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Shela's Character Biography

Mr Fielding

"Shame be to he who thinks evil!"
May 5, 2017
United Kingdom
[All Ranks aboard the crew have access to Shela's information, but Personal Relationships!]

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Shela'Ri Vas Icarus

"The best thing about worst time of your life is that you get to see the true colours of everyone."

"I won't die in an
accident, or die of any illness... I WILL go down in glory!"

"Choose being kind over being right, and you'll be right every time."

My creed...



Basic Information

Age: 43

Gender: Female

Specie: Quarian

Height: 5*7

Weight: 157 Pounds


Current Crew

JTF School Of Infantry [INSTRUCTOR]

"Shela's Half"


Past Affiliation:

New Eden

Turian Hierarchy

The Alliance

The Battle Of The Idenna




Quarian Marines



Detailed Information


Kind, Altruistic, Motivational, Disciplined, Honest, Coherent, Respectful, Wise
Militaristic, Loyal, WAR TORN, Optimistic... HEART BROKEN

Physical Medical Statues:


Mental Medical Statues:

Character Voice:

[The angry bitch with a knife.]

Specialist Equipment:

Military Graded Omni-Tool

Modified M8 - Avenger
4 x 20
10 inches
20+ More rounds

Eyes are cybernetic giving her the ability to switch to thermal and night vision.

British Army Commando Knife


Family / History


Sarna 'Scared Soldier' Fielding - Alive - Step Farther

Charles ‘Charlie’ Fielding - Alive - Step Brother

Drain Nox - Dead - Step Brother

Sierra Nox - Alive - Step Sister

Dyran Dax - Alive - Family Friend

Raik Renarx - Alive - Family Friend

Nirisa Loor - Alive - Devoted Friend & Best Fucking Friend

Amara D'Rosan - Alive - Devoted Friend

Sveinung Olesen - Alive - Best Friend & Devoted Friend

Isabella "Izzy" Ri'Campbell | Evelínka Bartak - Alive - Adopted Daughter




Past Pictures Of Shela

Shela is on the left.
[Classified due to security information. ]

Shela is on the right.


[Below is Shela's personal recordings... Meaning you don't know this information IC'ly below. ONLY OOC!]

Personal Relationships

Devoted Friends / Romantically Involved / Best Friend:

Kelly "Kel / Flower" LaCroix

"I love Kelly, so soft and gentle I just feel safe and trust all around her. I'm so glad she feels the same, I really don't want this up. Had a massive crush on her for a long time! I... I... I really hope she doesn't end up like the others who I was with... Please... I'm begging you and I love you!"

"She helps heal my mental wounds just by being then for her like she is for me, that was a bit embarrassing... But at least it shows I truly like her? Cause I fucking do! No one will dare hurt her, unless they get through me first!"

"Kelly warms my soul and kicks out the demons, I really don't want to loose her. I can't stop thinking of her... I can't trust me. Speak to Rom, Izzy... Jeez the others must get bothered about me talking about her all the time but I just can't help it! Hopefully, she'll like the presents... I... Want to stay with her for so long, I want to be with her my entire life to be honest. Just settle somewhere we both like, I... I can't explain this, my words just... I... Love her so badly. Words can't explain my passion for her. God I love this women!"

Sveinung "Sve / Svein" Olesen

"Svein is one of my best friends. We've been through a lot, we understand each other very well and always look out for each other. Not matter the cost. I will defend him to the death! Semper Fi brother..."

"Well, I told him what I have. I don't really trust anyone as much as I used too, To be honest. Thanks for the help yet again brother, means a lot. AND WHEN CAN I SEE RAE-BAE?!"

"I don't care how you feel for me, Sve; you're an amazing man and It will take time for you to find someone you want to be with, but it'll be worth the wait, okay? I assure you. Remember what I said. Brother."

"I've felt like I messed up Sve... Too much that hes forgotten about his daughter, I feel so guilty about it and made him push away from everyone else. I feel like I need to distance myself from him just so he can be happy... I'm just... Fucked up. Sorry, Sve..."

"So fucking happy you finally got someone you bearded Norwegian lad! You do seem a lot happy than ever before, can't wait to have that family meal you fat barsted!!!!"

Isabella "Izzy" Ri'Campbell | Evelínka Bartak

"Izzy might be mentally messed up but she's my friend! She's an amazing young girl with so much potential, I'm so happy to have her by my side and thank her the times shes been there for me when I've been having my... "Moments." If anyone try anything... In a bad way on her, they'll go through me first. Love ye girlie!!!"

