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Lord Zeek
May 14, 2019
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:494869183

Whats your name in game? How long do you have in game?:
Naval Captain Saladin/SoS minor Turg -All in other 2 years +

Do you have any bans/warns?:
Age (Minimum 15):

Do you have a microphone?(Required):

Do you have TeamSpeak? If so what is your TeamSpeak name?
Yes - Naval Captain A. Saladin

Do you have Discord? If so what is your discord name and ID?

Are you currently staff on a different server? Are you willing to leave that staff position for the one you are applying for?
I am not currently holding a staff position on any other server.


Experience with staffing (ULX, other servers, etc.):
I have been an Event Helper many times. I was a member of a staff team on a Police RP server a long time ago. I have also Staffed a DARK RP

How active will you be on the server?
I can be very active. Please find the following specifications and variations to this statement.
5-6PM - 1AM weekdays
Weekends can vary.

Days, Hours Of Availability:
Weekdays 5/6PM - 2AM
Weekends can vary, 8PM-5AM latest

Explain why you're a better candidate than other candidates (75+ words):
Though I do not think it is a competition, I believe that I am deserving of this role. I am a very creative thinker and I love the roleplay aspect that comes with the server. I plan to make all my events have a story, an meaning, a risk. Making it something that you can empathize with, rather than something you can callously trudge through. Doing this will boost the player’s morale and willingness to participate and seriously RP. Therefore engaging the player base more with the events and the story of Halo. I also plan all my events to be in line with Halo lore. I am a good listener and am proactive in developing my ideas.
How do you plan to benefit the server? (50+ words):
I plan to benefit the server in many ways. First, my events will be constant and paced at a good quality all my events will be planned prior to launching them. I hope that I can use the many hours that I have accumulated on this server as a guideline to create good events. Use my past to see what events I liked and disliked. Thus incorporating different aspects in order to create a better and new experience. I believe that my time on the server will be a great benefit to the server as I can share my ideas and my critiques that have developed from my time being here. I also hope to create a new experience for others on the server. As I have been through many events, I’ve thought of my own ideas that I would like to implement. Things that I wanted to see done but never came to fruition. Another large benefit that I plan to bring to this server is making sure that the story truly envelopes everyone. This means having taskings that are specific. Meaning that everyone has a job, a purpose. This means that I will not be lazy with how I distribute work. That everyone job will make sense according to their specialization and skillset. This is the main thing that I hope to bring to the event team.
List (10) Ulx Commands and what they do(List something other than:
!cloak - allows you to make yourself or others invisible.
!noclip - allows you to make yourself or others fly.
!goto - Allows you to teleport to someone.
!bring - Brings someone to you
!ulx map - with the addition of the map and game mode, changes the map on the server.
!ulx spectate - allows you to spectate someone.
!ulx csay - puts a text in the middle of the screen.
!return - returns you to your previous position (before being teleported).
!ragdoll - ragdolls you or a targeted individual.
!armor - allows you to set the armor of an individual (from 0 - 255)
!setmodel - allows you to change your or someone elses model.
What is In character and what is Out of character?
IC - stands for In character this is you RPing as your character and performing actions, such as VC, /ME,/RADIO [RP]
OOC - Out of character this is used when you want to talk or do an action while not RPing as your Character people use local OOC .// or Global /OOC to talk via OOC
Are you willing to work with a Game Maker Team?
Yes, I look forward to working with the team.

What is the purpose of a Game Maker?
To build upon halo lore and develop a story for the player base to partake in and have fun!

Give us a full event idea you have. ( 3 Paragraphs )

The UNSC resurrection force has been tasked with orders from the UEG to investigate a local mining ship contracted by the UNSC for supplies, which has gone dark and not responding to comms. The ship will be named the “A7-Titan” Its location is tracked to a planet called “Aegis-7” were it was mining for metals, During the briefing, I will Explain how the UEG despatched a security team on the ship that is the only reason why we know of the CODE RED given, I will then play a Voice Clip over OOC to of the Security teams the last message. End of DB.
Marines - SOS, Army, Marines, will work as a team and sweep the ship to find the security team, and find any external information to find out what happened. Also engaging any threats
SoS ^
Army ^
Foreunner N/A Feel free to help who they want
Freelancer ^
ONI: ONI will be tasked along with Freelancers and Spartans. It will be their job to secure the terminals and extract information from them. They will also be tasked to clear the bridge and attempt to piece together what happened.
Spartans ^
Naval SF will be transporting people around to the Ship and back, Naval ground /ODSTS units will be heading the to the ENG room to focus on repairs of the ENG and the ship also looking for system diagnostics.

ODSTS will be tasked with Naval Ground forces

A7 Titan Ship - Many terminals are written by me will be hidden and lying around, to finish the event and piece them together to find out what happened, also GM helpers will be RPing as “Crazy surviving crew” they will be repeating the words “They are hungry they are coming” or spewing crazy lines to show there state. There will be 6 terminals from each POV of the crew The security, the bridge, the workers, the ENG room, Bunks, Medical team/room. working on the ship. All tapes will have a lead in the story. After the Third tape has been found, FLOOD/HL2 Zombie NPCs will start to be spawned, infecting the crew and the UNSC forces. The more tapes found the harder the flood spawn will be and the harder it will be for the UNSC forces to survive the onslaught, also a damaged AI will be found in the bridge this is also vital to uncover the truth.

Once all tapes are found the story will be uncovered for all to here, this event will lead to a storyline of more events to come. The UNSC forces will have new tasking, hack into the bridge and overload the ENG and blow up the ship, stopping the infection.

.// The infection will be a URF made form, that a new group of URF terrorists are using in a later event the UNSC forces will come face to face with the URF targets.

Did any current Gamemaker refer you to apply? If so who?
Director of GMs Skylar.

I <Zeek> Agree and understand that i am not staff, and it is not my job to do staff duties, unless there is 0 staff on I will not use my commands unless needed. I also agree that I will not noclip/abuse my powers.

I, <Zeek>, acknowledge that this application is to be filled out with complete honesty. Being accepted will hold me at a higher standard in behavior and demeanor. Not doing my job or abusing will result in an instant demotion.

I,<Zeek>, Swear to uphold the server rules, and enforce them.And to stay within the limits and rights given to me by my assigned rank within GM's.And to keep a calm head and clear judgement when dealing with staff and or players, in order to ensure fairness to all who join the server.

And that if I <Zeek> am found in violation of the rules i swore to uphold, and of this contract that i can and will be removed from GM's and or staff and forever barred from Re-Applying, along with any other Consequences that are deemed necessary.

[Slurp Slorp]

Apr 13, 2020

Not only is Saladin one of the best damn members of this server, but he's one of the most creative ones too. I'd be glad to have him on the team. Besides, horror events aren't done that often, and that one looks fucking amazing.

-GM Matchbook


Jul 11, 2019
+1 Sick event idea. and an overall good and creative person.

- Chandler


Section Yuh-Nuh
Head Admin
May 27, 2019
+1 he give me ship to go boom boom- very creative and respects RP his events will be grand


Your dad
Halo RP
Aug 5, 2019
Accepted for interview!
Contact a SGM+ for interview : )
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