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[Xain] - Developer Application - [9/17/2019]

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May 16, 2018
[Xain] - Developer Application - [9/17/2019]

Name (Steam Name): Xain

Date of joining Revival: April 28th, 2018

Tell us about yourself: The name everyone knows me as is Xain but I used to be called Smoke when I was staff. I used to play on Revival almost every day and managed to work my way up to RADML (ONI Director) in Halo Rp. I’ve helped out with the server in the past both as a Developer and a staff member. I’ve recently started to take interest in building SCP Rp into something better than what it used to be.

Do you have a microphone? (Please state clarity of this said microphone): I have an X12 turtle beach headset which is clear.

What role are you taking? (Programmer, Server Configurator, Mapper, etc.): Server Configurator

Why do you want to become a developer for Revival? (One Paragraph Min.): I would like to be able to assist the current devs with their work so that it could be done faster. I know that sometimes it could take them a few hours and they don't get to enjoy the server when they are really busy so I would like to change that if possible. Overall I just wish to help with whatever I can.

What will you bring to the development team?: I am an open-minded individual who is willing to learn new things and take any type of criticism on my work to further improve myself as well as assist those in need. As well I’ve worked on Revival servers as a Dev in the past.

Can you show/link us your work? (Required):


name = "Sons of Sanghelios",

categorises = "jobs",

startExpanded = true,

Color = Color(69, 0, 63, 255),

canSee = function(ply) return true end,

sortOrder = 7,



name = "Hearts of Jiralhanae",

categorises = "jobs",

startExpanded = true,

Color = Color(123, 0, 0, 255),

canSee = function(ply) return true end,

sortOrder = 8,



name = "United Nations Space Command",

categorises = "jobs",

startExpanded = true,

Color = Color(0, 120, 5, 255),

canSee = function(ply) return true end,

sortOrder = 4,



TEAM_ONIHEAVY = DarkRP.createJob("ONI Heavy", {

color = Color(0, 51, 0, 255),

model = {"models/ishi/halo_rebirth/player/odst/male/odst_eyecberg.mdl",models/ishi/halo_rebirth/player/odst/female/odst_hank.mdl"},

description = [[ONI personnel who have been equiped with heavy plating]],

weapons = {"jorge_chaingun","halo_frag","tfa_halo2_rocket_launcher_anniversary"},

command = "oniheavy",

max = 4,

salary = 0,

admin = 0,

vote = false,

hasLicense = true,

candemote = false,

-- CustomCheck

medic = false,

chief = false,

mayor = false,

hobo = false,

cook = false,

category = "Office of Naval Intelligence",

PlayerSpawn = function(ply)







TEAM_ONISPECOPS = DarkRP.createJob("ONI Spec-Ops", {

color = Color(0, 51, 0, 255),

model = {"models/ishi/halo_rebirth/player/odst/male/odst_eyecberg.mdl",models/ishi/halo_rebirth/player/odst/female/odst_hank.mdl"},

description = [[ONI personnel who have went through a lot of shit and managed to still survive]],

weapons = {"weapon_camo","halo_frag","h3_odst_socom_tfa","tfa_rebirth_srs99s"},

command = "onispecops",

max = 3,

salary = 0,

admin = 0,

vote = false,

hasLicense = true,

candemote = false,

-- CustomCheck

medic = false,

chief = false,

mayor = false,

hobo = false,

cook = false,

category = "Office of Naval Intelligence",

PlayerSpawn = function(ply)







TEAM_ONIPOLICE = DarkRP.createJob("ONI Police", {

color = Color(0, 51, 0, 255),

model = {"models/ishi/halo_rebirth/player/nmpd/male/nmpd_eyecberg.mdl","models/ishi/halo_rebirth/player/nmpd/female/nmpd_snowy.mdl"},

description = [[ONI personnel that have been chosen to protect the office both internally and externally]],

weapons = {"weapon_cuff_mp","bkeycardscanner_procracker","tfa_halo2_smg_anniversary","weapon_sh_flashbang","weapon_sh_doorcharge"},

command = "onipolice",

max = 0,

salary = 0,

admin = 0,

vote = false,

hasLicense = true,

candemote = false,

-- CustomCheck

medic = false,

chief = false,

mayor = false,

hobo = false,

cook = false,

category = "Office of Naval Intelligence",

PlayerSpawn = function(ply)