"She wanted me... Out of all other normal people to be her mother? I... Was so happy when she just asked. I will do what I can for my daughter, hopefully she won't end up li... Shit, no... Stay positive for my daughter. Love you sweetie!"

Raelo'Jisar nar Rjuken "Rae-Bae / Rae"

"I promised I'm going to see you again, I don't know when but I will! You make Svein and I so happy with your smile, when I hear your voice or see you I just calm down and get so jumpy that I can't stop. You're such an amazing girl, wish I had a daughter like you. But, being your best friend is good enough for me!!!!!!! LOVE YA!!!!!!"

"It was good seeing you again, Rae; it really helped me when I saw you so much. Such a young girl, going to have a lot of things to your name I swear on that. Just... Please, be careful."

"I will see you Rae at the meal some time! Hopefully soon! Love you!!!!!!"


Sarna 'Scared Soldier' Fielding


Dyran Dax


Raik Renarx


Charles ‘Charlie’ Fielding


Good Friend:

Cino'Raffin vas Centurion "Ci"

"Cino's personality I do like, I enjoy chatting with her and I remember her back on New Eden... Yeah... 'Those days.' Glad to have runned into her again."

"She's awesome! Even that NIGHT was... Y'know bad, it showed that she has someone by her side and shes such a young one. I will help her anyway I can as an NCO, but most importantly... As a good friend."


Kelly "Kel / Flower" LaCroix

Isabella "Izzy" Ri'Campbell | Evelínka Bartak

Sveinung "Sve / Svein" Olesen

Raelo'Jisar nar Rjuken "Rae-Bae / Rae"



"I miss you buddy, likewise Kelly. I wish we see you again, I'm sorry that I couldn't do anything... So sorry."

"Its gotten to that point that I no people won't truly be gone or die. Welcome back, buddy. Continue to help Kelly, please? You're a good friend."

Elizabeth "Eli" Cross

"I like Eli, but everytime I talk to her I just think of John every single time... We were good friends. Anyways, I like her and shes a funny young girl which has a thing for Aud. Hopefully, that goes well. I'll look after her as best I can, but she can get carried away at times on the field which is really, really bad. She got injured as a result. Could of been worse, and it will be if she continues it.

"Eli is proving to be a good asset to the crew. To others they may think shes bad, due to her personality or whatever but she knows her job and is good at it. Well done, Eli!"

"I will do what I can for Eli for what shes going through, it is quite hard to deal with what she was told and found out about. And shes off her drugs as well which doesn't help. I really do hope she doesn't do anything stupid then I have to be on my NCO side... Really hope not.

Fenaavi' Orian Decanus

"Only time I talked to her when I was in my KILLING PHRASE. I understand why she was highly concerned and I respect her for that. Nice piercings too, but if she gets captured... I can just see the enemy ripping it out of her body. If we get caught by the wrong enemy... I'll do my best to make sure that doesn't happen. "

"Fen is good on the ship, but just, slightly annoying on the ground. Shes young which is understandable but she keeps running ahead, even shooting all over the place almost took my arm off with a AA gun. But she is young, if she keeps carrying on the way she is however... She will find out the hard way. Though her and Eli are a good couple of sisters, quite happy and funny to watch."

"Fen is a good morale booster for those on board the ship. She very jumpy and lovely lady with lots of potential from what I can SEE. She appears to be learning from her mistakes the once I talk to her about... FOR NOW. Which is good. Lovely lady."


Vito'Cera Nar Rinil

Veltius "Velt" Indantis

Kelly "Kel / Flower" LaCroix

Isabella "Izzy" Ri'Campbel | Evelínka Bartak

Cullen "Cul'"Irving

Elizabeth "Eli" Cross

Romm'Heesal vas Haeji "Rom"

Audiles "Aud" Decanus

Sveinung "Sve / Svein" Olesen

Raelo'Jisar nar Rjuken "Rae-Bae / Rae"

Cino'Raffin vas Centurion "Ci"


Sivus Ruftion

From what I've seen on Sivus, hes a good infantry follower. You see... Good followers make good leaders, hes professional, calm and adapts to the situation. Very good soldier, for now. And seems like a good lad in general. But remember... You're a Corporal now. I got my eyes on you."

Vito'Cera Nar Rinil

"Vito is a good medic. Yet his NCO side is ready to be explored, don't run off again otherwise it will happen. And you already got it. YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! Overall, good lad. Just make sure you don't do anything stupid on operations. Otherwise, the wraith of Shela will come down from the skies and... We'll leave it at that."

