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Vader Staff Application

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G277 CPO Ace
Nov 15, 2019
Steam Name(please add RS, to your steam name): RS_MrDVader77

Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:214961082

In-Game Position/Rank/Name (Most played character): ODST PFC Vader

Are you a Donator on HaloRP?: Negative

If "yes" have you been warned by staff for Abusing your rank, or been removed from Donator Status: N/A

If you have been caught minging, Fail RP or breaking server rules explain here for what you did: N/A

If you are applying for Night Staff please say yes and if you are not please say no: I would take night or day, whichever would help the most
Age (Minimum 15): 25

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Do you have TeamSpeak3(Required)? Yes

TS3 Name: ODST PFC Vader

Do you have Discord(Required)? Yes

Discord name and numbers: Lux Tenebris #1876

Timezone: CST


Any info we should know about you(Something that may effect staffing): None that would effect staffing.

Tell us About Your-self(60+ Words, No Less): My name is Nicklaus, i am 25 years old, a Houston native. I've been a gamer all my life, when I got my first console, the original X Box with bundle Halo CE and NASCAR 2000. Ever since I've been hooked. I have often DM'd for table top games as well, and looking to obtain experience in staffing online and one day DMing an event online. Though I have never done a DM on a gmod server, I look forward to learning from those who have and one day implementing my skills as a writer and story teller to make an enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

How Long Have You Been On The Server?(Min 5 Days): I got my start on revival back in March 2019. Revival was actually my first server I went onto in GMOD, and it's the only one I've stayed active in, hugely due to the community.

Are you a minge or have been caught in acts of mingery?: Never. You can have fun without ruining immersion and game for everyone.


Are you currently staff on another server? If so, which? : No, I am looking to obtain experience and learn.

(Note: If you are staff on another server you will be denied)

Experience with staffing (ULX, other servers, etc.(Please Explain (What Servers etc)):


Have you ever been banned from any Revival servers? If so, why? Never

How will your activity be on the server? I am on daily, typically 2-3 hours, though if events are around and people are active, I've spent an entire day on server before.

Days,Hours Of Availability(If you go inactive, for 1 weeks without LOA or letting someone know anything, you can and will be removed from staff): Sun-Sat, 12:00 pm - 12:00 am. If chosen for night staff, typically the latest I can be on is 2AM cst.


Explain why you're a better candidate than other candidates (75+ words, No Less): I am a better candidate because I am a quick learner, as well as y ability to adapt, improvise, and overcome has lead me to get over issues both in the real world and virtually. When I set my mind to a project or story, the question on my mind is always "Will the reader/viewer/player enjoy this? Does it help with immersion? Does it contribute to world building or fun?" I am a staunch believer that the best events have all these qualities in fair amounts of each. An event where you just lay down a bunch of hunters to blast through might be fun for a few moments, but is it memorable? No. An event that has the players immersed into their roles, whispering in TS because theyre so focused on the flood, or shouting over rounds exchanged between plasma and metal projectile, the events where we get out by the skin of our teeth. Those are the world building, memorable moments I can contribute to.

How do you plan to benefit the server? (60+ words, No Less): Being as active as possible on the server, continuing to spread the word of the server to friends who are both into sci fi and halo RP (as well as a few who are just looking for military RP) but also searching for those people who, like me, got a PC with tax returns and are looking to get the PC experience and found GMOD but arent sure where to start. When I found GMOD, as I said Revival was my first server, and the community is what got me hooked. The building blocks to a great time were already there, and I am pleased to assist in any way that comes my way.

Explain why you stand out from others (50+ words, No Less): I am dedicated, hard working, stern, and most of all fair. I'm not in this application for any "special privileges" or anything like that (if there are any, I am frankly not sure) but because I have a talent for writing, I have a talent for DMing in the table top arena (DND and Pathfinder) and while I know staffing wont put me into a DM position, adn there are DM applications available, I do intend to use the time to learn and adapt to the online setting. I am your pupil. And once I obtain enough knowledge and experience with the idea of staffing online, moving on to applying to DM staff positions.