TEAM_ONIJANITOR = DarkRP.createJob("ONI Janitor", {

color = Color(0, 51, 0, 255),

model = {"models/humans/bms_worker.mdl"},

description = [[ONI personnel that excel at cleaning]],

weapons = {"csgo_bayonet_bluesteel","hr_swep_magnum"},

command = "onijanitor",

max = 0,

salary = 0,

admin = 0,

vote = false,

hasLicense = true,

candemote = false,

-- CustomCheck

medic = false,

chief = false,

mayor = false,

hobo = false,

cook = false,

category = "Office of Naval Intelligence",

PlayerSpawn = function(ply)







TEAM_ONISCIENTIST = DarkRP.createJob("ONI Scientist", {

color = Color(0, 51, 0, 255),

model = {"models/humans/bms_worker_clean.mdl"},

description = [[ONI scientist who works in the Section 3 lab]],

weapons = {"hr_swep_magnum"},

command = "oniscientist",

max = 8,

salary = 0,

admin = 0,

vote = false,

hasLicense = true,

candemote = false,

-- CustomCheck

medic = false,

chief = false,

mayor = false,

hobo = false,

cook = false,

category = "Office of Naval Intelligence",

PlayerSpawn = function(ply)








if ( SERVER ) then

AddCSLuaFile( "shared.lua" )


if CLIENT then

killicon.Add( SWEP.Folder , "VGUI/hud/" .. SWEP.Folder, color_white )


SWEP.Category = "TFA HaloRP"

SWEP.Author = "Pillar"

SWEP.Contact = ""

SWEP.Purpose = ""

SWEP.Instructions = ""

SWEP.PrintName = "UNSC M395 DMR" -- Weapon name (Shown on HUD)

SWEP.Slot = 2 -- Slot in the weapon selection menu

SWEP.SlotPos = 3 -- Position in the slot

SWEP.DrawAmmo = true -- Should draw the default HL2 ammo counter

SWEP.DrawWeaponInfoBox = false -- Should draw the weapon info box

SWEP.BounceWeaponIcon = false -- Should the weapon icon bounce?

SWEP.DrawCrosshair = true -- set false if you want no crosshair

SWEP.Weight = 30 -- rank relative ot other weapons. bigger is better

SWEP.AutoSwitchTo = true -- Auto switch to if we pick it up

SWEP.AutoSwitchFrom = true -- Auto switch from if you pick up a better weapon

SWEP.HoldType = "ar2" -- how others view you carrying the weapon

SWEP.XHair = true -- Used for returning crosshair after scope. Must be the same as DrawCrosshair

SWEP.BoltAction = false

-- normal melee melee2 fist knife smg ar2 pistol rpg physgun grenade shotgun crossbow slam passive

-- you're mostly going to use ar2, smg, shotgun or pistol. rpg and crossbow make for good sniper rifles

SWEP.ViewModelFOV = 45

SWEP.ViewModelFlip = false

SWEP.ViewModel = "models/weapons/v_spartan_h4_dmr.mdl" -- Weapon view model

SWEP.WorldModel = "models/weapons/w_irifle.mdl" -- Weapon world model

SWEP.ShowWorldModel = false

SWEP.Base = "tfa_gun_base"

SWEP.ViewModelBoneMods = {

["body"] = { scale = Vector(1, 1, 1), pos = Vector(0.4, 0.3, -0.3), angle = Angle(0, 0, 0) }


SWEP.Spawnable = true

SWEP.AdminSpawnable = true

SWEP.Primary.Sound = Sound("h4_fire_dmr") -- script that calls the primary fire sound

SWEP.Primary.RPM = 150 -- This is in Rounds Per Minute

SWEP.Primary.ClipSize = 15 -- Size of a clip

SWEP.Primary.DefaultClip = 60 -- Bullets you start with

SWEP.Primary.KickUp = .3 -- Maximum up recoil (rise)

SWEP.Primary.KickDown = .2 -- Maximum down recoil (skeet)

SWEP.Primary.KickHorizontal = .2 -- Maximum up recoil (stock)

SWEP.Primary.Automatic = false -- Automatic/Semi Auto

SWEP.Primary.Ammo = "ar2" -- pistol, 357, smg1, ar2, buckshot, slam, SniperPenetratedRound, AirboatGun

-- Pistol, buckshot, and slam always ricochet. Use AirboatGun for a light metal peircing shotgun pellets

SWEP.Secondary.ScopeZoom = 7

SWEP.Secondary.UseACOG = false -- Choose one scope type

SWEP.Secondary.UseMilDot = false -- I mean it, only one

SWEP.Secondary.UseSVD = false -- If you choose more than one, your scope will not show up at all

