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Removal of UNSCA (Or Reform it).


Mar 4, 2021
The purpose of UNSCA seems to be exactly like the UNSCMC. However with this there's 2 starter branches, which results in having very little personal in both branches, with the most seeing from Chimera is 5 (briefly too), while marines did have at one point 7 personal. Personally (and many others) believe that UNSCA should be removed completely with no replacements and have all of the soldiers in them placed under the Marine corps and any units that fall under. It just seems counter productive to have them onboard, and not to mention weird having the Army onboard alongside marines, when Army primarily performs defensive and garrison duties.

What do you guys think? Should we totally remove them? Overhaul/Reform them? Or keep it the way it is?


Punished Nebula
May 12, 2020
Cygnus II
The purpose of UNSCA seems to be exactly like the UNSCMC. However with this there's 2 starter branches, which results in having very little personal in both branches, with the most seeing from Chimera is 5 (briefly too), while marines did have at one point 7 personal. Personally (and many others) believe that UNSCA should be removed completely with no replacements and have all of the soldiers in them placed under the Marine corps and any units that fall under. It just seems counter productive to have them onboard, and not to mention weird having the Army onboard alongside marines, when Army primarily performs defensive and garrison duties.

What do you guys think? Should we totally remove them? Overhaul/Reform them? Or keep it the way it is?
1. There has been pushes to make Chimera and Lima 1-1 have at least somewhat different, like me and the old BCO got together to make the weapons for both classes different, its still an issue sure, but Im sure it can be fixed in due time.
2. The server has almost always had at least 2 start factions, sure chimera is in a bit more tougher a spot, but in all seriousness Chimera can be done to worked.
3. UNSCA didn't just defend planets, they often hopped aboard ships too and did deployments on them, they weren't just a stick on the ground force that never moved.
4. I notice that you mention all of UNSCA, which would mean Valkyrie and Cerberus, when they both fill the roles they do, and personally these are the ones with the most interesting flavor to them since they are airborne / rangers in a sort of way.
5. You would be quite literally destroying 3-4 years of work and dedication from 8 Army CO's, its a whole faction we are talking about here.

Sure, Chimera and maybe Cerberus could use a rework, but in total, army is in no way, shape, or form, fit for any kind of removal in my opinion.
-75thIC Colonel Vortex
Jun 2, 2020
Im entirely on board with the "Shelfing" (taking them out of the game but with the ability to be readded when they are needed with no financial cost to anyone) of JUST Chimera. Mercs, Valk, and Cerb serve their own purpose and are respectable units of the community. Chimera is just a reskinned Lima 1-1 and divided the incredibly small amount of people that want to stay in a starter unit. This leaves both of them deader than dead. I LOVE Chimera to death but it simply hurts the server too much and needs to be "Shelfed".

-Sincerely an old Chimera CO


Mar 4, 2021
1. There has been pushes to make Chimera and Lima 1-1 have at least somewhat different, like me and the old BCO got together to make the weapons for both classes different, its still an issue sure, but Im sure it can be fixed in due time.
2. The server has almost always had at least 2 start factions, sure chimera is in a bit more tougher a spot, but in all seriousness Chimera can be done to worked.
3. UNSCA didn't just defend planets, they often hopped aboard ships too and did deployments on them, they weren't just a stick on the ground force that never moved.
4. I notice that you mention all of UNSCA, which would mean Valkyrie and Cerberus, when they both fill the roles they do, and personally these are the ones with the most interesting flavor to them since they are airborne / rangers in a sort of way.
5. You would be quite literally destroying 3-4 years of work and dedication from 8 Army CO's, its a whole faction we are talking about here.

Sure, Chimera and maybe Cerberus could use a rework, but in total, army is in no way, shape, or form, fit for any kind of removal in my opinion.
-75thIC Colonel Vortex
We can shelf it as Knight has said, Chimera is in a tough spot with the only time it was active was on friday, on the weekend its barely gotten anyone and anything before friday its got at maximum 3-4 members on events. Personally if something can be done to make it unique I'ma ll for it, but in its current state its a reskinned Lima.

I also changed my views a bit, personally I now do think Mercs, Valk, and Cerb are fine the way they are right now.
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Halo RP
Game Maker
Aug 18, 2018
Now this is what we need! Slaughter the army! Remove them and their lengthy server history! Burn the traitors!