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UNSC Marine Update

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ONI Director | Spartan E146
Jul 10, 2017
Good Morning Gentlemen

The Staff of Halo RP have heard your words in regards to classes being less then effective, primarily that of our boys in the UNSC. The first draft of the UNSC Marine Update will be submitted shortly to the President and with that we are hoping to provide a more organized rank structure within the UNSC. If this Draft goes threw it will be an increase in positions and responsibilities but we know that our players on Halo RP are eager to step up to the plate and take on the challenge. Also with this potential update most if not all Marine classes will see a few changes in their classes as well as a few gifts. Any opinion on the current changes and future changes of the server are much appreciate and we encourage you to submit them here so that we can do the best we can to create the universe that you want to play in. The Staff here on Halo RP thanks you for your loyalty to the server and we look forward to created and forging new storylines and experiences together.

See you on the Server

Executive Liaison
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