Romm'Heesal vas Haeji "Rom"

"Personally, I like Rom due to the fact when I was a Cpl he actually supported me as an NCO and as an actual trooper. He shows good care and respect to the people he works beside. Honoured my respect. And a competent NCO."

"Heh, can't wait for your surprise... Si... Oooppsss...."

"Well, he got promoted which was a good thing. By how I see things he wants to keep our relationship to a professional level. I will leave it at that unless he actually wants to talk person to person. Hope it goes whel for his Christmas."

Cullen "Cul" Irving

"Cullen when he fist approach me was a bit of an ass, not going to lie. But he has proved himself to be a good asset to the crew, my respect is earned. Yet I still don't know Cul, ha... New nickname. Sorry, anyways still don't know him that well."

Audiles "Aud" Decanus

"I know hes forgotten about me. I'd just leave him be, I KNOW what is like being a Grand Admiral. Properly due to him being that rank he'll properly remain at a professional level. And his arm... Gave me flashbacks to that EXACT moment."

"Said 'hi' to me but that was about it. Nothing much, has a thing with Eli; hopefully it goes well."

"Audiles is actually a good man, we mainly have a professional relationship but I will be fine with that. No problem against it really, make sure you look after your girl you blinded bird, or bad things will happen which I will unfortunately have to do."

Tidus "Tid" Zrosis

"So, Tid. I don't mind him but he leaves me confused... That multiple mating thing I've never heard of, first drell that ever told me about this. I had three drell friends in the past and they only had one mate... Odd. Still, he's a nice man and its just sad to see him sad. I'll do what I can."

Neutral / Acquaintance:

Veltius "Velt" Indantis

"I don't trust him as a person, but as a soldier I have no other choice. Every time except that one time he just basically says "Piss off" and that type of crap, he also doesn't trust me for some odd reason when we have that chat, we're fucking soldiers. Step your personal shit aside and get on with the task at hand. Not only that, he allows command to promote incompetent NCOs and such. He also done nothing about D-I what happened with that night with Fen. Says he'll get it done. Basically, I don't like him because he shows untruest to me, and always thinks I make assumptions."

"I remember the first time I came on the ship and talk to you, I wanted to fucking sli... Annoying and unprofessional Officer. Over the past few weeks hes beginning to show signs of respect and trust towards me, we hide our professional relationship on one to one bases but once around someone he's straight back to boss man. He does have problems but thats why its my job to dust the cunt up and push forward. It what soldiers do... Its what friends do."

"Mixed emotions, I will just remain on a professional level. And, well... He did show he is officer material when that scenario happened good on him."

Unsure Of:

Deius Victonius

"I've only seen him on the fields, and like talk to him once? I know he's with Tid but I'm really confused. Are they together, or... Anyways, I wouldn't mind speaking to him in the future. Sounds like a polite gentleman."

"D-I... I saw as a friend really for some time. I just thinking hes to loyal to the boss which is fair enough, they get along better. But when we was arguing he went against me which fair enough sticking up for your CO but still... I don't know, maybe I'm just tired of being alive or something to comment about Deius. I fucking hate myself as it is... Shit, why am I vlogging in person..." *CUTS OFF*

Wary Of:

Afraid Of:
"Fear... Face Everything and rise, or forget everything and run.


Hates / Despise:

Arch Nemesis:

Deceased / MIA / Transferred

Was Romantically Involved With:

Did Fancy:

Did Idolizes:

Was Best Friend With:

Did Trust:

Was Befriended With:

Did Respect:

Did Liked:

Neutral / Acquaintance:

Was Unsure Of:

Zolan'Zoldan "Zold"

"Zold is a young man who has a stutter, it annoys me when people mock him for it. He's a nervous lad who just needs a friend, glad hes got a date. Hope it goes well for him."

[MIA] "Right, he was a good young lad until he did that thing to Fen which in all honest is bad. Though, I will still be there. When he comes back. If he does... I'll send MY HALF like always. Got no reports of his leave."

Was Wary Of:

Was Afraid Of:

Did Dislike:

Did Hate / Despise:

Was Arch Nemesis With:​


Romantically Involved:

Past Audio Log (#2)
Sarah "Sar" Harris: "Sarah is a good friend, looks out for me like I do for her. She miss her husband and its ashame to see her in pain, makes me sad. Good trooper."

Past Audio Log (#8)

Sarah "Sar" Harris: "Sarah and I have gone through a lot... Like my best friends. I'm going to support anyway I can. Never really thought we would be together OR be into women... But I love her! Meaning I'll standby her till the end!"

