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Ramirez (R. Speirs) GM Application


Jan 3, 2023
Steam ID:

What are the current names you have in game?:
ODST PVT R. Speirs

Do you have any bans/warnings?:

-What were these bans for?:

Have you been on the server for one month or longer?[Post join date]:
Yes, unsure of join date but it's over 3-4 years. On and off again until 2021.

What is your age? [Minimum 15]:

Do you have a microphone? [Required]:

Do you have TeamSpeak? [Required]:

-What is your name in TeamSpeak?:
R. Speirs

Do you have Discord? [Required]:

-What is your discord ID?:

Are you currently staff on a different server? Are you willing to leave that staff position for the one you are applying for?:
Not staff on any other server


Experience with staffing [ULX, other servers, etc.]:
Super Admin/Head Developer for Aftershock Gaming, Head Admin on Icefuse CWRP

How active are you on the server?:
Very active

When are you usually available? [Days of Week/Time/Time zone]:
Mon-Sun 5pm-Midnight MST

What do you believe to be your best qualities that can contribute to being a Gamemaker?:
Great knowledge of Halo lore, good ideas for fun events, a good attitude.

What do you plan to do as a Gamemaker?: [50+ Words]
I plan on creating fun events for the server, assisting in campaigns where I can, and hopefully make a name for myself as a good GM. I want to end the idea that Revival events aren't worth getting on for, that they can be fun while also being serious. As time goes on, I'd like to rid the GM team of the stigma that a good main Revival event is impossible.

What 10 Commands do you know about that are in SAM and what exactly do they do?:
!noclip - noclips the target, allowing them to fly and clip through objects
!god - gods the target, making them invulnerable to damage
!cloak - cloaks the target, making them invisible to ther players
!setmodel - changes the model of the target to a different one (model's must be found in the spawnmenu and copied to clipboard)
!goto - teleports to a target
!return - returns a target to their original position after being teleported
!bring teleports a target to you
!hp - sets the HP of a target
!armor - sets the armor of a target
!give - gives the target a weapon (weapon has to be found in spawnment and copied to clipboard)

What is In character and what is Out of character?:
IC is anything conducted over voice chat, radio communications, and text chat (excluding OOC chat). This includes IC channels in Teamspeak
OOC is anything conducted over OOC chat, local OOC (denoted with two slashes \\ and ||), or OOC teamspeak channels.

Do you believe you are able to work with a myriad of different people, some of which may have different opinions than yours?:
Of course I can

What do you believe the job of a Gamemaker entails?:
A Gamemaker is someone who is devoted to making the server enjoyable by providing things for the player base to do. Whether it be events, mini's, simulations, or campaigns a GM is required to try to make it fun and accessible for everyone who joins.

Give us a full event idea that you have. [3+ Paragraphs]:

Operation Hidden Eye

Briefing: "This operation will consist of a multi-pronged attacked on a URF controlled world from the sky, on the ground, and in orbit. We need to hit them hard and fast, as they control the population of this planet. Negotiations to free the populace peacefully have failed, thus the high brass have left it to our detachment to act as a strike team for a full invasion. In order to conduct this operation with the least number of civilian casualties possible, we've sent in three operators ahead of time acting as double agents in key bases on world. One of our men has already been captured and killed, so the hornet's nest is already alerted of our approach thus the timeline has been accelerated. Expect heavy resistance and prepare for the worst.

As soon as our ships exit slipspace we will be receiving fire. Another detachment's fleet will provide cover for the Odessey and the Endeavor from the URF Iliad and Gateway, while our ships will place themselves into orbit above a key URF base on the planet. From there we will have a fifteen-minute window for deployment of our ground forces while Naval and Aviation teams prepare to engage the URF ships. This operation will be conducted at nighttime on the planet.


ODSTs and Spartan insertion team, designated team Comet, will be deployed via drop pods from orbit onto an airfield. They will need to disable all AA systems from this base before the fifteen-minute window passes us by, otherwise Marine forces will not be able to deploy.

Marines and Aviation team, designated team Hornet will be deployed via two Pelican-class Aerospace lifters to a secondary base SW of the airfield. There they will begin to engage the smaller URF force in attempts to distract them from our two remaining operatives stationed at that FOB. They will then rendezvous with team Comet at the airfield to engage the main forces.

ONI (all sections present & STRIKE) and Naval SW, designated team Ghost will then be deployed via two Falcon-class Aerospace vehicles equipped with black camouflage. They will make attempts to evacuate the two operatives who should have made it to the RV point designated before the mission. If not found the team will then deploy boots on ground to search and rescue the two operatives.

Naval and Aviation teams will both be station on the Odessey and will provide CAS for the ground and will engage the URF frigate Gateway in orbit. They will receive aid from a secondary detachment while ground teams conduct their mission.

Did any current Gamemaker refer you to apply?:


I Ramirez Agree and understand that I am not staff, and it is not my job to do staff duties, unless there is 0 staff on I will not use my commands unless needed. I also agree that I will not noclip/abuse my powers.

I, Ramirez, acknowledge that this application is to be filled out with complete honesty. Being accepted will hold me at a higher standard in behavior and demeanor. Not doing my job or abusing will result in a warning or a demotion.

I, Ramirez, Swear to uphold the server rules, and enforce them. I will make sure to stay within the limits and rights given to me by my assigned rank within GM's, as well as keep a calm head and clear judgement when dealing with staff and or players, in order to ensure fairness to all who join the server.

I, Ramirez, acknowledge that if I am caught advertising my application then my application will be automatically denied.

And that if I Ramirez am found in violation of the rules I swore to uphold, and of this contract that I can and will be removed from GM's and or staff and forever barred from Re-Applying, along with any other Consequences that are deemed Necessary.


Aug 14, 2022

I will train you and you will shadow me.