SWEP.Secondary.UseParabolic = false

SWEP.Secondary.UseElcan = false

SWEP.Secondary.UseGreenDuplex = false

SWEP.Secondary.UseAimpoint = false

SWEP.Secondary.UseMatador = false

SWEP.Primary.NumShots = 1 --how many bullets to shoot per trigger pull

SWEP.Primary.Damage = 135 --base damage per bullet

SWEP.Primary.Spread = 0.003 --define from-the-hip accuracy 1 is terrible, .0001 is exact)

SWEP.Primary.IronAccuracy = 0.001 -- ironsight accuracy, should be the same for shotguns

-- enter iron sight info and bone mod info below

SWEP.data = {}

SWEP.data.ironsights = 1

SWEP.ScopeScale = 0.9

SWEP.ReticleScale = 0.6

SWEP.Secondary.ScopeZoom = 4 -- How much you 'zoom' in. Less is more!

SWEP.SelectiveFire = false

SWEP.DisableChambering = true

SWEP.IronSightsPos = Vector(-4.02, -14.638, -0.773)

SWEP.IronSightsAng = Vector(0, 0, 0)

SWEP.RunSightsPos = Vector(2.858, -2.506, -1.905)

SWEP.RunSightsAng = Vector(-7.217, 35.305, -19.129)

SWEP.Primary.SpreadMultiplierMax = 25 --How far the spread can expand when you shoot.

SWEP.Primary.SpreadIncrement = 10 --What percentage of the modifier is added on, per shot.

SWEP.Primary.SpreadRecovery = 15 --How much the spread recovers, per second.

SWEP.VElements = {

["numbers"] = { type = "Quad", bone = "body", rel = "element_name", pos = Vector(0.514, -0.047, 0.197), angle = Angle(0.6, -90.379, -96.957), size = 0.033, draw_func = function(self)

draw.SimpleText(""..self:Clip1(), "DefaultFixed", 0, 0, Color(0,0,0,255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP)


["element_name+"] = { type = "Model", model = "", bone = "body", rel = "", pos = Vector(-11.669, -0.068, 1.74), angle = Angle(-20.153, 115.037, 117.83), size = Vector(0.211, 0.211, 0.211), color = Color(94, 185, 62, 143), surpresslightning = true, material = "models/debug/debugwhite", skin = 0, bodygroup = {} },

["element_name"] = { type = "Model", model = "models/hunter/blocks/cube025x025x025.mdl", bone = "body", rel = "", pos = Vector(-10.757, 0.731, 2.674), angle = Angle(-27.695, 15.317, 33.273), size = Vector(0.046, 0.035, 0.027), color = Color(127, 180, 95, 255), surpresslightning = true, material = "models/debug/debugwhite", skin = 0, bodygroup = {} }


SWEP.WElements = {

["element_name"] = { type = "Model", model = "models/halo4/weapons/dmr.mdl", bone = "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand", rel = "", pos = Vector(6.649, 0.657, 2.697), angle = Angle(-165.607, -178.14, -1.973), size = Vector(0.875, 0.875, 0.875), color = Color(255, 255, 255, 255), surpresslightning = false, material = "models/Halo4/Weapons/DMR1/storm_dmr_diff", skin = 0, bodygroup = {} }


SWEP.Scoped = true

SWEP.Secondary.ScopeTable = {

scopetex = surface and surface.GetTextureID("halo_4_scopes/dmr") or 0,

reticletex = surface and surface.GetTextureID("crosshairs/dmr_h4") or 0,


SWEP.ScopeScale = 0.8

SWEP.ReticleScale = 0.2

SWEP.ScopeOverlayThreshold = 0.35



self.Weapon:EmitSound("weapons/halo 4 dmr/dmr_zoom_in.wav")

self.Weapon:EmitSound("weapons/halo 4 dmr/dmr_zoom_out.wav")


surface.DrawTexturedRect(self.LensTable.x, self.LensTable.y, self.LensTable.w, self.LensTable.h)

self.VElements["numbers"].draw_func = function( weapon )

draw.SimpleText(""..weapon:Clip1(), "DefaultFixed", 0, 0, Color(0,0,0,255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP)


self.Weapon:EmitSound("weapons/halo 4 dmr/DMR shot "..math.random(1,5)..".wav")


Are you active on Teamspeak?: Yes

Do you agree to be active on the Development Trello and Kik chat?: Yes

Do you understand that abuse of your developer powers will result in an instant blacklist and demotion from the Revival Development Team?: I understand and I can assure you I will not abuse my powers.
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