass. I have had to resort to sending an electric shock through the floor. Since it only took him six days to overcome the alarm I have very little faith that the shock will keep him at bay for long. In other news the controller is nearly complete. I have decided to go with a mask that connects to a full body suit lined with needles. It does sound inhumane I will admit but once he gets use to it he wont feel a thing. The design is primitive and crude but it will have to do for now. When the mask detects the initial warning signs of a rage (dilated pupils, increased blood pressure, adrenaline release among other things) collected from both sensors in the mask and certain needles in the suite it will initiate the plan. The plan being my cryptic name for the injection of muscle relaxants from the suite and dopamine from certain sections of the mask. I will update the log upon completion of the controller.
(August Tenth, 2515)
Well we tried to put the suit on today.... It worked I suppose but he is currently just running around bashing into everything he can find in his room. The mask's eyes now light up when he is in a rage as a warning sign. Did I program them to do that? nope. Is it intimidating as hell? Absolutely... It seems that the muscle relaxant system was damaged when we put him in the suit so now any time his is about to go into a rage he will become ecstatic. This is the complete opposite of what I wanted but there is no way I am going back in there to repair it. He managed to injure two other HoJ members near fatally and they are three feet taller than me! I wouldn't stand a chance... Well I guess the next log update will come when I have news.

(August Eleventh, 2515)
Today was certainly....interesting to say the least. At 08:00 I found Ponk standing directly in front of the viewing glass. I was taken aback at first because he had been trained to know that if he got that close he would get a controlled shock. I walked over to the desk and administered the shock. The expected reaction was for him to tense up and slowly return to one of the back corners of the room. Instead of that his mask's eyes flared the warning red and he didn't move. Instead he tracked my movements with his head in an almost tactical way. Every time I approached the button to administer the shock he seemed to shift his footing to better balance himself. It seems that he is developing his old combat abilities and intelligence. The extent is unclear at the current time but it is indeed interesting to watch.

(August Thirteenth, 2515)
Today I received an interesting order from an brute I had never seen before. He cam with a large container of vials that all contained a jet black liquid. The brute explained that he was sent to give me the vials so that I could inject them into Ponk. When I asked him what they did he just said to look in the bottom of the crate. After that he left promptly and I never saw that brute again. The crate contained thirty one vials of the liquid and a note. The note contained instructions about how to inject the liquid (Through the neck) and how often to do it (Once a day for a moth). It didn't say what it was or anything... strange but an orders an order. It couldn't be too valuable if they trusted a human to handle it.

(September Eighteenth, 2515)
Thirty one days later and I have never been more relieved to be so close to the end. The liquid seems to be some sort of steroid but it does things that steroids don't usually do. While it did increase Ponk's muscle mass and make him more aggressive it also put him into a coma for the time being. I don't know if this is an intentional effect or just a lucky break for me. Its also causing him to grow, when he walked in he was a tiny 5'8. Now he has at least doubled in height. This drug has an amazing effect on the body... but I fear its effect on the mind. Usually the mask's eyes are a stagnant black when he is asleep but since he has fallen into this coma the eyes haven't switched from the warning red..... The HoJ sent me a message that they are coming to pick up there soldier. They also said that my services will no longer be required after Ponk has been collected. If all goes well and he doesn't wake up before they get here... I should be fine.... More updates to come.
//Data Log End\\

All individuals involved in the "Trauma project" that didn't die in mysterious ways ended up in the Trauma unit. All members of the unit have since then been killed.
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Former HoJ Warlord
Sep 3, 2017
U may have to add another KIA to that list.


The Unrelenting Soldier
Dec 3, 2017
TX. U.S.A.
Ponk is KIA now. Was killed during an event in an explosion on an covenant ship.


Ex Forum Manager | Ex Nomad Spartan Team Creator
Years of Service
Mar 13, 2017


Part Forum Staff, Part.....Something else
Nov 25, 2017
Out of this world!
[doublepost=1527992189,1527992103][/doublepost]You know I always wondered why all he said was ponk,and why he was so "happy" all the time,now I know why Jakob stayed clear in combat
Please don't respond to old threads (1 Month+). Doing so is considered bumping.


Some would say this is my last chance...
Nov 19, 2017
United States of America
Please don't respond to old threads (1 Month+). Doing so is considered bumping.
Apologies,I had happened upon a sentimental outburst brought on from being on server hiatus for awhile,seeing someone I recognized from my last chancer days made me have a lapse in judgement