List (5) Ulx Commands and what they do(List something other than: ban,Kick,Warn,TP,Maul,Slay,Gag,Jail,slay(Explain What They Do.)):
1.!giveammo (steamID) Gives ammo to player
2.!playermodel Changes playermodel
3.!givehealth/HP (SteamID) Gives health to selected player
4.!Armor- gives inputed amount of armor to a player
5.!Mute- mutes the player given to
Explain what minging is: Griefing or ruining immersion in a server

Give one example of how you would deal with minging as staff(Give a situation in detail):
I would operate on a 3 strike basis. First strike- Pulled aside, stern talking to. Second Strike- Put into a cell, talked to, left for a suitable amount of time. Third strike- Put in cell, recommended for a ban, inform a higher up staff member of the behavior and leave the ultimate decision to their discretion.
Explain what FailRP is in detail: When a player goes off track of does an impossible thing in game (E.g. /me Pulls out lightsaber and teleports behind you!* while in a halo server)

Give one example and how you would deal with it As Staff(Give a Situation in Detail): Same as minging, as a fail RP is a little wider than minging, and it could honestly be a mistake or misunderstanding. I would make sure the player knows the rules and conditions in the RP and help them to become not only better at the RP but in a way they can enjoy. If they continue and it is obviously intentional, move to my 3 strike method.


Explain what RDM is in detail: Killing another player without cause or in a suitable area (FFA, Wargame, event in acceptable cases, etc)

Give one example and how you would deal with it As Staff(Give a Situation in Detail): RDM is a serious matter, as it could disrupt an event, DB, or any basic activity on base. I would pull aside the offending player to prevent any further disruptions and based on the circumstance give a suitable punishment


Explain what Trolling is in detail: Trolling is intentionally going out of your way to anger or upset another player. I have seen it, and it is very immature. (EG, an ODST posting in radio chat that SPARTANS are pansys, bought, or players that wouldnt make it without the upped armor)

Give one example and how you would deal with it As Staff(Give a Situation in Detail): No mercy. Isolate the troller. Gag them to prevent further use of coms or any source of trolling. Put them in a cell for an appropriate amount of time. Inform their CoC that their player was behaving like this.


Explain what OOC and IC is(Give a situation in detail):
OOC: Out of Character (Hey man, work was brutal today, thank god Jedi Fallen Order came out)
IC: In Character (*Vader raises his SMG and nods at Troy, as the two prepare to breach*)

What would you do if two people were fighting in OOC matters and it turned into IC matters (Give situation in detail):Any matters OOC are to strictly remain OOC. I would intervene, separate the two, give both a cooldown period in a cell, and inform them that any RDM's as a result of this OOC matter (in the worst case scenario) or any future aggressive acts between the two will be met with appropriate punishment


Do you understand that it is required to listen to and respect ranks higher than you? Yes

Do you agree not to advertise your application to anyone in the community in any way? Yes

Do you agree to treat all players fairly and respectfully? Yes

Do you understand that becoming a staff member means that you will be putting your staff duty in front of your in-game character RP?: Yes

Will you abuse your powers? Never.

(If you say "No" and you Abuse your powers, you will be removed from Staff Permanently and Barred from Re Applying.)


I, ODST PFC Vader, acknowledge that this application is to be filled out with complete honesty. Being accepted will hold me at a higher standard in behavior and demeanor. Not doing my job or abusing will result in an instant demotion.

I, ODST PFC Vader, have acknowledged that I have read the constitution for Revival Servers at http://revivalservers.com/constitution/ and fully understand how to abide by the rules

I,ODST PFC Vader, Swear to uphold the server rules, and enforce them.And to stay within the limits and rights given to me by my assigned rank within Staff.And to keep a calm head and clear judgement when dealing with staff and or players, in order to ensure fairness to all who join the server.

And that if i ODST PFC Vader am found in violation of the rules i swore to uphold, and of this contract that i can and will be removed from Staff and forever barred from Re-Applying, along with any other Consequences that are deemed Necessary.

And that i ODST PFC Vader also will not under any Circumstance for whatever reason Retaliate against a player,Staff or this server, or the Community and any servers within it's domain for my own or someone else's feelings, or revenge.

I ODST PFC Vader Acknowledge that this app may be denied or approved for a number of reasons.And that i will not retaliate if denied, and if accepted i will not flaunt it around in other's faces, that i will remain calm and cool headed.

I ODST PFC Vader swear that if i commit any acts, such as Violating Community Standard's, Or Acts Such as Treason Towards the Server Or Community, I can and will be removed from Staff and Banned From Revival Servers, as it is a Just Punishment for the Crimes committed.

I ODST PFC Vader Swear, my Loyalty and Full attention to the server, and my duties as Staff if Appointed to a Staff Position. For i shall Uphold and Guard The Rules Set-Forth By the Upper-Management, and enforce them as they should. And if i shall fail, in my duties repeatedly, i understand i may be removed and replaced.

Recommended By: ODST QM MSgt Mel


Affairs Supervisor for HaloRP
Jan 25, 2018
+1, is extremely active and mature. Deals with situations very well and is very level headed.


Hopelessly Friendly.
Sep 4, 2018
+1 very nice application. Mature and Well mannered on server. Trustworthy and level headed.


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