>Data Erased
>New Data received by Unknown Source applying now...
>Data Fully Applied
Last known Unit Identification Image:
Unit Name: Raik Proxx
Unit Gender: Male
Unit Species: Krogan
Last known Location: Unknown
Audio log recovered playing now: Sometimes...I wish things could of been different....where I wasn't betrayed, tortured, or tricked and now I have to make these audio logs just to stay sane I just wish I was somewhere else...before I was working on the citadel and before I was working with that crew maybe my old home, I could of probably found another job to do...instead I'm just here by my-damn-self because some bastard was being nosey *sighs* sometimes when with that crew they called me a idiot and I agreed with them I did some stupid stuff back then...some that cost people's lives...and I lost my arm and leg because of me being an idiot...but some people can always say "It wasn't your fault it was just bad luck"...bad luck my ass...ugh just wish there was some ways I could fix it...guess my own damn self got me here and I guess this is my punishment of having mistakes....Proxx signing out...
>Data Erased
>New Data received by Unknown Source applying now...
>Data Fully Applied
Last known Unit Identification Image:

Unit Name: Raik Proxx
Unit Gender: Male
Unit Species: Krogan
Last known Location: Unknown
Audio log recovered playing now: Sometimes...I wish things could of been different....where I wasn't betrayed, tortured, or tricked and now I have to make these audio logs just to stay sane I just wish I was somewhere else...before I was working on the citadel and before I was working with that crew maybe my old home, I could of probably found another job to do...instead I'm just here by my-damn-self because some bastard was being nosey *sighs* sometimes when with that crew they called me a idiot and I agreed with them I did some stupid stuff back then...some that cost people's lives...and I lost my arm and leg because of me being an idiot...but some people can always say "It wasn't your fault it was just bad luck"...bad luck my ass...ugh just wish there was some ways I could fix it...guess my own damn self got me here and I guess this is my punishment of having mistakes....Proxx signing out...
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