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PrimeXudae - Developer Application - 30th Nov 2018

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Staff Blacklisted
Networking Blacklisted
Apr 7, 2018
Name (Steam Name): [RS] Prime [SCP] [Mod]

Date of joining Revival: 18th April 2018

Tell us about yourself: I am 15 years old. I live in the United Kingdom and am currently taking my GSCE's. I own a dog and despise cats. I do sound tech for my school and for outside of plays. Like I did Pinocchio last Christmas over the course of 35 plays. I don't really do anything else. I go home and just chat and chill with everyone. I prefer to play as the SCP's on the server and research into them. That's it really.

Do you have a microphone? (Please state clarity of this said microphone): Yes I do have a microphone. It is slightly cheap but for Christmas I will be getting a new one, It is still functional and works perfectly fine though.

What role are you taking? (Programmer, Server Configurator, Mapper etc.): Server Configurator

Are you applying with prior experience or were you trained by a Development Team member, if so. Who?: Prior experience

What is your skill level with GLua 1-10 (1-4 Being the basics of GLUA. 5-7 being Programming functions and creating custom scripts or 8-10 being you know almost everything from Configuration to Programming): I would say around a 4. I can find errors in the job code and I know how to change it out.

Are you currently a staff member for Revival and if so, what rank and how long?: I am a moderator and I have been this staff rank for about 2 weeks.

Have you been a Developer before? If so where and how long?:
  • OGL Network - 2 months
  • Shadowmere - 5 months

Why do you want to become a developer for Revival? (One Paragraph Min.): Firstly. I would like to become a developer for Revival because I want to learn new things. I think that is the joy of being a developer or even a staff member. It is that you get to learn new things. As well as learning also adding new things onto the server making it more precise and functional than it already is.
I also want to become a developer because I have a lot of time on my hands and I plan to put that to use. Instead of sitting around playing games I could be doing something productive and something helpful. I'd much prefer to do that then do anything else.
I want to make the SCP server a lot better. I want to clean it around the edges and one way to do that is to become a developer and put on the server what I know and what I am going to learn.

What will you bring to the development team?: Firstly, I can bring a new developer who knows the basics but is also ready to learn. Not just that but I can also bring motivation towards the development team. Also because I live in the United Kingdom I have time to work on the server when no-one is online and won't cause any havoc. Also this means when most people get online the issues should hopefully be fixed and should just carry on as normal. I could also bring an extra head, as everyone says one head is a lot better than one.

Can you show/link us your work?(Required): https://ibb.co/6brS42h - https://ibb.co/VTnwThs - https://ibb.co/ZdT1Z45 - This isn't all of it but this is what I could find.

Are you active on Teamspeak?: I'm quite active.

Do you agree to be active on the Development Trello and Kik chat?: Yes.

Do you understand that abuse of your developer powers will result in an instant blacklist, demotion, and possible Community Ban from the Revival Development Team and platforms of Revival: Yes.


Years of Service
Jan 17, 2017
PM me when you can and we can set up a meeting.


Ex Forum HA |
Mar 17, 2018
Already been accepted!
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