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Walruss' GM Application

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Jun 30, 2020
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:102882875

What's your name in game? How long do you have in game?:
Educated Ancilla HFA Arvo - roughly two and a half weeks

Do you have any bans/warns?:

Age (Minimum 15):
I am currently 18

Do you have a microphone?(Required):

Do you have TeamSpeak? If so, what is your TeamSpeak name?
Yes, my TeamSpeak name is Arvo

Do you have Discord? If so, what is your discord name and ID?
Yes, it is Walrus#9941

Are you currently staff on a different server? Are you willing to leave that staff position for the one you are applying for?
I am currently not a staff member on any other server


Experience with staffing (ULX, other servers, etc.):
No current experience with staffing

How active will you be on the server?
I will be active almost daily and for more than a few hours.

Days,Hours Of Availability:
5-6 days a week and 7 hours on average

Explain why you're a better candidate than other candidates (75+ words):
I can bring new ideas and concepts to the table for game events such as new factions, enemies that would linger around for more than just a couple of events. I am able to write missions and campaigns where everyone has a part to play and where missions feel unique. I work better in a team communicating with others to bring these ideas to life for events. I am always open to suggestions and criticisms on my writing and what I should change, as well as that I am very active within the server and partake in many events.

How do you plan to benefit the server? (50+ words):
I plan to benefit the HaloRP server with new fresh ideas for events and campaigns, I also will benefit by assisting people when it comes to training, simulations or assisting other GMs in their events in any way I can. I also plan to benefit the server with my efforts to push for more story oriented events so that the world can feel more alive with main enemy characters that simply don’t go away after an event or easily defeated foes.

List (10) Ulx Commands and what they do(List something other than: cloak,ban,Kick,Warn,TP,Maul,Slay,Gag,):
!adduser - Adds someone to the moderation
!Noclip - lets you go noclip
!who - Shows you somebody’s steam profile
!psay - lets you sends a private message to someone
!send - sends one individual to another person
!Goto - Go to a specified person
!Map - changes the map
!HP - sets the hit points of a person
!spectate - allows you to watch someone
!Mute - stops someone from speaking.

What is In character and what is Out of character?
In character means when someone is in their persona or character, doing an action or saying something.
Out of character means when they are speaking outside of their persona/character and what they do or say in OOC does not affect the RP world.

Are you willing to work with a Game Maker Team?

What is the purpose of a Game Maker?
To create events and operate events in the server to provide a fun experience for the players.

Give us a full event idea you have. ( 3 Paragraphs )
An idea I’ve been toying with for the past few days is a part of a greater campaign but an event nonetheless. This event is named “Blackout” and takes place on the Rishi moon map that we use from time to time.

A UNSC and SOS force is ferried to the operation by the Event Horizon, they departed using only transport ships and landing a short distance out from the outpost.
Outpost is dead quiet and completely dark, pillars of smoke stand tall and rise into the bleak night sky from the base. Major structural damage is observed, especially around the communications array and main building. Combined UNSC and SOS ground forces move in and occupy the confines of the base. A sign of a major gunfight is evident but with no bodies in sight outside the base the only thing found are pieces of shredded clothing, parts of armor that had fallen off, blood stains and bullet casings all around, wrecked UNSC aircraft littered the field with nothing inside, everything and everyone alive seemingly vanished like ghosts.
The power is out, a small detachment has to move to locate the generators and to turn them back on. Evidence of a firefight is seen along the walls and hallways inside the main structure of the base, no bodies are present. Skittering is heard within the vents and weird noises are heard throughout the base.

Once the small team has located the generators, two mangled bodies of UNSC servicemen are laying next to the controls on examination wounds on the bodies are a result of fragmentation and shrapnel grenades, in the back room one singular body lays slumped against the wall he is holding a magnum and a security tablet that is dead but could have power restored to it. The generators themselves have minimal damage, save for a few bullet holes around it. Once power is restored multiple unidentified slip space signals are detected and five frigates come into view in the sky, these frigates begin an assault on the Event Horizon. Unmarked pelicans land outside the outpost, with soldiers storming out of them. These soldiers are clearly not URF and bear no resemblance to them, These men begin assailing the outpost in two waves.