Audio #32

Sarah "Sar" Harris: "My love, I think about Sarah all the time. I miss her every time we're away from a long period of time. But, I truly do love her! Like... Gosh... Its just. I can't explain it. Nice, funny... Cute. Her personality is what me fall in love with her. I just... FUCKING crazy about her..."



Sarna 'Scared Soldier' Fielding

Dyran Dax

Raik Renarx

Best Friend:

Audio #1
Nirisa "Nirry" Loor:
"An amazing girl. Someone I can trust and depend on. We got each others backs like no others, sisters in action!"

Audio #5
Zeesa'Yusa "Joy:" "Joy is a really good friend, we look out for each other heavily. Its unfortunate the drama and horrors shes gone through... Reminds me of mine."


Sveinung "Svein / Sve" Olesen

Captain [CLASSIFIED] Cross

Zeesa'Yusa "Joy"

Sarah "Sar" Harris

Nirisa "Nirry" Loor


Audio #30
Alyssa Miras:
"She no soldier, but hell of a lovely lady and a good medic! I enjoy her company. So nice, good at puns, see why Kailio gone for ye' girl! But yeah, shes has earned my respect!"

Past Audio Log (#7)

Sveinung "Svein / Sve" Olesen: "Sve is a dedicated soldier, along wishing to do well and get along with as many people in the crew as possible. I only spoke to him once, which was to help him. It made me honoured to speak with him. Hopefully, we get to talk more in the future! He has also earned my respect."

Past Audio Log (#19)
Sveinung "Svein / Sve" Olesen: "He looked after me and kept me company as I was in that... 'test tube baby thing.' Which I thank him for, I also agreed to help him look after his Quarian baby, lovely picture. So cute!

Past Audio Log (#24)
Sveinung "Svein / Sve" Olesen: "Sve helped me with my little... 'moment.' I sometimes over think... Should I tell him? Or... I don't know. I guess... It depends on the moment. But he knows I have SOME SORT OF problem, which he will find out. But... I think he may already know."

Audio #28
Sveinung "Svein / Sve" Olesen:
"We all have our moments, and Sve having his moment doesn't really change a thing between us. We're brothers and sisters, I'll look after him like hes done for me. I felt a bit nasty when I said "What?" To him when I was in my little "NCO" moment... Hopefully he understand I didn't mean to bite his head off. Still, hes my brother. Semper Fi? Yeah!"

Audio #6
Captain [CLASSIFIED] Cross:
"Cross is still getting the skills of a senior leader last time I saw him, hes a good friend to me likewise I am to him. Hopefully, the values I taught him stick with him. But, we'll see. Won't we... [CLASSIFIED?]

Audio #4
Kelly "Kel" LaCroix: "Kelly is a good lady. Polite and respectful... I only had one long chat with her and she offered to support me with my brake up with Jakius, nice lady. She has my respect. Haven't spoken to her since. Oh! And she did help me with one of my 'moments.' "


Alyssa Miras

Asher Abram


Weyrloc 'Grandpa' Iron


Sveinung "Svein / Sve" Olesen

Zeesa'Yusa "Joy"

Luma'Valla "Lu"

Captain [CLASSIFIED] Cross

Kelly "Kel" LaCroix

Sarah "Sar" Harris

Nirisa "Nirry" Loor


Audio #27
Alexi Cherinovika: "Alexi is a happy and nice crew member, only had little chats with her now and then. How we met was quiet funny, I won by the way! But still... Shes a good medic also. Enjoy talking with her."

Past Audio Log (#26)

Rene'Tela: "Rene, I didn't speak with her long but shes a gunner. And sounds like a nice little one, I hopefully helped her... But... Yeah. Hopefully, we speak in the future, nice lady."

Audio #31
Rene'Tela: "On our shoreleave I really enjoyed chatting with her again! Really, I did. I wish we can talk again, really nice lady. I'm really glad she came and talked to me about... Well, just in case people SOMEHOW get my audio files I wont say. But... Shes awesome! I wish to talk to her more however."

Audio #23
Asher Abram: "Shes my best friends boyfriend, which I respect. If you dare cheat on her however... You wont hide for long. [JUST SAYING, JUST SAYING!] But to me, he likes to keep our relationship to a professional level by the looks and sounds of it. Which is fair enough..."

Audio #22
Weyrloc 'Grandpa' Iron: "Good ol' grandpa. Hell of a warrior with experience, hes no soldier however. Hes Lai's farther and when I saw them in front of me talking... It made me happy. Made me a soldier worth being, just ashame I can't do it every... Hell of a farther. Good to know he means well."

