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Suggestions for the Hunter class/Potential changes

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John Wick

Aug 9, 2017
So my analysis of the hunter is as follows:

HP: okay for now, could be altered to have just a little more but okay as it is

Shield/Damage absorption: this is A okay, substitute in for the shield


Assault Cannon: we don't have one, but i understand that, to my knowledge there isn't an add-on for these, but if one was found, it'd be nice and lore friendly to have one.

Fuel-Rod-Cannon: an alright supplement for the Assault cannon, but by the time you've fired at something, it will have moved out the way, my experience with this is that it is typically not a very good weapon.

Needler: not lore friendly, but a gun that actually hits, so i can't complain, a little more than 80 rounds would be nice though.

Plasma: it's meh, loads of ammo but nothing special, plus, a hunter probably wouldn't use one

Energy beam: we don't have one, IMO i think one might be needed but i can give or take on this one.

Melee: Oh my god do we need one, we have no melee capabilities when we are an armoured and agressive giant of a thing.

Plasma grenades: why??

Summary: less of the infantry guns, more of the anti-vehicle/HAU guns would be required.

Feedback is welcomed and appreciated :)
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