Wave one consists of lightly armored troops storming the area with heavy support
These men will breach through the wall and flood into the outpost, they will attempt to push the UNSC and SOS force back into the main building.
The second wave will be followed by a pelican storm, where pelicans land troops inside of the outpost and on buildings for positioning. During this second wave UNSC transports will come from behind the outpost, one crashing into the outpost itself and the others attempting to make it up to the Event Horizon. From the crashed pelican flood forms start pouring out all over it, swarming the dead and dying on the battlefield to easily infect them, their bodies now transformed they attack everyone insight. More a few more infected pelicans crash into the surrounding area releasing more flood, infection forms drop from the vents inside the base and around the area infection and combat forms come into view.
(This is where part two of the event takes place.)
Large explosions are heard over head as the Event Horizon blows an enemy ship from the sky, another one explodes leaving three to remain.
With communications on a large scale knocked out, the only communication is with local units and the ship above, which is still locked in a battle with the remaining frigates. The force on the ground has to hold out against four waves of flood which increasingly gets larger and closer or they could attempt a break out to the landing zone and evac. If they attempt a break out, massive flood hordes will descend down upon them and around them, including in the landing zone while evac is dispatched. ((Choice of command or the more senior ranking officer))
While in battle, the sound of slip space drives are heard and the three remaining ships retreat back through the slip to where they originated from. Once all forces were evacuated, a large-scale nuclear bombardment will begin, or a glassing of the area. This would conclude the event.

((Inspection of enemy uniforms by players would yield the following information: No URF markings were found but instead a patch with a deep blue crescent above a white castle. On the patch were the words “S-10 Siege breakers”
insignia on the top of the helmet and chest piece of the armor armor would be an fist holding the crescent along with the letters “S.S.G”.underneath the symbol which stands for Special Strike Group))

Did any current Gamemaker refer you to apply? If so, who?
No current GMs referred me to apply.

I <Walruss> Agree and understand that i am not staff, and it is not my job to do staff duties, unless there is 0 staff on i will not use my commands unless needed. I also agree that I will not noclip/abuse my powers.

I, <Walruss>, acknowledge that this application is to be filled out with complete honesty. Being accepted will hold me at a higher standard in behavior and demeanor. Not doing my job or abusing will result in an instant demotion.

I,<Walruss>, Swear to uphold the server rules, and enforce them.And to stay within the limits and rights given to me by my assigned rank within GM's.And to keep a calm head and clear judgement when dealing with staff and or players, in order to ensure fairness to all who join the server.

And that if I <Walruss> am found in violation of the rules I swore to uphold, and of this contract that I can and will be removed from GM's and or staff and forever barred from Re-Applying, along with any other Consequences that are deemed Necessary.
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SGM For HaloRP (GM of the Month)
Jun 16, 2019
Reading over this, I can see that you have the drive to tell an overarching story. You seem more inclined to do gimmick or unique events. We need more GMs of that flavor to prevent things from being too samey. Honestly, based on the doc, you remind me of myself. You have my support.

Lunar Chris

[Moon Lord's Servant]
Jan 5, 2020
Your app seems good, but you should have your Steam ID on your app, not the link to your Steam account. I'm gonna give you a day to fix that and if you do so by then, I'll accept your app. Here's where you can find your ID.

Would make a great addition to the team
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Jun 30, 2020
Hopefully this corrects it, if not please do let me know.
- Walruss/Aatami


Trial Developer
Halo RP
Senior Admin
Jun 29, 2020
+1 Good ideas, and is active.


Dungeon Master
Jun 30, 2020

Looking over this, I wasn't able to notice anything wrong. You cut no corners when it came to filling out the template and even went above in some. Though you don't have much time on the server, you show you know what you're doing and with a bit of time and effort, you'd make a great addition to the team!
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