Audio #21
Audiles 'Praetor' Decanus
: "Only really worked along side him on the field and hes a hell of a 'clanker' and trooper. Tall as the spirts, muscular as hell. Idol of a heavy trooper. Held in when he got his arm blew off and sucked out of the Kodiak in front of me, knows the arts of surviving the field. Earned my respect as a soldier."

Audio #17
"Collective means well to the crew, showing his skills and concerns for us. I respect that. I spoke to him when Alexi was in pain, properly wasn't the right time. (Sorry Alexi!) But I got to knew him a bit there, he also shown concerns for me in the medical bay which I thanked him for. He means well.

Audio #7
Luma'Valla "Lu:" "I like Lu had chats with her, only one, one to one. Good pilot for sure, but she likes to keep our relationship to a professional level by the way she talks... And by the picture we took."

Neutral / Acquaintance:

Audio #15

Phil Ackerson: "Phil, I haven't really spoken to him just worked along side him minorly. Seems like a nice feller however, I'll speak to him at one point.

Audio #13
Oriya "Ori" Yeik: "Shes one of my troops, only really talk to her when shes about to meditate, which I respect of course. Happy to have her anyways."

Audio #10

Jake 'Delta' Wolf: "Wolf. I haven't really had a chat with him, only worked along side him. Not much to say... YET."

Audio #11

Kailio Acarius: "Kailio seems nice of a feller, but I only spoke to him once about his 'friend.' Wasn't a really long chat, but wish him well. And get to know him in the future."

Unsure Of:

Audio #16
Raik Proxx: "Proxx, I find him a mix mach. At times hes good, and at times hes just a numbty and thinks hes the boss. I trusted him on that mission like brothers and sisters in arms should and he messed it up. But he means well, but I'm still unsure about him, even though hes been in the crew since the Prometheus.

Audio #14
Anatasia Baranovskaya:
"Anat is odd, I have a brief imagery that she just doesn't like me and showing it quite clearly at times. I don't really know about her... I guess I'll find out in the future.

Wary Of:

Afraid Of:


Past Audio Log (#12)
Damien "Dam" McCarthy: "Dam is an emotion person which is understandably to the situation hes in and all of us. I'll look after him, like the others. My scope is aiming over his shoulder, watching his back."

Past Audio Log (#25)

Damien "Dam" McCarthy: "Dam has been away from me awhile? Mhmm... Something must be up. I'll see if I can chat with the feller."

Audio #29

Damien "Dam" McCarthy: "It really hurt me what he said... "Then you made a mistake..." I put effort into you, did my best to help you then you basically slapped me in the face! I neglected my duties as a QM to help YOU! And you say that... Not only that, accusing me of being dishonest yet you can't prove it, on the Citadel! And all I did was hang around with my girl! It really hurt me what you did, and just a slap back in my face. I thought we were friends... But if that is what you want. FINE. If I was dishonest at all I'll rather you call me out than hold it back OR just make false accusations."

Hates / Despise:

Arch Nemesis:

Deceased / MIA / Transferred

Was Romantically Involved With:

Did Fancy:

Did Idolizes:

Was Best Friend With:

Did Trust:

Was Befriended With:

Did Respect:

Did Liked:

Audio #3
Fredericus "Fred": Was a good feller in the crew. I didn't really speak to him much, more like worked along side him. You may rest, fallen brother."

Neutral / Acquaintance:

Was Unsure Of:

Was Wary Of:

Was Afraid Of:

Did Dislike:

Did Hate / Despise:

Was Arch Nemesis With:

[If you wish to be in put your characters name!​
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Jan 25, 2017
Fieldings. The first father to say he going out for smokes and actually comes back.

Also, add in ya boyorino Sarah Harris


Jun 23, 2017
Add Kelly LaCroix - Posted because you're British and have a bad memory.


"The Epitome of A Meme"
May 21, 2017
Yo uuuuuh what about, add nibby's Zeesa, and Jeff Boomhauer?

Mr Fielding

"Shame be to he who thinks evil!"
May 5, 2017
United Kingdom

Personal Relations.


If you wish to be added put your characters full name in chat.​


Jan 25, 2017
Add Jake ' Delta ' Wolf because if i want to fuck the entire ship i need to know where i stand for you

Mr Fielding

"Shame be to he who thinks evil!"
May 5, 2017
United Kingdom
An update will happen tonight, if you wish for your character to be in it... Put full name in chat. :D


Too Many Years
Staff Blacklisted
Years of Service
Networking Blacklisted
Feb 11, 2017
Damien McCarthy. Bb <3


Sometimes, I dream about cheese
Aug 26, 2017
Add Phil Ackerson
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